Valentine's Day Pt 1
This is going to be a bunch of short stories with our favorite characters from Trolls Band Together. Bruce x Brandi, John Dory x Enya, Floyd x Boom, Clay x Viva, and Branch x Poppy.
It was Valentine's Day and Branch along with Floyd and John Dory were in the bunker enjoying themselves. Clay and Bruce were their homes.
''Today is the day of love.'' John Dory said.
''I know I'm excited.'' Branch said humming as he made coffee.
''So, you are doing anything special for Poppy?'' Asked John Dory.
''Yep, we have a date tonight, but I promised her I'd spend the day with her. What are you guys up to?'' He asked.
''Well Boom asked me out tonight so I'm going to be with him.'' Floyd said blushing.
''That's great!'' Branch smiled and hugged Floyd.
''What about you John?'' Asked Floyd.
''I got a date as well.'' He said.
They looked at him. ''Anyone I know?'' Asked Branch.
''Nope, and until this is a for sure thing you won't meet her.'' John said with a wink.
''Right, see ya guys.'' Branch said leaving.
Branch walked over to Poppy's pod and knocked on the door.
''Hey Branch!'' She smiled and hugged him.
''Hello beautiful, ready to go out?'' He asked winking.
''Absolutely.'' She took his arm.
Bruce and Brandi....
It was a beautiful afternoon at Vacy Island as the residents were all enjoying themselves having cookouts, guys were playing love songs to their girls while the kids were running around playing together and swimming.
''Two squids sandwiches coming up.'' Bruce called.
Brandi was busy cooking and taking orders at the bar. One of guys Gary came over.
''Say Bruce, go spend the evening with your wife, me and Dave got this.'' Gary said taking the pad.
''I would love to, but we have to wait until the kids are in bed.'' Bruce said.
''Oh, didn't you know? Brandi's sister took the kids for the night, so you and Brandi go enjoy yourselves.'' Gary grins.
''Alright.'' He answered.
He went to go set somethings up for him and Brandi and came back an hour later as he went over to where Brandi was washing her hands, he was wearing a red vest and purple shorts.
''Hey my love.'' He said in his deep, smooth voice.
Brandi looks at him and giggles. ''Well, hello sexy heartthrob.'' She flirted.
''Would you be up to spend the evening with yours truly?'' Asked Bruce bowing.
''Of course, honey, let me get ready.'' She answered.
''You look great in that, plus it's red perfect for the day of love.'' Bruce smiles as she leans down and kisses his cheek.
''You're right, lead the way my handsome troll.'' She giggles.
They went out of the restaurant and were walking around the beach as they moved farther away.
''So, can I ask where we are going and what we are doing?'' Brandi asked.
''Easy we are going on a date.'' Bruce said as they came to an area where the water was flowing, and it was just them and Brandi saw a small picnic set up and she smiles.
''Bruce.'' She swooned.
''Just for you, my love.'' He smiles as she sat down, and he joined her.
''Just like our first date.'' She pointed out.
''Yeah, I know its cheesy, but I want to recreate it with you.'' Bruce giggles.
She leans over and kisses him as he kisses back and Brandi giggles placing a grape between her fingers and feeding it to Bruce who took it and smiles holding her hand and kissing her fingers as she giggles and blushes.
After being married for so long to the handsome troll, he still found ways to make her heart flutter.
They spend the evening feeding each other and enjoying the silence and the candles that lit up the nighttime giving them a romantic feeling.
''I love you Brandi so much, being with you makes me feel alive and happy.'' He smiles and kisses her on the lips.
She kisses hi back and lifts him up and nuzzles and hugs him. ''I love you too Bruce, I can't imagine life without you.'' She smiles as they stayed there though out the night holding each other.
John Dory and Enya....
John Dory wore his jacket, but his pants were blue with red hearts, his gloves were red, and he got himself ready in Rhonda as he went to the spot where he was going to meet his date.
John Dory got out and looked around wondering where Enya was.
''Hey John, I hope I'm not late.'' A voice said.
He turned and was shocked to see a pretty yellow troll who was wearing a purple tank top dress and smiles at him blushing.
John Dory's mouth dropped. She was hot and perfect. They met during one of the recent BroZone concerts and they hit it off and John Dory felt more towards her and wanted to explore what they could be and asked her out. It was only their second date.
''No, you're not and by the way you are so beautiful in that, and I love what you did with your hair.'' He said looking at her red hair with brown streaks in it hair that was down.
''Thank you, you look very handsome as well.'' She blushes and goes over to him as they hug.
''Oh, I picked these for you.'' He said giving her flowers.
''Oh, John thank you they are beautiful.'' She smiles and takes them as he smiles at her.
''You're welcome, how come on we don't want to be late to this concert.'' He answered helping her in the R.V.
Rohnda falls asleep.
''So how was the tour?'' She asked.
''It was ok, we are taking a break until May.'' John Dory said bringing over two glasses of wine and they sat next to each other on the couch.
She took it and sat back as John Dory's arm went behind her back and she leans closer to him.
''When does the concert start?'' She asked.
''In about 30 minutes.'' John Dory answered.
''Well, let's talk more.'' She blushes.
''Sure.'' He smiles.
''So, where are your brothers?'' She asked.
