Murder Mystery AU
Hello again, it's me Inky and my loving boyfriend Cfan23 back with another AU that we hope enjoy :)
Stormy Night
Letters were being sent out to several people who were close friends. These letters contains a address and the reasons why the people were supposed to come to a Beautifully crafted Mansion. But the letters said to wear very fancy like and be sure to get there around 5:30 in the evening so the little get together with friends would start. But what the guests didn't know was that two people were blackmailing everyone single person coming and they both had every detail to something dark that each person did in their life.
~Guests arriving~
The first person to arrive was a woman in a black short dress with combat boots on wearing a necklace with a green emerald crystal, with short brown hair and Hazel Brown eyes. This beauty was Ms. Cipher and boy she was indeed a beauty, she was lead to the lounge by a Male with sandy brown hair and blue eyes wearing a butler outfit, his name was Mr. Riser and he was the Butler for this evening. Then a male with Black hair and blue eyes had entered the Lounge, he was Mr. Wolfe and was wearing a blue and black suit. And then a another male with sunglasses and was wearing a green tie and darker green suit, he was Mr. Moosnuckel. They were given fancy drinks as others started showing up one by one until everyone was there.
"Hello, everyone and good evening. You know me as Brian but tonight, just call me Mr. Riser." Brian says
"The letter said that we were invited here for another reason besides a reunion, what gives?" Says Mr. Wildcat
Brian, the Butler, stood there and heard Tyler, "I'm afraid I was not given that information ahead of time."
"Figures..." Mr. Wildcat grumbled as he walked over to a couple of the other reunion goers and began chatting up a storm.
"Why choose this place though? I mean, I know it's fancy and everything, but this place seemed like a very long journey and is kind of far from any civilization, right?" Someone else said.
"How about we get a tour of this place, Mr. Riser?" Mr. Wrecker asked, changing the subject.
Brian nodded and began to lead the group around, showing them the first floor of the mansion.
"Now, if you'll follow me up these steps..." He said as he began to walk up them.
"I swear, these steps will be the death of me." Mr. Kyle Wolfe said as he climbed them, referring to how many steps there were and how tiring it was (for him anyways) to climb such a large amount.
After the tour, everyone had begun to set up in different rooms, just mingling with each other while dinner was being prepared.
Ms. Cipher was in the billard room playing a game of pool by herself while Mr. Panda, Mr. Riser Mr. Wrecker and Mr. Moosnuckel was at the bar area until Mr. Wolfe walks and blushed seeing Ms. Cipher's butt as she plays pool.
"Oh wow this room is awesome!" Kyle says
"Oh hello, Mr. Wolfe!" Shannon says with a smile turning around
She gives him a flirty smile and puts her hands on his shoulders.
"It's good to see you again, Ms. Cipher especially at a party." Kyle says
"Call me Shannon, I feel old when people say that." She says
Everyone else started coming into the room and start chatting with each other. Brock was flirting with Brian making the Irish Butler flustered. Everyone was having fun and then a maid walks in.
"Dinner is ready, make your way into the dining room." The maid says
"When we get into the dining room, your names will be place at the seat you will be sitting at." Brian says
Everyone was seated, Shannon was by Kyle and Brock, Luke was in the middle of Ryan and Tyler, next to them was Anthony Evan Jonathan and sitting next to Kyle is Scotty and Marcel. Since Brian was the butler, he couldn't sit with the others but had to serve dinner to everyone and drinks.
"So how come you are the Butler, Brian?" Brock asked
"Well the person that owns this Mansion, put me in charge of being the Butler for tonight." Brian says
"So who is the Owner?" Scotty asked
"I know the owner very well, however for privacy reasons I can not give that information out." Brian replied.
Scotty just shrugged as everyone continued to eat their dinner.
After dinner was done, everyone headed into the study where there were drinks set out for everyone.
Some people waited to drink theirs, just wanting to chat with some of them before drinking.
7:00 PM
It was seven and everyone was still in the study, just chatting and doing anything else they could think of. Or at least they were until the lights went off.
"Probably just the wind that shook one of the wires." Kyle said, trying to come up with a logical explanation.
As the darkness stayed, Ryan began to cough violently on his new drink.
And then, the lights came back on and everyone groaned because of how bright the lights were.
"Holy shit!" Tyler yelled and began pointing.
He was pointing at a slumped over body on the floor and an spilled drink. The body belonged to Mr. Ryan Wrecker.
"Oh my gosh what happened to him?" Shannon asked
"Out of the way, I'm a doctor." Marcel says
Marcel walks over and gets down on his knees and checks for any signs that he was alive but no sign of being alive, he sighs at this.
"Wait what is that beside his hand?" Evan asked
There was a little piece of paper and Marcel grabs it and reads it out loud.
"We are watching every single guests and we know all of your dirty little secrets. I would keep an open mind about this because tonight maybe your last~"
"Dirty secrets? What does that mean?" Kyle says
"Wait a minute before everyone arrived tonight and when I arrived there was several packages left in the study. Come to the study, we'll figure out to do with Mr. Wrecker later." Brian says
There was several packages as the guests entered the Study. Brian hands the packages to everyone and everyone opens them and then Brian finds a letter under all of the packages.
