Rightful Queen
Poppy and Viva fight over who is the rightful queen, and their adopted sister Alice breaks up the fight. A request for True_Colors and the ocs Alice and Eric belongs to her.
One afternoon Poppy and Viva were having a picnic and spending time together.
''So, when is Alice going to be back?'' Asked Viva.
''Hm, I think sometime today, she is on a date with her boyfriend Eric.'' Poppy replied.
''Cool! I can't wait to meet him.'' Viva smiles.
''Yeah, I'm sure he's excited now that he got more brothers.'' Poppy laughed.
Viva and Poppy enjoyed the picnic, and they were talking about their boyfriends.
''So, I wonder what Branch and Clay are up to?'' Asked Poppy.
''I'm not sure. Planning something.'' Viva giggles.
''I'm happy you guys are here, you should move here permanently.'' Poppy suggested.
That would be fun! Means I could see you and dad, and me and Clay wouldn't be apart so much.'' Viva smiles.
''Yeah, there is plenty of room for the putt putt troll to live here.'' Poppy answered finishing a grape.
''I know! And I'm tempted to.'' Viva replies.
Later after the picnic Poppy and Viva went their separate ways and Viva was on her way to meet Clay at their shared pod when they stay in Pop Village.
On her way she ran into Peter an older troll who was surprised to see Viva.
''I'm sorry your majesty.'' He bowed.
''Oh, no its alright and no not majesty or highness just Viva.'' The pink troll replied with a smile.
''Nice to see you again Viva.'' Peter smiled shaking her hand.
''Wait you're Peter... um you were my dad's right-hand troll.'' Viva smiles remembering.
''Yeah, I was, and I remember you when you were so little, and you would come into the throne room and tell me and your dad all things you were going to do when you were queen.'' Peter smiles remembering.
''Yeah, that was a time.'' She smiles.
''So, are you living here now?'' Asked Peter.
''Yeah, for the most part, I talked to Poppy and I'm thinking of moving the putt putt trolls here so I can be close to my family.'' Viva answered as they sat down.
''That would be great! And since your here you could take over as queen.'' Peter said excitedly.
''Queen? But Poppy is the queen, and she has been for a while, plus all the trolls love her and what she did.'' Viva pointed out.
''Yes, that is true but technically the rules of royalty haven't changed so since everyone thought you were dead it was passed onto Poppy, but since you're alive and here you are the rightful queen and you should take it.'' Peter answered.
''I mean I wouldn't know much about being a queen.'' Viva replied.
''Well, no but I can help you and since you are here to stay you can take over as queen, I know you can do great things and you survived the bergan attack and led a bunch of trolls to a safe place that you built up and turned into a wonderful safe place, we need that here.'' Peter said.
''Isn't Poppy already doing that?'' Asked Viva.
''Yes, but there are some concerns we have with her. But you are the rightful queen and since nothing was signed you are queen. Come to the pod tomorrow and we will work on this.'' Peter smiled.
Viva was excited she always wanted to be queen and while she knew Poppy might be upset, she wanted to be queen, and she went to find Poppy and ran into Clay.
''Clay!'' Viva giggles.
''Hey.'' Clay smiles.
''I have some great news!'' She giggles.
''What?'' He asked hugging her.
''I'm going to be queen!''
Clay smiles and then stopped. ''Um Viv Poppy is queen, and she's letting you?'' He asked.
''I'm on my way to talk to her about I heard from one of the elders that since I'm back and the laws haven't changed, I can still be queen, and I want you next to me.'' She smiles brightly.
''I'd be happy to Viva but how will Poppy take it?'' He asked.
''Oh well let's go tell and see. I need you on my side.'' She replied holding his hand.
''I'm always on your side.'' He kissed her cheek as they went to find Poppy.
Poppy had finished her date with Branch, and they were on their way to her pod when Viva came over.
''Viva!'' Poppy hugged her.
''What brings you over here?'' Asked Poppy.
''Poppy... we need to talk.'' Viva replied.
