Anirudh to get arrested?
Policemen and Kasturi are shocked to see Anirudh's sign in it.
Kasturi: No, this cannot be his sign.😰
Police: Then who's it is?🤨
Kasturi: Barrister Babu will not allow these kind of activities...😰
Police: Whatever let him answer in court!😤
Kasturi worries...😨
~In Das Haveli~
Bondita enters the Haveli after giving food to Chandrachur.
Anirudh asks where she was. She replied that she went to meet Kasturi.
Anirudh believes her.
Bondita in confusion goes to Somnath's room.
Somnath: Bondita?🧐
Bondita: I want you ask you something...😐
Somnath: Hn ask me.🙄
Bondita: Will a man get furious often if he is confused?😐
Somnath thinks..🤔
Bondita: Tell me.😐
Somnath: Hn, yes. Psycology says when a man is in confusion it will make him anger. That anger will be burst out when their loved ones are against them.🙂
Bondita thinks of Anirudh.😐
Somnath: You are thinking of Anirudh da na? Yes, I have noticed him getting furious unwantedly since 3 days. You don't worry Bondita. Try to find his confusion, take him out of it.😔
Bondita: For that what should I do?😐
Somnath: Mmmm🤔.. A man will expose something when he is in extreme emotion may it anger or sad or happiness. But sadness will give more appropriate truths... When a man is in worries he will expose everything in his mind. This is psycology.🙂
Bondita thinks...
Somnath: Anyother questions, Bondita?🙄
Bondita: No, thank you!🙂
Somnath nods...
Bondita moves from there thinking of how to make him emotion
She thinks: His anger will make me to suffer😐. So I can't make him anger. There is no chance now to make him happy... Then how will I make him emotional?🥺 But too over come his confusions I should make something. Yes, I will relieve him from his confusions... His confusions is my relationship only, "whether it is zimmedari or love" and hn, I know our relationship is not due to zimmedari but of love. I will make him to understand it. I will go to any extent to make him realise his love for Bondita!🥺🥺
Bondita goes to tapur's room.
Tapur: Didi, why your face is like broken Roshogulle?🙄
Bondita: I am thinking of how to make Sakha Babu emotional...🥺
Tapur: What?😳
Bondita: Hn, I want him to realise his love for me. He is in confusion I should relieve him.😐
Tapur: So?🙄
Bondita: Now only somanath ji said about this anger. If I make him emotional then he will choose only one thing from his confusions...😐
Tapur: I can't understand didi.🙄
Bondita: You will see it soon... I will plan something for it.🥺
Meanwhile policers enters Das Haveli
Police: Anirudh! Anirudh! Where are you?😤
Everyone arrives there hearing policers voice.
Thaku ma: What you want?😨
Police: Where is Anirudh Roy Chaudhary?🤨
Bondita: Why are you asking him?😨
Police: He is under arrest.😤
Everyone is shocked.
Bondita: What??😰
Anirudh arrives there.
Policemen went near to him arrest him.
Trilochan: Wait! For what reason you are arresting him?🤨
Police: Look at this, he gave permission to raw alcohol buisness inspite of court's order.😤
Anirudh is shocked...😨😨
Bondita: No, he didn't!😨
Police: Look these files... Isn't this Anirudh's sign?🤨
Bondita is shocked to see it... 😨
Manorama and Tupur is overjoyed!😏😏
Anirudh: I didn't signed any papers!😳
Police: Then who did this? 🤨
Anirudh thinks...
Trilochan: My son can't do this. Infact he was the one who fought against raw alcohol shops. How could he give permission?😡
Police: Then do you think this sign is fake? 😡
Trilochan is speech less...
Bondita thinks: How could this happen? Who did this?😳😳
She thinks deeply and found Manorama might have done it!
Bondita thinks: Hey Durga ma, I was the one who made him sign... Manorama didi might tricked me... Now what will I do? 🥺😨
Police: You are Barrister hn na? You know very well what punishment will be given for this... 🤨
Anirudh thinks but he is confused...
He thinks of Bondita getting his signs...
Bondita worries... 🥺🥺
Police: You are under arrest! Whatever you want to speak come to station and speak!😤
He goes near him.
Trilochan: How dare you arrest a Roy Chaudhary? 😡
Police: How dare you to stop an angrezi officer? 🤨
Thaku ma: Heyyy! 😡😡
Police stares at her..
Anirudh: Thaku ma, no! I will go to police station. I signed these papers...🤐
Everyone is shocked...
Trilochan: What are you saying Anirudh?😨
Anirudh: I don't know Kaka, but it is my sign only🤐
He looks Bondita... Bondita worries...
Bondita: Stop!🤐 Don't arrest him... I am the accused... I made him to sign in these papers...🤐🤐
Thaku ma: Whaat? 😨
Anirudh: What are you saying?😨
Bondita: Hn, I tricked you Sakha Babu. 🤐 Actually a man gave me some money and asked me to get your sign... That's why I did... I mixed these fake with Manorama didi's files and got your sign illegally... 😐😐
Anirudh is astound...😨😨
Anirudh: You are lying... You cannot do this Bondita! Tell me the truth... How did this happened?😰
Manorama looks at them silently.
Bondita: Hn Sakha Babu, I did this.😐
Anirudh can't believe her....
Bondita: Police sir, arrest me.😐
Anirudh: No, that sign was given by me. I should get arrested. Sir, arrest me.☺️
Bondita: No, I did this. Purposefully... 😐
Anirudh: Why did you done like this Bondita? I believed you... I signed those papers without checking just because of the hope I had on you.... But you?? Why? Why did you broke my trust?🥺🥺
Bondita turns backside and cries... 😐😐
Anirudh: Look at me Bondita, why did you done this?🥺
Bondita didn't turned...
Anirudh worries... In anger he hurts himself by hitting the lamp... His hands bleed...
Bondita cries silently...
Pyar choot raha hain mera... Plays
What will happen next? Will Anirudh come out of his confusion and realise his relationship? What is Bondita's plan?
To know these things just stay tuned!❤️
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