"...Mr. Novak. If you are not going to pay attention, at least look this way and pretend." The professor said, pulling Castiel out of his daze. It still didn't feel right though, as the angel just stared, as if he was speaking another language, his eyes glazed over.
Castiel didn't know what had him so distracted today. Maybe it was the restlessness in Dean's soul that morning when he dropped him off for physical therapy, the look in his green eyes as he looked to Castiel for help. The angel wanted nothing more than to heal Dean right then and there, but a sudden miracle recovery would bring attention; unwanted attention, from certain creatures with wings that he was not eager to see again.
His eyes slowly moved from the sullen professor's face to the window, staring at the trees as they swayed in the breeze. The leaves were turning brown around the edges, a few already falling and spiraling towards the ground. His wings fluttered against his back at the movement, wanting nothing more just to fly and release his thoughts into the clouds for a little while at least.
"Mr. Novak!" The professor snapped, making Castiel jerk his head towards him again. The man's face was filled with annoyance, and he pushed his round glasses further up his reddening face. "You do not pay tuition to daydream the entire time. This stuff is important for your next essay, so pay attention!"
Castiel sighed, leaning over and grabbing his things into his arms before standing. "Sorry, sir, I think I'm going to leave early instead." Castiel said softly, his voice dropping the respectful tone that he usually kept with all his teachers before stroding out of the door, going to see what Gabriel was getting himself into.
"I swear to the Heaven's above, if you do not put me back to normal...." Sam threatened as Gabriel laughed, his face bright red with amusement. Castiel only watched with a small smile on his face, though it was rather forced and not very convincing.
On top of Sam's hand rested two, perfectly sculpted moose antlers, protruding out from underneath the crazy locks of brown hair and arching towards the air. Sam himself had an almost pouting look on his face, a blush on his cheeks as Gabriel stopped laughing long enough to hug him, pecking him on the cheek.
"I love ya, kiddo. You know that?" Gabriel asked, his thumb sweeping over Sam's cheek. Sam turned his head away, seeming very uncomfortable in his skin as he glanced towards Castiel for help. The angel only stared blankly back.
"You've told me that everyday since we met." Sam mumbled, the hairs on the back of his neck raising up. Gabriel's smile sweetened, and tapped the antler's, the horns disappearing with a flutter of golden light.
"Of course. An angel always knows when they meet their soul mate. Some of them, like Castiel though, just think it's a strange infatuation." Gabriel said, taking a seat beside Castiel on a tree root and slinging his arm across his brother's shoulder. "Speaking of Castiel, what's wrong, bro? You seem so out of it today."
As Sam took a seat across from them, Castiel shook his head, letting it fall back and rest on the bark of the trunk with a soft sigh. "I... don't know. Everything just feels wrong now." The black-haired angel mumbled, the warmth of Gabriel a comfort, but not the comfort he wanted.
"We know you're worried about Dean. Hell, I am too, but you just have to believe that he'll be fine. After all, he always is." Sam offered, giving him a reassuring smile. Castiel could feel conflict in his head though, but felt reassured when the Winchester's thoughts were on Gabriel. Looked like Castiel wasn't the only one with muddled thoughts of his own.
"Thanks, Sam." Castiel replied softly, looking towards the leaves of the trees before glancing at his watch. It was half past three. The therapist promised to drive Dean on her way back when she got off at two.
"I better go. Dean should be getting back to the dorm if he isn't already." Castiel announced, giving Gabriel a good natured pat on the leg before standing, letting out a small sigh. "And Sam. Gabriel can read your thoughts just as well as I can if he wanted to. Take it as a polite gesture he hasn't yet, because that thought you just had would scar every student for life if they saw it."
Ignoring the spluttering that came from Sam, Castiel felt the wind brush around him, twisting and twirling towards the sky in a matter of a half a second, leaving him rushing through the air. In that same second, he landed outside the dorm, looking up at the sandy red brick.
When Castiel got into their dorm room, he found all the lights off, and Dean bundled under the blankets of his bed. He crept over, listening to the soft breathing that came from Dean. Yet, Castiel knew he was awake from the sadness that flooded from every orifice of his body, making the angel swallow as a burning settled in his heart.
Castiel slid his hand up Dean's arm gently, pecking him on the side of the neck and closing his eyes as the hunter's depression crashed into him, forcing the feeling of hopelessness into his head. Images of Dean struggling to do the things that he used to do piled frustration on top of the whole thing, and Castiel found himself struggling to control his breathing as he pulled back the covers a bit, sliding in behind Dean and letting his arms lay gently over the hunter in a gentle embrace.
They laid there for several minutes, Castiel's grace easing over Dean's the best it could as the barrier of depression kept him out. Just when he thought he had found a chink in the shield of sorts, Dean pushed away from him, slowly getting up and limping into the kitchen.
The angel followed him, watching cautiously as Dean moved over to the counter, using it as a support as he slowly reached for the cabinet door. His face twisted with pain, and Castiel felt his heart rip in two as he moved to help him, only to stop at the pained and anger in Dean's eyes as he shot him a glare.
"I have to do it myself." Dean snapped frustratingly, the desperation in his voice holding Castiel in place. The angel could only watch as Dean stretched to reach one of the cups, a grunt and a watering of eyes the only clue that the hunter was hurting as he grabbed it. For Castiel though, the pain that washed through Dean's soul left him winded, borderline excruciating in his lower back and sides as the muscles stretched. He felt his own eyes water, not releasing his grip on the doorframe until he felt the wood crack under his fingers and the pain loosened just the smallest bit.
Dean filled the glass with water, unaware of Castiel's insight into his soul as he lifted the cup, taking a small sip before setting it down and limping past the angel back to his bed, a trail of sorrow following his footsteps in an almost visible whisp trail.
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