The Beginning
"D-Dean!" Castiel gasped out in between gasps, his chest heaving with the exertion as he twisted his body underneath the touch of the Winchester. Dean let out a breathy laugh, leaning over him and nipping at his jaw line, his fingers brushing over those torturous spots.
"Can't handle it, angel?" Dean asked, almost tauntingly as he let one hand slide up, pinning Castiel by his shoulders as he continued the assault on Castiel's body. The angel managed to hold back a few more seconds before laughter was punched from his throat, struggling to get away of those fingers that dug into his ribs.
"I'm sorry! I won't take you flying again, I promise!" Castiel shouted, his hands fisting the sheets and dragging himself away from Dean's tickling, tears forming in the corner of his eyes as the forced laughter continued. Of course, he could knock Dean away any time he wanted, but he wasn't going to hurt Dean no matter what.
"You're damn right you won't." Dean huffed, and when Castiel looked at him, he could still see the paleness of Dean's face as he finally stopped with the tickling. He hadn't known that Dean was scared of flying and it never occurred to him that he actually would be fearful of something as mundane as that.
Dean fell to the bed beside him with a soft huff, lying there and watching Castiel with those beautiful glowing green orbs of his. Castiel inched into a more comfortable position, his body pressed against Dean's side with his right wing draped over Dean and the other hanging off the bed. He smiled, laying his head on Dean's chest and relaxing in the happiness and almost dream-like state he had been living in since Michael's death.
"Your wings are so soft." Dean commented softly, running his hand expertly over Castiel's feathers and making him sigh in appreciation. He closed his eyes as the Winchester eased his fingers through the feather in the way that soothed Castiel, and relieved the aches along his spine that had formed ever since they had been broken.
"It's only because you like to clean them all the time." Castiel replied, a bit of teasing mixing with the whine in his voice. It had been fun teaching Dean how to clean his wings, even if it did end up in tons and tons of sex every time he hit the wrong spot. Now, the Winchester was so good at it, he could tease Castiel and leave him on the edge of losing control in what seemed like for forever before giving him what he wanted.
"I just like making you squirm." Dean whispered, almost wickedly as he let his hands move down, dipping between the longer feathers that lined the outside to the downy feathers beneath. Castiel arched automatically, a moan escaping his mouth before he could stop it, and the fingers were gone before the pleasure could truly take over his brain.
"Dean, I swear on my father. You better not-" Castiel didn't get to finish as Dean grabbed one of the larger feathers and twisted it just slightly, making the entire wing spasm and shoot out in the sudden spike of pleasure. Castiel already felt himself growing hard, his face flushing and struggling to keep an even breath as he glared at the grin on the Winchester's face.
"You assbutt." Castiel huffed, his hand glowing with his grace as he reached for Dean, placing his hand on the Winchester's forehead and forcing pleasure through Dean's system. Dean let out a moan of his own, the very noise making Castiel's throat clench as Dean let his eyes flutter closed.
"Not this time." Dean mumbled before grabbing a handful of the downy feathers and moving up until he reached the spine in a rough stroke. Castiel shuddered, his mind snapping. He rolled on top of Dean, grinding their hips together as he caught him in a heavy and passionate kiss.
They didn't get five seconds into the kiss before the door slammed open and Sam barged in, his face red and his eyes showing how tired he was. Castiel pushed off of Dean instantly, flushing red as the youngest Winchester didn't even cast them a bothered glance, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Cas, please, get your brother off my tail." Sam huffed, running his hand through his ruffled hair and smoothing it down to a silky, almost mane-like look. "He's driving me up the wall here."
Castiel sighed, reluctantly climbing off of Dean and sitting at the edge of the bed like a good little angel was supposed to. Dean sat up, and Castiel could feel the annoyance rolling off of him, but he ignored it. "What did he do this time?" Castiel asked.
"It'd be easier to tell you what he hasn't done." Sam grouched, crossing his arms over his chest like a pouty child. "He's stuck me in a damn time loop and won't let me out until I kiss him. Do you know how many Tuesdays it's been already? A hundred and thirty-five. Does that sound fun to you? Because it's not fun at all in case you were wondering."
Castiel gave a small smirk, seeing into Sam's mind and finding it chalked full of days where it was just Gabriel begging to get a kiss from the younger Winchester. He knew that Sam had peaked his interest ever since they had met, but still, he never imagined it getting to this extent, especially for Gabriel, who was doing his best at hiding and not getting noticed.
"All I can tel you is to kiss him. I can't stop his magic, and I'm afraid he would lock me in some alternate dimension if I tried." Castiel replied, giving Sam a half-natured shrug. Sam opened his mouth to complain, but soon closed it before shooting both of them a glare and stomping out of the room. Castiel waited patiently until the door slammed shut behind Sam before turning to Dean, who was quietly snickering.
"You could get him out of that time loop if you wanted to." Dean pointed out, making Castiel smile as he too let out a small chuckle, giving Dean an awkward nod.
"Of course I could, but I'm going to let Gabriel have his fun. Who knows? Something good might come out of it." Castiel replied, letting his body fall back onto the bed with a sigh. Even if he was still an angel, laying down always appeased to his vessel, and he could feel his back ache pleasurably as it eased out.
"You know what else might be good?" Dean asked, leaning over and kissing Castiel as his hand slid down to palm Castiel through his clothes. The angel groaned, rolling his eyes and pushing Dean's hand away before strengthening the kiss.
"I have an idea." Castiel replied, unable to keep from the smile that spread across his face as Dean gave him his cheekiest grin.
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