Chapter 20: A Friend
"Ugh! What the hell?" Anya's groaned as she woke in a metal kennel, an IV drip line taped to her forepaw, a red bandage covering it. She lay of a soft blanket that had a warm heat pad underneath, then another blanket over her to add to the warmth.
Lifting her head, Anya winced as she felt the injuries she has sustained when the car hit her, but it looked like she was been dealt with by a local veterinary practice.
"Hey sweetie, you awake?" A Nurse appeared at the kennel door, she wore the distinctive green veterinary scrubs with the RCPCA logo on the chest.
She looked kind but Anya shifted uncomfortably due to the fact that she was getting treatment as a dog and not a person.
"Your a pretty girl, but seems your unlucky, you have a lot past injures" she said opening the kennel door before kneeling down on the ground to check the IV line and Anya's injuries that had been stitched up and bandaged.
"You must belong to someone" the nurse said tying Anya's green band back onto her paw. Whimpering Anya thought of Smith, would he ever find her now that she was inevitably going to go to some form of kennel.
"It's alright girl, we will find your owners, however the vets are rather confused by your breed" she said stroking Anya head.
"Shit, please think I'm a husky, please think I'm a husky" Anya muttered to herself as the nurse left, "They thought you were a wolf, a wolf in Britain, seems their just exhausted".
Once the nurse was out of the room Anya tried to get to her feet but fell back down, "God damn it! I get home but now I'm stuck in a fucking vets!" she swore in her mind, but with no pack link she was basically just talking to herself.
She honestly pondered about shifting back to her human form, then she realised that there were cameras in the room, yea not a good idea.
Guess she would have to wait it out.
"Come here Shadow, come here girl" the nurse called trying to cox Anya across the tiled floor.
It had been five days since she had been freed from Parker, but also five days since she had been hit by the car. Which, she had found out had broken four ribs, not to mention the countless bruises.
"Shadow... So original" Anya sighed, disapproving of the name she had been given.
"Good girl! Your getting stronger!" The nurse, who Anya had learnt to be called Gillian, said in encouragement.
Shaking her head Anya groaned as Gillian stroked her, "Now I know how pet dogs felt like when their owners talk to them like babies, I feel ridiculous".
Several times during the five days Anya had tried to make her break for freedom, but there was something always holding her back, mainly her injuries or a lead; a lead!
It was getting to the stage where Anya was fearing that she would be stuck as a wolf, forever.
"Come on Shadow, your healing nicely so let's get you to the proper kennels, and we can get looking for your owner or even a new family" Gillian said with enthusiasm but Anya just groaned, "Great another barred cage that I can't get out of".
Gillian lead Anya through to the main boarding kennels, which included hundreds of walk in kennels, each with it's own occupant.
Many of the dogs barked at Anya as she walked past, but she ignored their constant yapping.
"Here you go girl" Gillian said leading Anya into a free kennel then took off the slip lead that had been placed around Anya's neck.
Shaking herself from the captive device, Anya looked around, it was a lot more spacious than the surgery kennels and there was even access to an outdoor area.
But a kennel was a kennel, she was still being treated as a wolf, well dog, she just wanted to go home.
Home to Kim, to Smith, to the rest of the Yogs.
Whimpering Anya settled down in the kennel, placing her head on her paws, hoping sleep would take her.
Gillian stood looked at the strange canine, she was different, nothing like she had ever seen in her 10 years as a veterinary nurse.
The thick grey fur, large paws, piercing blue eyes and just general form; she was so wolf like.
The vets had concluded that she must be some sort of timber wolf hybrid.
But Gillian didn't just see a difference in her appearance but in her personality, the way she reacted to situations, it was so.... Well.... Human like.
Being assigned as Shadow's nurse she had studied the canines behaviour with interest.
Firstly she had been so cooperative from the beginning, sitting still to be examined, then she would lift her paw when the removal of her IV line was mentioned, and finally when the vets would poke and prod her injures, any normal dog would wince or snap at the pain but not this one, no Gillian literally seen her grit her teeth.
