This was a suicide mission.
I had trained for this for nine years. Nine years to become one of the Barcodes. But...
There are no Barcodes.
Only death.
I glance at Spence. I had spent the past few years being angry with him. Now I am here about to die, and I doubt an apology will do any good.
"He looks like hell."
"Brookes, what did you expect?" I groan. Why did the boss have to give me a new partner!? I've proven myself with and without Jordan. Now that he's dead, I could have gone solo! But no, I needed a new partner. And it just had to be Spencer Brookes.
The annoying brown haired, green-eyed, ex-best friend of mine just had to be stuck with me.
"Shut up. This is what I expected. And I'm observant. He looks like hell. And when did we revert-" he is cut off as groan escapes the 'hell-looking man'. Without hesitation I fire a round which embeds itself in his skull.
Brookes nods before continuing to speak. "When did we revert to last names?"
"You know that moment? The one who you decided to leave your best friend, without saying goodbye? And no contact for three years," I answer beginning to clean up the scene. Brookes begins to help. His ever present smile falters and I can see his wheels turning as he analyzes everything.
"Listen Kat-"
"Andrix," I correct. "Last names."
"Andrix, you don't understand. You just haven't given me the chance to explain. It wasn't my idea. Please let me explain," He pleads in a moment of rare seriousness. I slowly nod. He opens his mouth but, another voice calls.
"Nice job Andrix, Brookes," I turn to see Jackson walking up. I smile in acknowledgement. "Let's get back to the mansion. I heard the boss got a new mission for you guys already. Congrats! After this you've done this your Barcodes!"
"I know right! It's great! Sourpuss here and I can wait! Brookes says excitedly as I scowl. His bright smile returns. It definitely clashes with his blood stained shirt and tie.
I follow behind as we begin to walk back to the trucks. I roll my eyes as the boys switch conversation to last nights game.
"Excellent! Absolutely excellent! You have done it again Brookes, Andrix. I knew I made the right decision!"
"Thank you sir," I respond gratefully.
"You doubted me. I'm a little hurt," Brookes comments as he twirls a bit in his chair. I glare at the olive skinned boy, who ignores me. But Boss doesn't seemed fazed. His smile never wavers.
"You two are brilliant! So brilliant! I knew I made a good desecion, taking the two of in. You two were nothing but a basket case and a street kid. Look at you now! Katilin you have changed into the perfect assassin but you could loosen up. And Spencer, we have molded what you were into... what you are. Though it wouldn't hurt you to be less..." He trails off and nods to the pair of scissors in Brookes hand as he snips at the edge of his tie.
"What? These things lack style. Just like the two of you," He comments looking up only for a second.
"Anyway, this new job for you..." Boss continues. Brookes looks up from his scissors to focus. And catch myself leaning forward in anticipation. "It's different from the others. It was actually made for the Barcodes. And... I think your ready."
"Really!?" I ask jumping up and out of my seat. Boss nods amused.
"Calm down Kat. You just broke your shell, your smiling," my happiness is broken along with my shell once Brookes speaks.
"After nine years of training for the both of you I think your ready to join the Barcodes," Boss interjects before I can snap at Brookes. He hands us each a vanilla folder. Case enclosed. "You better collect your things. Wheels up at first light.
I nodded eagerly and headed back toward my room. Creating my mental check list.
"Becareful," A quiet voice whispers catching me off guard. Brookes smiles as usual though his eyes currently don't show their usual mirth. "Becareful of who you trust," He whispers before walking off. Leaving me utterly perplexed.
Boss certainly wasn't exaggerating when he said first light. The whole helicopter ride was mostly in silence. Somehow Brookes managed to fall asleep. And when he woke he complained. But thankfully it didn't last long, I was getting ready to strangle him.
We casually stroll up the building. Brookes places a hand on the key pad muttering to himself. He takes something out his pocket and taps the screen a few times. After a moment of his genius the door slides open with a click. A guard approaches us before he crumpled after a presice shot to the head from Brookes. We hurry down the halls as the alarms blare. We turn down a hall as I run I notice Brookes had stopped.
"What are you doing!" I snap.
"Listen princess. There is no time to explain we gotta leave now."
"What the hell is wrong with you!? I've been- we've been training for nine years for this. And you wanna run?! I never took you for a coward Brookes. Normally your head inflates to the point I need to call NASA! Whatever is the matter with you I don't care. I'm going." Without waiting for any response I continue down the hall. Brookes curses from behind me and follows.
I am a killing machine. I kill the last one in the room before heading for the stairs.
"Kat-" Brookes begins to try and lecture me again. I roll my eyes and continue. But Brookes isn't having it. He grabs my wrist.
"What do you want Brookes!?" I shout. He only smiles in reply as I feel something sharp hit my neck. Then I black out.
I open my eyes to see Brookes, Boss and another unknown man standing infront of me. We are in some all bright white room. I shift a bit and find I'm bound to a chair.
"What's going on?" I ask them. They look at each other and Boss nods to Brookes.
"I tried to warn you Michela. I told you to watch who you trusted." He keeps speaking but I tune him out. One question reapting in my head. Then, I ask the once question on my mind.
"How-how-how do you know my name?"
"I know everything about you Michela Sparks." I shake my head no at the name.
Michela Sparks had died in a car crash along with her parents at age eleven. That is what the records say atleast.
