After a little rest, Jason forced Five up so he could stitch up his arm and attend to his injuries.
"Stop being a baby, I once saw you getting shot in the stomach and you didn't even notice."
"That's because it was paintball, Ow! be gentle with me-"
"Paintball or not, stop being a baby. Also, I know you're not a virgin so there is no need to be gentle-"
"Stop being an asshole- Oww! you're doing it on purpose!"
"Don't annoy the person stitching you up, and there," Jason finished and then covered the stitches with a Hello Kitty bandaid he had from earlier, "All done!"
Five inspected his arm and sighed, "Thanks, let me fix you now."
Jason puffed his chest and waved him off, "Me? injured? pfff- Ow!"
Five looked smug and then pointed at Jason's shoulder, "You sure that's not dislocated?"
"Yeah, it's- it's cool."
Five sighed and grabbed his chin, forcing Jason to look him in the eye, "Tell me, you did not just sleep on that shoulder, and stitched me up, knowing it was dislocated."
"I won't tell you."
Five released his chin only to cup his cheeks, "Jay, honey, I love you, but you're an idiot."
Jason's grin could rival the brightness of the sun, "I love you too."
Five sighed and then forced Jason to sit down on his bed and fixed his shoulder.
"Don't be a baby Jason, I've seen you stubbing your toe and not crying, That's maybe because you're a psychopath."
Jason ignored him and continued his winning. Five rolled his eyes and left his stupider half to be dramatic. He changed his shirt and looked at Jason to help him with his tie, which he did with a smirk. They picked up the bag that had Dolores in --ignoring her furious cries-- and then they decided to sneak out the window like the rebellious old men they were.
Surprisingly --not-- they found Klaus in the dumpster, looking through trash and talking out loud.
"Shut up!" Klaus shouted and threw a trash bag away like he was going to get a price for the furthest trashbag throw.
"Is he okay?" Jason asked Five as they walked down the fire escape.
"He's probably talking to a ghost."
Jason made an 'oh' face and looked at Klaus over the railings before he climbed the stairs behind Five.
(he may or may not have looked up, but it was to make sure Five wouldn't fall!)
"I'd ask what you're up to but it occurred to me... I don't care."
"Hey, you know there are easier out of the house, buddy."
"This one involved the least amount of talking. or so I thought," Five then started to walk, and Jason followed him but not before saying hi to Klaus.
"Hi, Klaus!" Jason waved and got a grin and a wave back.
"Hey, Jay!"
Five glared at Klaus.
"Hey, hey, hey! So, do you need any more company today?" Klaus said and leaned against the side of the dumpster, "I could, umm, clear my schedule."
"Looks like you got your hands full," Five said and looked at the dumpster.
"Oh, this, no, no. I can do this whenever, just-" He stumbled before falling, thankfully, inside the dumpster.
Unfortunately, he fell inside the dumpster.
Jason grimaced thinking about the stink that was going to be stuck on Klaus for the foreseeable future.
"- I just misplaced something-"
Jason looked at Five and mouthed, 'Is he okay?'
Five shrugged before looking back at the dumpster.
"Oh! found it! thank god!" Klaus said before he reappeared with a bagel in his hand, and to everyone's horror, he took a bite.
"Klaus, buddy, we need to talk-" Jason said before closing his mouth. He was so close to vomiting it wasn't even funny.
"Five, make him stop."
Five placed a hand between Jason's shoulder blades and lead him away, "I'm done funding your drug habit."
"Come on, Maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother and his cool virginity taker!"
Jason snorted and then heard Klaus softly say, "No, not you."
"Mi Hermano! Perro! I love you!"
Jason turned back and walked backward, "We love you to Klaus!"
"Even if you can't love yourself and you need Perro over there to love you!"
Jason made a heart with his hands and he saw Klaus making one back to him before he got in the car Five had.
"I love your brother."
"Shut up."
They drove around for a little while, before Five parked in front of a building and started staring at it.
The problem with Five staring at the building was that he was now ignoring Jason, and Jason was like a plant, he needed attention.
"Five, why are we stalking Grey?"
"Whatever, why are we stalking him?"
Jason groaned and started looking around the car, a plumping car to be exact.
"Shit," Jason said before he turned back and opened the zip of the bag Five had been carrying.
Dolores stared at him unimpressed and angry.
"Dolores! Hi?" Jason tried to soften up the fires in Dolores' eyes but that just made her angrier.
