Chapter Twenty-One
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-One. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
After the concert last night, the videos that Louis, Harry and Zayn posted were all over the internet and on Snapchat, on the MTV page thingy there was the video and the picture that Niall posted. Apparently it was a really big deal that something was posted with Niall and I in it, considering everything that happened I guess people are surprised that the two of us are still together. In all honesty I don't get that, I thought that people had a higher opinion of Niall to know that he wouldn't leave a girl just because she's going through a tough time.
Tonight is yet another concert which I am looking forward to because I have gotten used to singing in front of a crowd now and it is something that I enjoy a lot more than I ever thought I would. I can't complain about what I do, I guess. Well less what I do and more what my best friends and boyfriend do. When I first got asked to sing I was worried to say the least, it definitely wasn't something that I thought I would be doing every night and that I would actually want to do it too.
I need to get changed soon considering that fact that the boys are all ready and I am just sat here in one of Niall's polo shirts and some shorts. I leave the boys talking whilst I go into the small dressing room. I change into a pair of high-waisted denim ripped shorts, a sleeveless black cropped tank top, a pair of black hi-tops with zip detailing and I put my hair up into a ponytail as that's what works with what I am wearing plus Lou doesn't mind when I do my own hair. I tie the laces of my hi-tops and I tie them tight too because Louis finds it entertaining to untie my laces whilst we're onstage.
I walk back out into the dressing room and I see Niall's flannel shirt over the arm of the sofa. I grab it and put it on leaving it unbuttoned along with rolling the sleeves up but despite rolling the sleeves up it is still massive on me. I sit down on Niall's lap and he wraps his arms around my waist "That's Ni's shirt" Harry says and I nod "Good observation Haz" I say and he pouts "Unfair Hanni" he says and I laugh "What?" I ask innocently "I was planning on making Niall wear that" Lou says and I look to her "I can take it off, if he wants me to" I say going to take it off.
Niall places his hand on my arm "Don't take it off Princess" he says and I smile "But Lou said she wanted you to wear it" I say and Lou shrugs "I was only telling you what I planned Han. You don't need to take it off and I don't think that Niall wants you to take it off either" she says and I look to Niall who is nodding "I like it when you wear my clothes" he says and I smile "Well thanks" I say and he chuckles pulling me closer to him "You are so cute" he murmurs into my hair making me smile even more.
Right now, all of us are stood backstage waiting to be told that we can go on. I have one earpiece in and the other is just resting on my shirt because if I have both of them in then I can't hear anyone. Zayn and I have been messing around with our mics, we've been throwing them back and forth to each other, catching them each time but I think Liam is ready to stop it. He looks like he is trying to restrain himself which is one of the funniest things ever. I am such a nice friend to him sometimes. Just as I catch my mic again we're told we can go onstage.
We all walk out and I slide down the ramp before Louis introduces us. Before we sing anything we decide to take questions. Zayn tosses me a spare mic which I hand to one of the security guards so that he can help get the fans' questions. Harry points to a girl with glasses and long black hair "All of the boys should to answer this. What's the best thing about having Hannah on tour with you all?" she asks and I smirk looking around at all of the lads "Great question" I say laughing slightly "Come on guys. Answer this" I say.
Harry is the first to answer "Hannah is the girl that entertains us most of the time. She will randomly do things just because it popped into her head" he says and I sit cross-legged on the stage floor "Well thanks, I think" I say and Harry nods "Hannah is the one that we send to wake Zayn up because he won't kill her so that's a good thing" Louis says and Zayn mock gasps "That is offensive" he says and I shake my head "I don't think so. I agree with his statement" I say making Zayn pout "Hannah somehow manages to keep everyone calm at the worst times and I have no idea how she does that" Liam says and I smile "Thank you Li" I say and he nods in recognition "She's my girlfriend and she makes me food" Niall says sitting next to me looking smug "Don't get too happy Horan" I say and he puts his arm around my shoulder "I have my best friend with me on tour. That alone is pretty awesome" Zayn says.
I can't say I disagree with any of those statements. I guess when I think about it all of the things that the boys said are true. I do try to keep everyone calm even if I am freaking out on the inside, most of the things that I do are random but I didn't really know that it was entertaining and the only reason I wake up Zayn is because all the others are afraid that he will hurt them plus Zayn can sleep for days so if someone didn't wake him up then he wouldn't get up at all.
That was Chapter Twenty-One, hope you guys liked it. I know I updated late but I just have so much on.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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