Chapter Two
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Two. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-
Zayn and the boys are doing an interview for a local TV station and I am going to stand backstage because Zayn is not letting me out of his sight. I'm serious; I'm sleeping in his room. At Niall's house in the garden Maura had a guest house type thing built, it has bedrooms for all of the boys plus a little living room with a games console and TV. Niall can sleep in his childhood room but he has chosen to sleep in the guest house with the boys. I'm woken up by a knock at the door "COME IN" Zayn shouts and we sit up "We are leaving for the interview in 1 hour" Liam says and I smile "Thanks Li" I say and he walks out. "BAGSY THE SHOWER" I shout running into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.
After the shower I get changed into a red/black checked skirt, a black crop-top, black pumps with bow straps, a black leather jacket and my yin 'n' yang necklace that Zayn bought me. I walk into the bedroom to see Zayn changed and wearing his yin 'n' yang bracelet "Do you remember when we got these?" I ask and he nods "Yep. It was just before I left for the X Factor boot camp because I couldn't call you" he says and I nod "I hated not talking to you. It was so weird. We would talk every night when you were in the house and the judges houses" I say and he smiles "I can't say how much I have missed you though" he says pulling me into a hug "TO THE INTERVIEW" I shout making him jump and me burst out laughing "I was hugging my best friend" he says and I laugh again "Yes. You WERE" I say walking out of the door.
We get in the car and I end up next to Harry "You're a lot like Zayn Hanni" Harry says putting his arm around me "That I am. I've known him for too long" I say and he smiles "I love your necklace" Louis says and I smile "Thanks. Have you seen Zayn's yin 'n' yang bracelet?" I ask and he nods "Yeah. He never takes it off. He's had it since boot camp" he says and Zayn chuckles "I bought Hannah the necklace a couple of weeks before I left and then the day before I left she gave me the bracelet" he says and I smile.
——- Zayn's P.O.V ——-
Hannah is now backstage watching the interview; from where I'm sitting she is stood to the right of me. I can't keep turning around to see her though. "So Zayn" Will the interviewer says "We got these photos of you last week" he says and pictures of me at the airport pop up on the screen "Yeah. I was at the airport to pick up a friend. Niall was with me" I say and Niall nods "Was this the friend?" he asks and pictures of me and Hannah at the airport are on the screen now.
I look back to Hannah and she smiles reassuringly "I knew this would happen at some point" I say rubbing the back of my neck "Is this the girl that Perrie claimed you were cheating with?" Noah asks and I shake my head "No. Perrie knows that girl but they no longer talk. I never cheated on Perrie, I have no idea where she got that idea from" I say and the lads chuckle "If Zayn cheated on Perrie with that girl then we would all be surprised. Zayn isn't the type of guy to cheat" Louis says patting my shoulder "Do all of you know this girl?" Will asks and they all nod "We do. She's an amazing girl" Liam says and Will nods "Can you tell us a bit about her Zayn?" he asks me and I look to Hannah who nods.
Well, if Hannah is okay with it then I guess I can reveal some things about my best friend "I can" I say nodding in conformation and Will smiles "That girl is my best friend since I was born. Her name is Hannah Blaze. I haven't seen her for a couple of years and she is visiting me because she wanted to see me and she wanted to meet the boys for the first time" I say and Will nods "You said that she knows Perrie?" Will asks and I nod "I did. Perrie and Hannah were close whilst myself and Perrie were in a relationship but they no longer talk as Perrie has distanced herself from Hannah" I say and Harry chuckles "I would say that Hannah has spoken to us more than Perrie ever did" he whispers in my ear and I hold back my laugh.
We're back at Niall's place now and all of us are chilling in the living room "Have you seen everything about Hannah on Twitter?" Louis asks as we sit on the couches "No. Why?" I ask and he shows me his phone. There is so much hate directed towards Hannah, telling her to die and that she's worthless, she should hurt herself all over again; how did they find out about her past? "Check what Perrie tweeted" Louis says and I click on Perrie's profile '@Perrie_Edwards: Just watched that interview from Mullingar. That girl Zayn knows is a filthy, depressed, self-harmer. Pathetic' "I can't believe she said that" I say and Niall takes the phone from Louis "Why didn't she tell us about this though?" he asks and I sigh "Hannah doesn't go into detail about her life. She has known you guys a week; you need to earn her trust. She has been hurt too many times in the past to trust every single person she meets. She trusted Perrie and now look what's happened" I say and they all nod "ZAYN. ZAYN HELP" I hear Hannah shout from upstairs, I shoot up from my seat and run up to our room.
I open the door and see Hannah lying on the bed in one of my shirts holding her older brother's bear - she did have a brother, he died when he was a year old due to some complications with his heart. Hannah was born a year later - she's rocking back and forth like she's trying to get over a panic attack, crap she's having a panic attack. I quickly go over to her and pull her into me "They shouldn't say this stuff Zayn. I know what Perrie did. I trusted her" she says crying into my shirt "This is why I don't trust people. Especially famous people" she says and I kiss her hair "I know love. I know. Perrie was a bitch, she is still mad at me about the break-up. It's my fault" I say and she shakes her head in my chest "It's not your fault. I just can't handle it. How do I even know that I can trust the guys downstairs" she says looking up at me "You can trust them Hannah. They will never hurt you. It's not in their nature" I say and she nods "I just freak out. That stuff they are saying" she says trailing off.
——- Niall's P.O.V ——-
Just as I walk to Zayn and Hannah's bedroom door Zayn walks out "Can I talk to Hannah?" I ask as he shuts the door "Can I ask you a question first?" he asks and I nod "You feel something for her don't you. I can tell" he says and I nod again "I do. I met her a week ago but she's special. As soppy as that sounds I mean it" I say and he smiles "Well done. You've passed the first test" he says and I look at him confused "What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs "Hannah's parents were away a lot when she was younger. Her dad in particular. I was there throughout the panic attacks, the depression, the self-harming, the insecurities, everything. I will do anything I can to make sure that no guy ever hurts her therefore there are tests" he says before stopping to make sure that I'm listening "Test 1 is making sure that the guy honestly feels something for her. Test 2 is Hannah being happy with this guy. Test 3 is making sure that the guy will protect Hannah with everything he has" he says before walking off.
I go into their room and see Hannah sitting at the window holding something that looks like a teddy bear. I walk over and sit opposite her "How you feeling?" I ask and she smiles weakly at me "I've calmed down. Zayn helped me stop crying. He prevented another attack from happening" she says but her breathing quickens, I know this, it has happened to Denise before when she was out with me, it's a panic attack. I move over to sit by Hannah and she immediately moves into my arms, I rub her lower back soothingly to calm her down again. After about 10 minutes of me whispering things to Hannah she looks up at me "Thank you Niall. I can say I trust you" she says and I smile "That means a lot. But I have a suggestion" I say and she nods "How about me and you go on a walk tomorrow. We can go to my childhood park, it's full of memories that I would happily share with you. You could get a chance to clear your head and get to know the loveable Irish member of 1D more" I say and she smiles at me, a genuine smile this time.
She taps her chin, pretending to think for a moment "A day with a loveable leprechaun. That sounds like a good time" she says and I sigh jokingly "I'm not a leprechaun. I am taller than you" I say and she giggles "I know. Knock on that door tomorrow at 11" she says pointing to the bedroom door "I look forward to it" I say standing up and kissing her cheek before leaving the bedroom with a smile on my face. I just asked the most amazing girl I have ever met out and she agreed.
That was Chapter Two, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter............
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