Chapter 3: The Change
"She's their property Hannah! We can't just take her"
"She was bitten on our territory Lewis, and what I was meant to do? Leave her to die?"
"Forget it! She's your responsibility! If for some miracle she makes it through the change, fine! But if she threatens the pack in anyway she gone! And I'll see it that she never returns!"
A slamming door showed the finality of the conversation, the alpha of the pack stomping off, his anger high, no one in their right mind would go near him during these times.
Hannah hated when she would fight with Lewis, even through he was a kind and fair leader, he was so god damn stubborn.
Cursing under her breath the blond's attention was drawn back to the female they had found in the woods. Once they had brought her back to the office they had put her in the larger Hat Films office, resting her on the grey sofa.
She tossed and turned, her muscles tensed, her body fighting the change. She was still fighting, but for how long? She needed to let it happen, it couldn't be fought.
Breaking her attention from the female, Hannah looked up at the door where Alex Smith stood, a healing cut on his cheek from the earlier fight, luckily it would be gone in no time, good old fast healing wolves.
"Hey Smith" Hannah said with a sigh, kneeling down, she stroked the wounded female's head.
"It must be unbearable what she's going through" Smith said closing the office door behind him.
"I wouldn't know, the pack is made of pure bloods, that's why Lewis is so unhappy. He says mutts are dangerous", Hannah replied shaking her head, anger rising again as she thought of Lewis' outburst.
Smith, sensing Hannah's anger, knelt down behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "I heard everything, we all did, there is only so much these walls can block out".
Hannah exhaled deeply, "Why would they come into our territory and bite an innocent walker? They had no reason to? It just makes no sense!"
"God knows... Do you think she will make it?" Smith replied and Hannah shook her head, "I don't know... She's doing better than I have seen others cope... Only time will tell".
Smith nodded and stood up, "We can work shifts to watch her, however Lewis has bumped up the patrols, he's concerned that the rival wolves will return".
"I'll sort Lewis out don't you worry, and it looks like the non-wolves are getting an extended holiday".
Burning, searing pain was all Anya could feel. How long had it been? Hours? Days? She couldn't tell.
As the time dragged on, slowly her senses began to return.
Firstly it was her hearing, she listened as people came and went, many would sit in silence, while others would hum or sing to themselves.
The smallest sound had become audible, from the wind outside, to a pen being dropped. It gave her a small comfort as the pain continued.
Next came her sense of smell but it was so much more vivid than ever. It was like the world was made of smell and noise. Each person that came into the room had a unique smell, some masked by perfume or aftershave, but each had a natural smell, it's was a strange sensation to see the goings on of the room via smell.
Slowly the pain subsided after what felt like forever. Still with no idea of her location, or the meaning of these heightened senses, Anya slowly opened her eyes, no longer was she blind, no longer was she as helpless as a newborn pup.
Snapping up on the sofa she lay on, her heart raced. Adrenaline pumping through her veins she looked into the wide eyes of a small blond man, his blue eyes showing uncertainty as Anya looked around frantically.
Every noise, every smell, every sight!
The detail so precise, why? What was going on? What happened?
"Umm... Your alright, just take it easy" The blond man spoke reaching his hand in Anya's position, a light green band around his wrist.
The coloured bands... The wolves... The bite... It slowly came back and Anya jumped to her feet startling the man.
"Take it easy!" Martyn said trying to calm down the girl but she was full of fright, honestly he hadn't expected her to wake, but now she up on her feet and panicking.
"Hannah!" Martyn called which he immediately regretted as the girl took off out the door as Hannah opened it.
"Martyn!" Hannah shouted looking at the blond lad, "You should have stopped her!"
"What? Sorry should I have tackled her to the floor! Yea cause that would have helped!", Martyn replied shaking his head.
Hannah groaned and shouted for Smith and Duncan, "Better catch her before she hurts herself", even through she said it with an annoyed tone Hannah couldn't help the smile on her face. This mysterious girl had made it through the change.
Anya legged it out the office block that she had woken up in. How had she gotten there?
The last thing she remembered was passing out in the meadow as the two wolves ran at her. What was going on?
Panicking she ran into the woods round the back of the office building, panting she stopped to catch her breath, tears streaming down her face, she was scared and confused and a burning pain had begun to rise.
"Leave me ALONE!" she shouted not looking behind her, but due to her newly enhanced hearing she could tell that four people had followed her into the wooded area.
"We're here to help" a female voice said softly gaining Anya's attention. Slowly she turned around to see three men and a woman. They looked familiar?
The female in the group stepped forward but Anya withdrew, stumbling backwards as she did so. The woman held her hands up to show she was no threat but to Anya she was in a very vulnerable position, the three males watching her every move.
The burning pain persisting Anya yelped and female held out her hand as Anya fell.
"What's going on?" Anya said through her tears looking up at the woman for guidance and answers. Sighing the woman helped Anya to her feet, "We have a lot to talk about, please come back to the office, we mean you no harm".
Nodding Anya was helped back to the office, she needed answers.
Staring in disbelief at the woman, who she had found out to be called Hannah, Anya didn't know how to react. Her life was literally being thrown into myth and legend.
"I know this is a lot to take in Anya", Hannah said softly placing her hand on Anya's quaking shoulder.
"Alot to take in, I have not just been told that werewolves exist but that I am one!" she replied, her head in her hands.
"Well technically your not a werewolf yet, your first change hasn't happened yet, it's still to come, that's when you will gain your wolf title and be fully accepted into a pack" Hannah said trying to reassure Anya but it didn't help in the slightest, it just made her curse under her breath.
"Is that meant to make me feel better? Because turning into a wolf doesn't partially make me feel at ease" Anya moaned.
Hannah shook her hand and sighed, "Anya, I will be here every step of the way, just for now stay away from Lewis".
"Lewis?" Anya questioned. Hannah nodded, "He's the alpha of the pack, and let's just say that he wasn't to happy about your arrival".
"Oh..." Anya acknowledged, feeling unwanted. "Don't worry Anya, while you are here I promise that you will be safe and I'm sure other members of the pack will look out for you. A lot of them are excited to possibly have another female in the pack, we currently only have myself, Kim and Kaeyi. A fresh face will do the whole pack some good" Hannah smiled looking at the potential new member but currently her fate was undecided... Would the rival pack come back for her?
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~Leigh xxx
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