Chapter Five
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Five. Picture of Niall ^^^^^
——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-
The concert in Dublin was awesome. I watched from backstage which was very different to sitting/standing in the crowd. Niall had to go to the toilet halfway through the concert whilst Liam and Zayn were talking to the crowd. Before Niall went back out he hugged and kissed me but he was so sweaty and it was disgusting. I always enjoyed watching Zayn do what he loves but now I get to see the guy I consider to be my brother, my other 3 best mates and my boyfriend do what they love and do what they have dreamed of since they were all kids.
The 5 Seconds Of Summer guys finished their world tour around 3 months ago and Simon asked them if they wanted to come on this tour to be One Direction's opening act. They agreed so we are meeting them on the bus currently in Calais which is where the first concert in France is tonight. The bus got brought over on a ferry last night whilst the boys, Simon and I flew to Calais and stayed in a hotel. I actually know the boys from 5 Seconds Of Summer, Zayn went out with them a couple of years ago when they were visiting the One Direction boys in London and Zayn asked if I wanted to go with him because Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry weren't able to go anymore.
I am pretty close with Michael and Luke but Ashton and Calum are still my best mates. I text Michael quite a bit, we have a lot of similar interests and similar views on things so I think that's why we get along so well. Luke and I always have a laugh together and we just mess around most of the time. I think that Ashton is pretty caring towards me, every so often he will text me or ringing me to just check up on me and see how I am doing which I find so sweet. Calum is the guy that I talk about football with, I love football and whenever Calum and I are together that is all we will talk about and surprisingly it doesn't get boring.
We're all sat on the bus right now waiting for Ash, Luke, Mike and Cal to get here. They have their own bus for this tour because there isn't enough room on our bus for 10 people as there is only 5 bunks but I share Niall's bunk so I don't need my own. The tour staff has a bus too but that one is smaller than the main tour bus. I am sat on the floor leaning against the couch in between Niall's legs as he; Liam and Zayn are sat on the couch. Harry and Louis are sat opposite me leaning against the wall of the bus.
Niall has popcorn and I kind of want some "Ni?" I ask turning around "Yeah Princess?" he asks smiling at me "Can I have some popcorn?" I ask and he nods handing me the bowl and everyone gasps "What?" I ask eating some "Niall doesn't share his food with people" Liam says and Niall chuckles "Yeah I do. I share it with my girlfriend" he says and I throw a piece of popcorn at Harry who is looking at his phone "May I help you?" he asks looking up "Want some?" I ask and he nods "Go on then" he says opening his mouth. I throw another piece of popcorn and Harry catches it in his mouth "SKILLS" I shout and all the guys laugh.
A few minutes later the door of the bus opens and four Australian lads walk on "MIKEY. LUKEY" I shout putting the popcorn down quickly and then jumping up to hug them "Hey Hanni" Luke says and I smile at him. Ashton and Calum hug me before I go to Niall and sit on his lap causing him to wrap his arms around my waist "Nialler got a girlfriend" Calum says and Niall nods "Yes I did. She's cute too" he says and I giggle "I'm more than cute" I say leaning back into Niall "Congrats Ni" Michael says but Louis and Harry are looking a little confused.
Louis speaks up "How do you know Hannah so well?" he asks and Luke sits down on the floor along with the others "When they visited us for the first time a couple of years ago. Remember that time when I was the only one going out for dinner with them" Zayn says and the One Direction boys nod "Well I wasn't going on my own so I asked Hannah to come with me" Zayn says and I am just left smiling because I don't know what to say. Niall gently lifts me off his lap and places me back on the sofa before disappearing into the bathroom.
Niall isn't back from the bathroom yet. I exchange a couple of looks with Zayn and he looks a bit confused. I get up from the couch and walk to the bathroom; I knock on the door "Ni? You okay?" I ask through the door "I'm fine" he says but it doesn't sound it "Can I come in?" I ask and I hear the door unlock. I open the door and see Niall leaning against the counter "What's wrong?" I ask standing in front of him and holding his face in y hands so that he can't turn away from me "You've been crying" I say noticing that his eyes are slightly puffy and red and he sighs "I know I have. I was the one crying" he says trying to lighten the situation.
I roll my eyes before smiling a little "Why Ni?" I ask and he takes my hands off of his face and holds them "Because I got scared. I got scared because Luke and Mike have known you longer than I have, they are clearly close with you and either of them could better me any day" he says his breath hitching slightly "That won't happen Ni. They have known me for a while but that doesn't make a difference. That doesn't mean that I want to date the. I want to date you and I am lucky enough to be dating you" I say and he chuckles lightly.
Niall pulls me into his chest and just wraps his arms tightly around me "I am such a sap" he mumbles into my hair "No you're not. I would act the same if it was a childhood friend that was a girl" I say and he chuckles "We can be saps together then" he says and I lift my head to look up at him "Sounds like an ideal situation" I say and instead of saying anything Niall kisses me passionately.
I think that Niall getting scared shows me that he really does care about me and actually wants to be in a relationship with me.
That was Chapter Six, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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