Shaking the obscurity of the ideas from her head, Gillian made her way to the front desk, where the reception staff were working on a 'Found Dog' Poster for Shadow.
"Hey Gill, how's this for Shadow?" An older volunteer receptionist by the name of Julie called over to her as she entered the large waiting area.
"Looks great!" Gillian commented looking at the poster that had been decided, a large picture of Shadow at the centre, the added information at the bottom.
"Should we put it up on Social Media too?" Another of the receptionists called Alison asked and Gillian nodded, "Do anything we can to get this dog home, I'm sure her owners will be missing her".
Anya couldn't sleep she was too anxious, her minds running in circles with questions.
With a grumble she got to her paws and walked out into the outdoor area. It had obviously been built to allow the dogs in the shelter to interact with each other, socialise and get away from the boredom of the kennels.
As she stepped out into the grass several dogs looked at her and ran off, tails between their legs, fear in their eyes.
Anya sighed, she didn't mean to scare them, she just wished she could tell them that she meant no harm. She had learnt some canine body language during her early training but would it work of general dogs? It was worth a shot.
Lowering her tail, Anya relaxed her posture but kept her ears pricked and stood tall, she wasn't going to let any of the larger dogs think they could get the best of her.
But Na, no use.
A Labrador to her left ran off as soon as she looked at him, and as she walked over to a St Bernard's it growled in fear.
Sighing Anya went off and sat by herself, basking in the cool winter sun.
But her peace was interrupted by a jolt on her tail. Looking behind her she looked into the deep brown eyes of a spaniel like dog, possibly a cocker/Hungarian Vizsla cross due to his floppy ears but rich red/brown fur.
He looked like a young pup, his tail wagging as he stared at Anya's large bushy tail like it was a play thing.
Rolling her eyes Anya moved her tail and as expected the pup pounced on it, his body wiggling in excitement.
"Well at least your not scared of me" Anya sighed continuing to move her tail so the pup could play, he wasn't doing any harm after all.
Looking up to the sky, she thought of Smith, would he ever find her?
Feeling tears build up Anya jumped as she felt someone brush up against her, she smiled when she seen it was the Cizsla pup, his body dwarfed against her much larger form.
He nuzzled her fur with his snout and sat next to her, "Looks like I've made a friend" she smiled nuzzling the pup gently which made him whine happily, "You'll get a new home in no time little lad".
Smith sighed rubbing his temples after recording some G-Mod. He had been forced to perk up but it still didn't feel right, but Ross and Lewis were right, the videos were work, and work payed the bills.
Clicking onto Facebook he began to slowly scroll down his news feed, but nothing interesting, just slut selfie after selfie.
Rolling his eyes he was about to change tab when something caught his eye; a post one the RSPCA page.
Instantly scrolling down Smith gasped, tears forming in his eyes.
"IT'S HER! IT'S ANYA!" He practically shouted nearly knocking Ross from his chair in fright.
"What do you mean it's her?" Trott questioned getting up and running over to Smith's desk, and right enough there on the screen was Anya, well her wolf form. She looked like she had been through hell; her fur ragged, bandages covering her torso and areas of her legs.
"This dog, nicknamed Shadow, came into our care of the 19th January 2015 after she was hit by a car in the area of Bristol. She sustained some injures in the accident, but also seemed to have previous bite wounds to her scruff and other areas of her body"
"We believe she is a timber wolf hybrid due to her wolf like appearance but her age is difficult to determine"
"She is well, friendly and was found with no microchip or collar but she does have a green woven band on her left fore paw. So proof of ownership will be needed for her to be claimed"
"We are currently looking for her owner, so if you recognise this dog please contact us on 0800 999 999"
"It's her Trott" Smith cried, tears streaming down his face, "It's her!"
<><Authors Note><>
Hey!! Bark or Bite Returns with a happier chapter :)
Please comment your views as your support keeps me writing.
(And thanks to a certain someone for letting me use their wonderful dog in this chapter)
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