Clay next to Viva on the side and Branch joined him.
''Hey Clay.'' Branch greeted.
''Hey.'' He replied.
''What's up?'' Asked Branch.
''Things are going to get ugly.'' Clay replied.
''Poppy, I want to be queen.'' Viva replied.
Poppy smiles and hugging Viva. ''Great! We can rule together helping each other out!''
''No Poppy, I mean I want the full title of queen sure we can share it but I want to be the main queen not the side one.'' Viva replied.
''Uh um Viva, I'm queen and I'm more then happy to share the role with you but I'm the queen of Pop Village.'' Poppy responded curious.
''But I'm the oldest so since the rules have never been changed and I'm back that means I am queen, so you have to give up the role.'' Viva responded.
Poppy was getting worried. ''What? Viva no offense but if it's going to be like that no I'm not giving up my title as queen I worked too hard to get here to get it taken away.'' Poppy replied in a serious voice.
Branch looked at Clay who nodded.
''You won't have a choice come on Poppy, you've got to be queen for a couple years now, so it's my turn and I want this.'' Viva replied.
''I love you Viva and I would do anything to make you happy but no I'm not giving up my spot as queen.'' Poppy said firmly.
''Why not? I mean I was born for this.'' Viva snapped.
''I'm sorry Viva but you would not make a good queen! You stayed behind when Clay wanted you to go with to save his brother because you didn't think it was safe! I knew it wasn't safe, and I did it anyway! I helped saved the troll world from being just rock! I made peace with the bergans which no one ever did and saved my trolls from being eaten! This isn't a game.'' Poppy snapped getting upset.
Viva frowns. ''You stole my right to be queen and now I want it. I can lead these trolls in the right spot and no offense, but you don't know how to run a kingdom! You are reckless and you are out in the open anything could come by and hurt you or the others!'' Viva shouted.
''How will the tribes take it switching queens, they don't know you and they need someone they know and trust. You can't just come back here and demand to be queen.'' Poppy growls.
Branch and Clay stayed quiet.
''Tomorrow the counsel will give me the title as queen, and you can just be the side princess.'' Viva shrugged.
Poppy and Viva were about to get into it when a young girl came in between them.
''Both of you enough!'' Shouted Alice who was the adopted sister of them and the youngest.
They look at her. She had just come back from a date with her boyfriend Eric who was standing to the side and looked at his adopted brothers.
''Look Poppy, you got to understand Viva is the rightful queen, she was supposed to take over and that was taken away from her... and I'm sure she's been dreaming about it and she should give it a try.'' Alice replied.
Poppy frowned.
''But Viva, you need to understand that Poppy here has been queen for 4 years and she didn't take the title it was given to her by dad. She has done many great things for Trolls Village and the trolls, taking on impossible tasks that most could never do, and she reunited the tribes... so yes, she is in the right not to give it up...'' Alice replied.
Viva glares. ''Alright Alice what do you suggest?''
'' Take turns sharing it. One month Poppy takes over and the next month you take over Viva. And whoever is queen for that month has all the responsibility of the queenly duties and can have a partner to help. The switch is so you two don't get overwhelmed sound good?'' Asked Alice.
''How do I know she won't try to take over the role permanently?'' Asked Poppy.
''Easy we will go to dad and have a contract written out where both of you agree to the terms and agree.'' Alice replied.
''Alright let's try it. Is that good for you Viva?'' Asked Poppy.
''Yeah, why not. Thanks Alice you should be a mediator for trolls.'' Viva smiles hugging her sisters.
''Oh, Viva I'd like you to meet Eric my boyfriend. Eric this is Viva my sister.'' Alice smiled.
''Pleasure to meet you Eric your so cute!'' Viva hugs Eric and places him down.
''Pleasure to meet you too.'' He smiled.
They all go to see Peppy and Clay wrote out the contract and both Poppy and Viva signed with Alice being a sub if they couldn't do it.
And they all went out for a triple date.
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