''Well, my guess spending the night with their Valentines.'' He smiled.
''That's sweet.'' She smiles.
''Yeah, so what about you?'' He asked.
''Nothing, no family and just me and working.'' She said looking at him.
''Well, you're welcome to my family.'' John Dory said.
''That's really sweet like you JD.'' She giggles.
He smiled and was surprised when she leans in and kisses him on the lips. He kisses back, not sure where to place his hands. But she grabbed them and places them on her hips as they continue to make out.
Shortly the concert came on the tv as John Dory and Enya pull away and watch it singing and dancing to The Rock Boys!
Enya was dancing with John Dory as he was singing and enjoying each other's company. He spins her around and she dances shaking her butt and showing off.
John Dory goes over and grabs her pulling her to him as a song that was a slow rock song came on and John looks at her. ''Dance this slow dance with me.'' He said.
''Of course.'' She smiles.
They danced together and she moves her hands to his shoulders as he held her waist and they dance slowly.
She smiles blushing, finally at the end of the song, John Dory dipped her, and they kissed each other deeply and he felt her pulls on his jacket as they pull away.
''Happy Valentine's Day.'' They both said.
They kiss again and John Dory takes her to his bedroom where they spend the night together.
Floyd and Boom....
Floyd was at the bunker getting ready and wondering what the night would bring. He heard a knock at the door and went to answer it and it was Boom.
''Hey Floyd.'' Boom said blushes.
Floyd looked at him and smiles as he was wearing a red vest and his denim jeans and smiles at Floyd who was wearing a pink vest and his ripped shorts.
''Hey Boom, you look hot.'' He giggles.
''Thanks, and you look hot as well. So ready for our date?'' Boom asked winking.
''Sure thing!'' Floyd said as they left the bunker and got on a bug as it took off somewhere for just the two of them.
Floyd hung onto Booms waist, and they took off to an island. ''Woah, how did you find this place?'' He asked.
They came to a small beach area where there was a bar with stands and with some bartenders.
''Me and the boys came here to practice with Branch and it's a getaway place we can all hangout but tonight I thought it could just be you and me.'' Boom said as they got off the bug and he take Floyd's hand as they go to the bar.
Floyd looks around and smiles. ''Nice Place.''
''Thanks.'' Boom said as they went to sit down at the counter, and he looked at Floyd. ''Want a drink?''
''Sure, apple punch.'' He said.
Boom chuckles and orders one for himself.
''So, how have you been since the concert?'' Asked Boom
''I'm good, not sure if I want to do solo again.... it wasn't the best, but I do miss my home, but I'm scared to go back, and I don't want to stay with Branch forever.'' Floyd sighed.
Boom had heard from Branch what happened and took Floyd's hand. ''I'm sorry that happened to you man.''
Floyd smiled as they learned in and shared a hug as their drinks came.
''Now let's talk about something better then that, its Valentine's Day after all.'' Boom grins.
''Ok, so where do you live?'' Asked Floyd.
''After we finish drinking, I'll show you. But let's play 5 questions.'' Boom suggested.
''You got it.'' Floyd said.
''First question, how old are you?'' Asked Boom.
''I'm 28. Now how old are you?'' Asked Floyd.
''I'm 29.'' Boom answered taking a drink.
''How long was it before you realized you were gay?'' Asked Boom looking at him.
''Well, I noticed it when I had a girl come up to me and ask me out, I went with her on a date thinking it would be fun and it was a fun date and at the end of the night she kissed me and it felt weird and not right... and I didn't get butterflies and then I saw a couple of guys and my heart started pounding. So about when I was 23.'' Floyd said.
Boom smiled and held his hand. ''I see. Was she a pretty girl?''
''One question at a time.'' Floyd giggles.
''Your turn.'' Said Boom.
''Ok, are you looking for a relationship?'' Asked Floyd.
''I'm not against one if I find the right troll.'' Boom grins winking.
Without realizing it he placed his hand on Floyd's leg as the blue troll blushed.
''Ok so was she a pretty girl?'' Asked Boom as they got up and started walking on the beach.
''Yeah, she was, and she'll make some guy very happy.'' Floyd said as their hands brushed up against each other,
Boom took his hand and laced their fingers together. ''
''Ok fourth question. ''What are you doing after this?'' Asked Boom.
''Probably go home, well back to the bunker and I hope that my baby bro isn't there with his girl.'' Floyd gulped sheepishly.
Boom had an idea and looked at Floyd. ''Ok ask me a question.''
''What are you doing after this?'' Asked Floyd as he felt his heart pick up as they swung hands.
''Well, I'm not sure depending on what happens next.'' Boom said.
''Finally question.'' Boom said as the sun was setting, he pulls Floyd to him and kisses him deeply.
Floyd was surprised but kissed back as they pulled away.
''Floyd, do you want to stay with me for the night?'' Asked Boom.
''Yeah, I want that.'' Floyd smiled.
''And Boom, this maybe quick and fast but do you want to go out again, say like tomorrow?'' Asked Floyd.
''Of course.'' Boom said as they shared another kiss and came to a shack. ''This is where I live, let's go in. Happy Valentine's Day.''
''Happy Valentine's Day.'' Floyd replied as they went in.
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