"Oh god," Five said, and then Dolores started shouting at them.
"Calm down! No, We're not drunk! He's working, I'm goofing."
Dolores was now sitting between them.
Five looked at her sharply, "Yes, it's about the eye thing. This is the place it was made, or will be made."
Dolores still looked unimpressed.
She thought they were idiots, but whatever, she wasn't going to help them when they left her for so long.
Five glared at her while Jason laughed, "I'm-- We're sorry Dolores, but we couldn't take you with us! it was--"
Dolores glared at Jason and dared him to say it was too dangerous for her.
Jason faltered, "Yeah okay, But blame Five!"
Five sighed and ignored them.
"Yeah, he's been ignoring me all day, It's really insulting."
"No Dolores, we can't stop for ice-creams. We don't even know if there is an ice-cream shop around here."
"Five, can we-"
"Dolores, you talk to him!"
"...It's still a no. No, I don't care. Stop bothering me."
Five had 10 seconds of silence-
"Do you think this is a good enough reason for me to break up with him?"
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while."
"Mhm, He's so-"
He was cut off by his door opening and he handled that very manly, meaning he screamed loudly.
Luther's stupid face stared at him startled.
"Do you not know how to knock!" Jason shouted at him and placed a hand on his beating heart, "I almost had a heart attack!"
"Who are you?" Luther's stupid accent asked.
"No, who the fuck are you? opening my door like some big idiot caveman!"
Luther's idiot scared face looked at Five, silently begging him to save him from the angry, tiny boy. But Five was anger at Luther, he wasn't going to save him.
Luther tried getting in the car, forcing Jason to scoot over so he was nearly in Five's lap.
"Who's this ?" Luther nodded at Jason, but his eyes were on Five.
"I'm Nunya Bisnes," Jason huffed and then fully sitten himself on FIve's lap and glared at Luther when Five sneaked a hand around his waist.
"You shouldn't be here," Five said and tugged Jason closer to him, "How did you find me?"
Luther pointed at the backseat and when they turned around they found Klaus and Dolores dancing.
"Klaus!" Jason grinned and Klaus grinned back at him, but he didn't stop his humming.
How the hell had he gotten in the car, taken Dolores, started humming and dancing without two dangerous assassins noticing.
"Hey, a little privacy guys, we're really hitting it off back here- Ow!"
Five threw something at Klaus with his free hand, "Get out! You can't be here! We're in the middle of something."
"Yeah, Dolores is Plasticsexual! It wouldn't work!"
"Any luck finding your one-eyed man?" Klaus moved closer so he was between the front seats.
"What are you talking about ?"Luther asked and ignored Five's little glare.
"We stole this dude's eye in a strip club, and now we're looking for him to take the other one as well. my collection is lacking."
Luther looked horrified before looking at Five, begging his brother with his eyes to deny what he just heard.
"What do you want Luther?"
"So, Grace might have had something to do with dad's death. So I need you to come back at the academy, It's important."
"Huh, It's important," The hand on Jason's waist tightened, showing how Five was to losing his cool, "You have no concept of what's important."
"Hey, did I ever told you about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" Klaus started laughing and Five grimaced, "It was so painful."
"What are you still doing here?" Luther asked making Klaus's smile o falter.
"Ah- what? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?"
"We are trying to have a serious conversation," Luther said softly.
"What? I- I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're trying to say?"
"I think Luther's got a point," Five agreed with Luther making Klaus look at him betrayed, "Get out."
Jason wished he had some popcorn.
Klaus sighed before opening the door to leave.
"Wait," Jason said and wiggled on Five's lap before he had changed position and could climb into the back, "I'm coming with you."
"Don't-" Five tried to stop him but all he got was the door forcefully being closed.
"We're going to have so much without those losers!"
"You should dump him, he's boring!"
"I was just saying that!"
They got out of Five's hearing zone but he could see they were still talking, waving their hands around and making faces and laughing.
The steering wheel was inviting his head, tempting him to slam his head against it, but Five's resistance was much better-
"So," Luther started and shifted in his seat, "Who's this Nunya?"
Five slammed his head against the steering wheel.
Thanks for the 10k read! UwU
I apologize if you find any 'Alex' here instead of 'Jason'.
Have a fun chapter after the disastrous chapter on invisible.
Love ya!
Stay safe! ❤️
Meme of the chapter:
I was searching for the gif and what comes up?
It's from invisible lol
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