A Dad's Worry
Second Part of Daddy's Attention in the Sibling Bond book...
It was early afternoon, and the Cantina Restaurant was a bit slow, Bruce didn't notice this as he was busy checking on the stock to see if he needed to make more orders.
While he was doing this his wife came over. ''Hey honey.''
''Hey baby what's up?'' He asked as he turned to smile at his wife.
''I need you to go pick up Breezy after school.'' Brandy said watching her husband.
''Oh?'' He asked.
''Yeah, she is staying late to work on that play that's coming up on Saturday, besides spending time with her would be good for you two.'' Brandy replied.
Bruce nodded. ''You got it what time just so I know?'' He asked.
''About 5.'' She replied as she walked out.
Bruce went back to checking on the stock. After that he went to taking orders and making food and drinks for customers time passed for him.
Later after surfing for a couple minutes he went to the school to pick up his daughter and he noticed a lot of kids were leaving.
''Hey, is Breezy still in there?'' He asked one of his daughters' friends.
''Yeah, she is she'll be out shortly Bruce.'' The young girl said as she left.
He then went inside and looked around. It took him back to when he was in school, and he was a catch with all the girls, and he had a smirk on his face as he went to the auditorium and once inside he was at the top of the room and he saw his daughter as she was talking to a boy who he assumed was the main male lead.
''And with that you are the best and I would love to date you.'' The boy replied acting and leans in and kisses Breezy on the lips
Bruce froze and in mind exploded watching his daughter kiss a boy and he slipped out of the room and standing in the hallway as he went outside and was lost in thought.
A couple minutes later he saw Breezy and the boy that had kissed her coming out together laughing.
''See you tomorrow for all practice.'' Flint said as he walked by Bruce.
''Daddy! What are you doing here?'' Breezy asked as she leans over and kisses his cheek.
''Hey Babygirl, I came to pick you up I heard you were staying late so I decided to come and get you spend a little daddy and daughter time.'' He said.
''Sounds good dad.'' She smiled as she took his hand, and they walked home.
Bruce wasn't sure if he should say anything this was new territory to him. ''So, you ready for the play on Saturday?''
''Yeah, I am almost, there one part I almost have down which is why tomorrow the teachers have excused us from classes so tomorrow is an all-day practice.'' She replied.
''So, are you nervous at all?'' Asked Bruce as they got closer to home.
''A little bit. But with Flint my partner I think I can handle this... I'm not fond of big crowds, how did you handle it in your boy band days?'' She asked.
''Well, it came naturally, most trolls love to sing and show off and while it was a bit nerve-wracking at first but after a while you just tune it all out or pretend, you're acting it out for one person you really want to see the play.'' He suggested.
''Sounds good dad!'' She smiles as they saw her siblings playing.
''So, is Flint the boy you like?'' He asked.
''Yeah, in a way he's a nice guy and he's great with working on plays anyway I got some homework to do see ya dad.'' She kissed his cheek and took off.
The evening went by fast, and Bruce was taking orders he went to a table and was surprised to see Peppy there enjoying a drink.
''Hey there Peppy.'' Bruce greeted.
''Hello Bruce, are you ok?'' He asked.
''Sure, fine why?'' Asked Bruce curious to how this troll would know something is up.
''You look like your having trouble come sit down and talk with me.'' Peppy said.
Bruce looked around.
''Come on Spruce you got the time, its something your grandma would make you do.'' Peppy responded.
Bruce sighed and sat down. ''Ok.''
''So, what's the problem?'' Asked Peppy.
''I went to pick up my daughter today and I saw her kissing a boy she has a crush on and I guess they are going to do a kiss scene in a play.'' Bruce sighed.
''Ahh, puppy love is what that is called.'' Peppy replied.
''I-I don't know how to handle that, she says she likes him but I don't know.'' Bruce confessed.
''It's puppy love, trust me it happens with lots of girls and usually the first boy they like usually isn't the one they end up with trust me I know.'' Peppy replied.
Bruce was curious. ''Wasn't Branch Poppy's first love?'' Asked Bruce.
''No, in fact there was a troll she was friends with named Creek, she liked him and I let her go on with her crush but I knew it wasn't going to last and I was right but the hardest part is letting them figure it out themselves. But have a good relationship with them and let them know they can tell you anything but then again you got an ace for this that I didn't.'' Peppy replied.
''What is that?'' Asked Bruce.
''You got your wife. I had to handle Poppy on my own but you got your wife, have her talk to your daughter if you can't. Just friendly advice from father to father.'' Peppy replied.
''How did you handle it when Branch told you him and Poppy were dating?'' Asked Bruce who stood up.
''Oh I just told that if he hurts my daughter I know where to hide a body.'' He replied as he continued drinking a bit.
Bruce nodded. That night he was in bed and looked at Brandy.
''What wrong honey?'' She asked.
''I'm worried about Breezy I caught her and a boy kissing... it was while they were practicing the play.'' He laid backwards on the bed taking off his vest.
''Oh Flint. I talked to her honey and its nothing serious.'' She leans over and kisses him as he kisses back.
''That's good. I was worried.'' He sighed.
''You have the boys to deal with and I'll handle our daughter.'' She smiled as they fell asleep.
The night of the play Bruce was enjoying the play and he watched at the end as Breezy and Flint kissed and he saw her look at him and she gave him a sweet smile as he smiled back and he stood up with the rest as they clapped.
After the play Breezy came over with Flint.
''Flint I would like you to meet my dad Bruce, dad this is Flint my close friend.'' She replied.
''It's nice to meet you Bruce, Breezy talks about you all the time.'' He smiles.
''It's a pleasure to meet you too.'' Bruce replied.
''We are going to hang out with the crew be back later.'' Breezy kissed her dad on the cheek and took off with Flint and their friends.
''I got this.'' He smiled watching them take off.
Here we go...
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