Chapter 6: Job Interview
"I don't like this guys. How is this a lesson?" Anya questioned a blind fold covering her eyes, she was disorientated, she felt vulnerable.
"It's for you to learn to use your hearing and sense of smell other than your sight" Smith explained and Anya sighed and shook her head, "Not exactly what I was expecting, when you said we were playing hide and seek".
The three Hat lads chuckled looking at their blindfolded friend as she stood in a level area of the woods.
"Okay Anya, we're going to hide and you need to find us, we'll stay with two legs to make it easier" Ross instructed and Anya nodded, well she had no other choice in the matter.
"Count to 10 then come find us" Trott chuckled before the three took off.
"I'm not five!" Anya shouted before she began to count in her head but rolled her eyes under the piece of fabric that hindered her vision, "This is ridiculous", she muttered.
"Ready or not here I come" she said before face palming as she called out the childish rhyme.
The quicker she found them the quicker it would be over with, and after all she had a job interview to attend to.
So talking a deep breath Anya threw aside the thoughts of the playground game and concentrated.
The forest was full of smells, like bark, moss and wet earth, and full of noises, like the birds chirping, the wind blowing and the distant chuckle of laughter.
Honing in on specific spells she tried to focus on the smells of the three lads. She surprisingly picked up on one of their individual smells quickly and slowly began to walk in the direction of the smell of Kinder chocolate, definitely Ross.
Smith and Trott chuckled from behind the trees they had chosen to hide behind, it was up wind from Anya so they knew it would be hard for her to pick them up.
They watched Anya slowly but surly make her way toward Ross' hiding place, they suspected she would catch his scent first, he was beginning to make a habit of making it a bit easier for Anya than needed.
Anya had her head tilted upwards following the scent she had obviously picked up on. "So much for mutts being slow to learn" Trott whispered, Smith nodded "I know, she's a quick learner, so why don't we have a little fun".
"My thoughts exactly" Trott replied with a grin as the two ran off, shifting into their wolf forms as they ran.
Anya continued to follow the smell of chocolate, stumbling over a few branches as she went, the lack of sight not helping her already clumsy nature.
"Ross I know your there" she called out but didn't receive a reply, "Oh come on! I've found you fair and square! Your behind the tree on my left, beside a batch of wild lavender" She tried again and this time she earned a reply, "Okay okay, you found me!" Ross' voice called out and Anya jumped as he tapped her shoulder.
"Sorry" he apologised remembering her lack of vision.
"One down, two to go" Anya commented but as she turned to try to find the next sir she was met by the noise of paws on the forest floor, a sound she wouldn't forget in a hurry.
Her new instincts kicking in, Anya dove to the side, avoiding the oncoming threat, and just in time, the warmth of fur brushing against her cheek.
Quickly regaining a defensive posture Anya let a growl rise in her throat, warning off a potential second attack, she could hear the two wolves pant and smell their earthy scent.
"I think she passed, even with the additional trial" Ross chuckled taking off Anya's blindfold.
Anya blinked, allowing her eyes to focus, "You little buggers!" She swore looking at the two wolves that stood beside Ross.
"Not fair! You said human form only!" Anya argued. Trott and Smith looked across at each other and gave the equivalent of a wolf shrug and laugh.
Anya shook her head, "Your unbelievable".
Ross gave Smith a shove, making the wolf stumble on his paws, "That was unfair, and I swear it had nothing to do with me" Ross said and Smith huffed before stalking off, followed closely by Trott.
Ross sighed and turned back to Anya, "Let's get you back to the office, I'm sure Hannah will have a spare jumper, you can't exactly go to an interview in that".
Confused by Ross' accusation, Anya looked down to see her hoodie was covered in dirt from her dive to avoid Trott's pounce, "Oh yea, but I swear I'll get them back".
Ross laughed "I'm sure you will, but maybe wait until it's an even match".
Back at the office, Anya stood quietly outside a smaller office, it was the chosen room for her interview and she was terrified.
Clutching the strap of her camera bag she took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.
As requested she had brought a selection of photos of people she had take , so she had collected some photos from a festival she had photographed a few months ago. Hopefully they would be the this 'Turps' standard.
The door opened, making Anya jump. Her heart in her throat she looked up into the friendly blue eyes of Mark Turpin, CEO of the Yogscast company.
"Ahh you much be Anya Atkinson, I'm Mark Turpin but just call me Turps" he welcomed shaking Anya's hand, then led her into the small room.
"I hope you don't mind, but this interview won't just be with me, but it's just a casual non formal interview so don't worry " Turps said and Anya looked up to see three other people in the room.
"This is Tom Clark, he's one of our camera team and then Simon and Lewis, who are the co-creators of the Yogscast" Turps introduced and Anya swallowed the lump in her throat, the staring dark eyes of Lewis watching her, they radiating hatred and distrust towards her.
Simon on the other hand welcomed her with a bright smile, giving her a light nod to give her a boost in her confidence.
Turps sat down in the empty seat and Anya sat opposite the four, "Okay let's begin".
The interview went without a hitch and Anya was asked to wait outside as the four made their decision.
"Well I like her" Simon said as soon as the door clicked shut.
Turps nodded and looked at Tom, "What's your thoughts Tom? She's going to be working with you mostly if she gets the job".
Tom studied the photos and smiled, "She has potential and she knew the terminology when I referred to it, I think she would be a great addition to the team".
Simon grinned from ear to ear, but his cheery moment was cut short as Lewis talked up, "I don't like her".
Even Turps and Tom looked at Lewis like he had gone insane; the alpha sitting with this arms crossed.
"Your kidding right?" Turps questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Why would I kid, she looks like trouble" Lewis replied but his option on Anya fell through, he had no real reason to dislike Anya other than her being a mutt; but with Turps and Tom being human it just looked like Lewis was being a grumpy sod towards this friendly and talented lass.
"Well I like her, so that's three against one, so she gets the job" Turps decided and Simon literally jumped from his seat.
"I'll tell her!" The 'dwarf' said in glee leaving Lewis sulking.
Anya sat outside the room, head in her hands, camera on her lap. She had never been so nervous in her life. Then again she had never wanted a job so much before, this job was a huge opportunity and would allow her to stay with her new friends and continue her lessons. She still had a lot to learn about her new lifestyle.
Thinking about how much she wanted this chance she nearly jumped out her skin when Simon practically ran out the interview room, "YOUR IN!" He shouted and Anya jumped to her feet and into the waiting arms of Simon.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said her mood lifted.
A new life had truly began!
<><Authors Note><>
A rather full chapter!
Hope you are still enjoying!!
The support is amazing and reading the comments gives me such a boost to continue
~Leigh xx
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