Then out of nowhere Katilin Andrix appeared years later. She had attended the McLaney School for Young Geniuses (MSYG) after being caught during a robbery. She had been arrested before bailed out by the man who became her Boss.
Kaitlin had been trained to become a top assassin over the past nine years. And she is one of the best. That's why she is doing an Barcode mission. Before finishing her usual standard.
The Barcodes. The best of the best. Top rate assassins whose only links to each other is barcode tattooed on their inner left forearm. All weapons, files and abosultely everything is connected to the barcode.
They are praised by the others. Paid gratefully and there are very few. They are select. And that is exactly what Kaitlin Andrix wants to be.
Michela Sparks. The basket case. The runaway. The freak. She is not who I am. I am Katilin Andrix.
"What's going on?" I repeat.
"Welcome to the Barcodes Sunshine!" Brookes yells happily holding out his arms. I glance familiar small tattoo (I'm sure wasn't there before) on his inner arm. The unknown man silently holds a gun to my head.
"W-W-What?" I stammer.
"You don't honestly think everyone makes it?"
"We can't have everyone telling secrets can we?" Boss asks. "The Barcodes aren't real. There is only the board, and the students, with few exceptions. You are simply too old to be a student and have become a threat."
"It's time to join the Barcodes." I hear as a bullet clicks into place...
This was a suicide mission.
I had trained for this for nine years. Nine years to become one of the Elite. But...
There are no Barcodes.
Only death.
I glance at Spence. I had spent the past few years being angry with him. Now I am here about to die, and I doubt an apology will do any good.
"Spence please!" I beg. "This isn't the Spencer Brookes I know!"
"Because that's not my name. Just as yours isn't Katilin Andrix, Michela," He answers.
I close my eyes. This is really it... Spencer Brookes my old friend is having me killed...
When did things go wrong? Things were great before he left.
He, Jordan and I had been inseparable. Somehow I managed to tolerate the tall muscular, olive skinned boy. Liam Jordan had the unfortunate pleasure of being Spencer's roommate. We somehow all got along. I became more responsible. Spencer was completely ridiculous. And Liam was right in the middle. We balanced each other out. Then he left.
I walked out my dorm and down the hall. I had to help Liam wake up Spence. We have an important training day today.
I walked through the halls waving to my other friends and humming as I go. After a few minutes I reach the boys room. I knock once before entering. Liam is already gone. But, a blob is still underneath Spence's blanket.
I grab a shoe and throw it at mass.
"Wake up Brookes!" I yell. He bolts up and looks around confused.
"What? Who are you?"
"Who are you? And why are you in Spencer's bed?" I stare at a blonde who looks back at me equally confused.
"Kat- I- was- just- give me a second," Liam says coming in, breathing heavily. "I was coming to find you. Spencer is gone. I woke to find a note and him," He continues pointing to the blonde in the bed.
"I have a name," Blondie interjects. We ignore him. Liam fumbles in his pockets before handing me a note.
Liam and Kat,
Sorry. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I'm gone on a solo. It's gonna be a while. A long while. You two are partners now. I'll see you eventually.
S. Brookes
I stare at the note and anger boils in me. I crush it in my hand before storming out the room silently cursing.
My best friend left. The smart, annoying, sarcastic, super annoying, smart mouthed, boy I called my best friend is gone. Without saying goodbye.
And I hate him for it.
But that's not true. I was angry and upset but I couldn't hate him. Never. He was the annoying brother I never wanted. Though sometimes he seemed like more.
I hear the shot ring.
I wait for pain and darkness but I feel nothing.
Another shot rings out.
I slowly open my eyes to see Brooke's holding a gun. The unknown man and Boss lie motionless on their floor. Thier blood pooling to form an avant garde rug on the floor.
Brooke's turns to me and holsters his gun before beginning to untie me.
"B-But, you were going..." I start unsure of what to say.
"You honestly don't give me enough credit Kat," He says giving me a hand up. I take it gratefully and stand. I think they replaced my legs with Jell-O.
"Hasn't fully worn off yet," He comments puting my arm around his shoulder. He helps me walk as we go down the halls and up the stairs I don't recongize. Though he seems to know where he is going. We finally end up on a roof of a building.
He stops waiting for something.
"I-I- I don't understand," I stammer.
"It's a long story but, MSYG even more corrupt than we had thought. 'Becareful of who you trust'. I learned that while on my solo. Things drastically changed Kit-Kat. I'll explain more later. Right now we wait for our sweet ride."
I stare at his green eyes and messy dark hair. Unsure of what to do or say. We stand in silence but I hear as alarms go off inside. Spencer holds his gun staring at the door though thankfully, a helicopter appears.
The ladder drops and I climb up without hesitation. I am pulled in and greeted by a familiar face.
"Sup Kat?" Liam Jordan asks with a smile. So what do I do? I punch him.
Across the face.
Very hard.
Brookes laughs behind me, firing rounds down at the people shooting below. "Yo Mark she punched him! You owe me ten bucks!" He calls up the pilot, still laughing.
"Whatever Brookes," Mark answers with an eye roll as we begin to fly.
Jordan grabs my left arm and pulls out a small machine. He turns it on and I hear a soft buzzing. He looks at me and smiles.
"Kat. Welcome to the real Barcodes."
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