Chapter 10: Blue Eyes
The first and second Christmas livestreams went without a hitch.
1st: Lewis and Simon
2nd: Farmer Duncan
Anya found herself helping behind the scenes for both nights; getting drinks, moving cameras or filling the offline gaps by playing old Yog videos and highlights.
She had even been given 'moderator' status in the chat so she could help control the thousands of Twitch subscribers along with the other mods, including VeteranHarry.
Sam had been great, he had continued to teach Anya what he knew and it allowed Sam to take breaks during the 5+ hour streams, leaving Anya to control the stream solo. Even those on the stream didn't even realise until they seen Sam walk past the room window, or Anya voice came over stream instead of Sam.
However on the 3rd night, the night of the Hakimon stream, everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
Anya walked into the office after a rotten nights sleep, she didn't sleep a wink. Since she was helping with the stream Anya only came in at 3pm to help set up then stay until the stream ended.
All the content creators were busy filming and uploading so the office was quiet. The main corridor filled with the bright red light of the recording lamps.
The red lights normally didn't bother Anya but today their rosy glare was harsh and made her cover her eyes.
She slowly walked down the corridor and could hear every voice as the recorded;
"Let's go down to Advent Avenue"
"Oh shit guys there may or may not be more flux in the building"
"Come 'ere! Templar bastards!"
"Kim, Satan looks like he is plotting again in the reactor room"
"Welcome back to Feed the World 2"
"Ugh" Anya moaned clutching her head, the noise, the lights, she felt like she had the worst ever hangover.
Entering the livestream room she found Sam setting up for tonight, "Hey Anya, woah, you look like death, no offence" he welcomed looking at the dark circles around her blue eyes.
"I feel like it, couldn't sleep last night, was probably all the sweets I ate last night" Anya said and Sam nodded, "Yea we did eat a bit much, the curse of over generous fans and knowing where Ross keeps his Kinder stash".
"Agreed" Anya said, "I'm just going to throw my stuff in the mission control then I'll be back"
She left the room and walked the small distance to the studio but it felt like miles, her feet feeling heavy as she held her head in the attempt to block out all the voices of the Yogscast.
It was going to be a long day.
"Everyone ready?" Hannah said with a bright smile as she walked into the Studio.
"As ready as we can be" Anya replied spinning in her seat to face Hannah. The Alpha female stood there wearing a lemur onesie, the long ringed tail over her shoulder.
"Suits you" Anya laughed as Kim poked her head in the room, the hood of her sloth onesie covering her head, "What about me?" Kim questioned and Anya nodded, "You too Kim. Now you two better head off, we'll start the stream once your ready, Simon is already in the room, so you better get in there before he eats all the Jaffa's".
Hannah nodded then they left the room, "She looks terrible" Kim commented once they were away from the studio door.
"She's coping well, hopefully she will be fine, lets get this stream started" Hannah answered, willing that Anya would hold off the shift, tomorrow night was the full moon so why would she change tonight?
Anya sat the controls with her head in her hands, she just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep it off, but would it go? The stream was only an hour in, she couldn't just leave.
"Anya you alright?" Sam questioned looking over at Anya, he was concerned that she was maybe coming down with the flu.
"I'm fine Sam" she replied but as she replied a sharp pain formed in chest, Sam looked panicked, "Anya, stay right here I'm going to get you something from first aid kit, I'll be right back".
Struggling for breath Anya felt like she had been winded, clutching her chest she doubled over.
"Hannah!" She whimpered into her headset then she fell from the seat and onto the floor, the headset falling off on the process.
Anya lay on the floor, panting for breath. The whimpers turning into screams of pain. Flailing in agony she unintentionally kicked cables from their corresponding sockets. Anya didn't know what to do as the sound of bones creaking and reshaping echoed in her ears.
"H-help..." She whined her voice failing as the change continued.
There was no going back.
The change had fully taken over.
"Hannah!" The three streamers heard in their headsets, looking at each other they panicked, how would they get from the stream to help. As if to answer their dilemma that moment the stream went offline. Something had happened.
Hannah instantly ran from the room to the studio. Nearly breaking the door from its hinges, she swung the door open to reveal a terrified wolf, a shredded t-shirt and pair of jeans lying at her paws.
Her different shaded brown fur covered frame quivering in fear, her darkened tip ears flat against her head, her bushy tail between her back legs.
Hannah looked in astonishment at the wolf's eyes, unlike the normal brown or golden eyes with a ring showing the normal human eye colour around the iris, Hannah stared into Anya's pure blue eyes.
"Anya?" Hannah said with cation, knowing that Anya was full of fright and a scared wolf is a dangerous wolf.
Anya didn't know what to do, she had shifted but what now?
Four legs, paws, long snout, fur and a tail, all so new, so scary but so natural.
Opening her mouth to speak she felt her new elongated tongue brush up against her large sharpened canine teeth, and as she spoke no words came out, just growls and grunts.
Hannah noticed Anya's confusion and tapped her head, "Mind speak" Hannah said making Anya tilt her head, "Well not until your part of a pack but when you are in wolf form you communicate via your thoughts, oh and howls" Hannah explained and Anya began to relax.
"Anya I brought you some..... What the hell!!!" Sam gasped staring at the huge dog in the studio.
"Sam don't freak out!" Hannah tried to calm him before the situation got out of hand.
However Anya, seeing Sam, began to panic and ran from the studio nearly knocking him over in the process.
"It was just a dog" Anya heard Hannah cry as she ran from the office, her claws clicking off the floor.
She heard a few shouts while she ran the short distance to the shelter of the woods.
As soon as she felt the cool dirt under her paws, she knew she was safe. The forest was a safe haven, and in her new form it seemed more alive than ever.
Running amongst the trees it was like the forest was welcoming her into a warm embrace. After all the forest was where a wolf belonged.
Her brown fur ruffled in the cool night breeze, her ears pricked and twisted at the sounds, while her tail swished from one side to another; yes this was amazing.
Anya fear had seemed to slip away but as a panicked howl echoed through the woods she knew that the others now knew and we're looking for her. As she ran she was soon welcomed by the scent of her fellow wolves, but they were a far distance off.
Continuing to run Anya only stopped once she reached the high outlook where her howl lesson had taken place.
Panting from her run she sat at the edge of the hill, letting the wind blow through her fur.
Lifting her muzzle to the starry night sky she let out a majestic howl.
"I'm here! I'm here" it translated, "I'm here and I'm fine!"
<><Authors Note><>
So here you have it, Anya has finally shifted. There are picture of what Anya's wolf form looks like in the media window.
Hope everyone is still enjoying.
Please comment your opinion :)
~Leigh xxx
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