Chapter Twenty-Seven
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Seven. Gif of Hannah ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I am still not sure about going to see my parents - of course I want to talk to them and know how they are but I don't want their insight on my relationship. My parents have always been those types of people that want everything their way and their opinion must be said otherwise they look like they are going to explode. It just annoys me more than anything, I am not like my parents and I never will be so I don't need them to run my life for me as I am my own person and I will basically do what I want.
At the moment Niall and I are driving to the restaurant where we agreed to meet my parents for something to eat. I think Niall has realised I am nervous as he places his hand on my thigh, lightly rubbing it with his thumb "I love you, you know that right?" Niall asks as he keeps his eyes on the road "Yeah, I know Nialler" I say and he kisses my cheek quickly "You don't need to be nervous, I should be the one that's nervous" he says taking a deep breath "I have never met your parents before and I am meeting them for the first time today. What if they don't like me?" he asks and I roll my eyes "I don't care in all honesty. My parents don't dictate my life anymore therefore there's no reason for them to need to approve of my relationship" I say.
Niall laughs as he pulls into the car park "You speak so highly of your parents Princess" he says parking up "Well they weren't around that much" I say and he turns to face me once he has turned the engine off "I love my parents, of course I do, but Trisha and Yaser basically raised me whenever my parents were away" I say and he nods "I have said, when I get married I want Yaser to walk me down the aisle along with Zayn. They are more of a Dad and a brother to me than my own family" I say and Niall looks sympathetic "I had no idea that it was like that Princess" he says and I shrug "It is what it is" I say.
We get out of the car and Niall wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk to the entrance "You okay?" he asks as I slip my arm around his waist and hug him closer "Yeah, I am fine" I say and he kisses the top of my head "I love you so much" he mumbles into my hair "I love you too Niall" I say. We walk into the restaurant and I see my parents sat with a boy who is probably Louis' age, he has dark brown hair and he seems to be a very posh guy based on the way he is dressed.
The two of us walk over to the table. Niall pulls out my chair for me before sitting down himself "It's nice to see you again Hannah" my Dad says and I smile "You too, both of you" I say and they both smile "This is Niall" I say and my Dad shakes Niall's hand whilst my Mum just ignores Niall's outstretched hand "Hannah, you know we can't approve of this" my Mum says and Niall places his hand on my thigh "Can't or won't?" I ask and my Mum sighs "Don't be flippant young lady" she says making me scoff "I am not young Mum, I am an adult" I say.
My Dad smiles a forced smile at the two of us "Hannah, he is a pop star, he is in a band. He will be away from you for long periods of time and if you go with him, then you will also be away for long periods of time. You can't guarantee that he won't find someone else whilst he is away - what happens if you get pregnant? How do you know that he will be there to support you?" my Dad says and I look to Niall who looks slightly upset "Sir, with all due respect, I would never want to hurt Hannah. There is no one in this world that would be able to replace her. If she fell pregnant with my child I would fully support her to the best of my ability because she is the woman I want to have children with" Niall says and I can tell he means every single word.
My Mum looks to the random guy "This is Lucas" she says and Lucas smiles at me "It's nice to meet you Hannah" he says and Niall tenses his grip on my thigh making me place my hand over his "Likewise but forgive me for being rude, why are you here?" I ask and my Mum gasps "How dare you" she says and I shrug "What? I asked a question" I say and I can tell Niall had to hold back a laugh "He's here because we have something to tell you" my Dad says glancing over at Lucas whilst my Mum has a smirk on her face.
My Mum looks to me "We have decided that you are to marry Lucas here" she says and my mouth drops "Please tell me you are kidding me" I say and she shakes her head "Hannah, I have to be honest. I didn't know that you were in a relationship, if I did then I wouldn't have agreed to this" Lucas says and I smile at him "I only agreed because my parents wanted me to" he says and I nod before Lucas looks to Niall "I apologise Man, I don't want to take your girlfriend away or anything" he says and Niall holds out his hand to Lucas. Lucas shakes Niall's hand "No bad feelings. I understand why you did this" Niall says.
My Mum glares at me "You break up with that boy right now. We can't accept your relationship with him. If you want any relationship with me and your father then you can not be with Niall" she says and I shake my head "You weren't there - for most of my life you weren't there. Yaser and Trisha raised me Mum, they were there for me. You don't have any reason to dictate who I date and who I don't" I say standing up and Niall stands up with me. My Mum looks surprised but my Dad looks like he expected this "I would rather be disowned by my family than not be able to be in a relationship with the guy I love" I say crossing my arms.
I can't believe my parents pulled this. They haven't seen me in years and when they suddenly decide to see me, they spring an arranged marriage on me claiming that if I don't accept I won't have a relationship with them.
I haven't had a proper relationship with them for a long time now.
That was Chapter Twenty-Seven, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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