"If you are reading this... That means you are about to find out why you were all invited here tonight. The real reason for being here is that two people in this room is blackmailing each one of you and the packages well... Are something to protect yourself with and tonight it's gonna get dark each hour. If you can figure out who is blackmailing everyone then you will be able to either kill them or turn them into the police. Good luck everyone."
The guests were in shock to see all of these dangerous weapons from a butcher knife,a candlestick holder, rope a gun, a lead pipe, a wrench, to other small items that could kill you in a instant. Everyone was now on edge about who the killers were. And they all started to argue about who it is.
"Wait, how was Mr. Wrecker killed? Mr. Work, did you see or smell anything on His breath?" Jonathan says
"Yeah, you are the one that said he was dead?" Scotty says
Marcel shook his head no, "No, I couldn't smell any or tell anything from what I saw. However that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have slipped something into his drink. You saw him, he was the last one to grab a drink from the tray." He explained.
"So, were aiming exactly for Ryan with that?" Scotty asked.
Marcel shrugged, "I don't know. I think they were just lucky it killed Ryan, as it could've been just as easily one of us..."
Everyone in the room fidgeted nervously, not liking the sound of that and not liking how close each one of them were to death as that drink could've been anyone's.
The group began to feel as if they couldn't trust each other now.
Luke looked around, "Wait a minute... The letters said that TWO people were blackmailing us..."
"And that they knew out darkest secrets..." Anthony added.
Everyone began to back away slightly from each other, eyeing each other up. Now they were even more on edge as they now had to worry about TWO people who were out to get them.
"W... What secrets. I don't have any and I'm sure the rest of us don't either." Jonathan said.
"Screw this, I'm leaving." Kyle said.
"No! No ones going anywhere!" Evan shouts.
"Why not?" Kyle asked, glaring towards the Asian male.
"Because, then we'll assume you're in on it and are trying to leave town." Jonathan chimed in.
"Oh, hell no. You know I wouldn't and couldn't hurt a fly." Kyle said.
The group all began getting at each other's throats in arguments and bickering. Tempers were flying high in the room.
The two killers watched as everyone were arguing, but the two had to keep their cool or someone would notice their smirks.
Kyle runs over to the front door but when he goes to open the door it wouldn't open from some reason.
"Hye, Brian why is the front door locked?" Kyle asked
"I don't know, I swear I didn't lock it wait the keys to the Mansion were in my pocket but now they are missing! O swear I never took them out for any reason at all." Brian says
"But that means whoever killed Ryan might have swiped the keys to keep us locked in but my Question is how did they lock us in and how did they get back inside??" Luke says
"Maybe there's a secret passageway back into the Mansion? Like in the movies?" Brock says
"Maybe we should figure this out before 8 rolls around because the Letter said that this evening would get more dark and scary?" Shannon stutters
"How about this, we all try and split up and have a look around and try to find a secret area?" Evan suggests
"That sounds like a good plan!" Jonathan said.
"Okay, let's do this. I'll have, Kyle, Brian, Shannon, Luke, Jonathan and Tyler." Brock said.
Evan nodded, "Marcel, Scotty, and Anthony, you're in my group."
The two groups came up with a way to communicate with each other, in case something went down. That way was just to scream as loud as they could.
The two groups split off and began to explore separate parts of the mansion. Everyone sticking close to each other in their respective groups.
"I wonder how much time we have before..." Kyle began to say.
Before he could finish his thought, the lights went out.
"The lights go out..." He added and sighed, closing his eyes for a few seconds.
Both groups braced themselves for what was going to come.
The lights seemed to be out for a little while longer than last time. But when the lights had finally turned back on, it was the scream that came from Anthony.
"He's dead!" Anthony shouts as he points to Scotty's limp body.
Marcel bent down and examined the body.
"He got stabbed repeatedly. Who in this mansion was given the knife in the package?" Marcel asked, believing that he had figured out who killed them.
"But that wouldn't prove anything Marcel... Anyone could've grabbed it and used it." Evan said, causing Marcel to sigh as he nodded, understanding what he was saying.
Just then Brock Kyle Brian Shannon Luke Jonathan and Tyler came running up the stairs and the only female eyes widen and she fainted and almost falls to the floor but she was lucky that Kyle was behind her when this happens.
"But look up on the wall, it's a message!" Luke says
"The knife goes chop chop chop.. You know what else goes chop? Time!! The more time you waste the faster the kills will be~"
"That's a strange message? But what does it mean?" Brian says
"I think I need to take Her somewhere because she had fainted and I don't know how long I can hold her." Kyle says
"There's a bedroom this way!" Brian says
Kyle carries Shannon to the bedroom and lays her on the bed.
"Poor Lady." Jonathan says
"She shouldn't even be here but we are all friends but I'm starting to wonder who the killers are. Say Brian you know the house so well whose to say that you are doing it?" Tyler says
"I don't know this Mansion well enough but I had to study a map layout of the house and it was in the study. And why accuse me I had nothing to do with any of this, I'm just the butler I swear." Brian says
"Hey, don't accuse just because he is the butler. Yes, he may not know the house well enough but as a butler for tonight maybe he had to study in order to be able to lead everyone around." Brock says defending Brian
"I say we continue to search the house and maybe we will find clues." Marcel says
"What about Shannon, she is gonna freak out if she is alone and her being the only lady in this group?" Kyle says
"Since I'm the butler I will stay with the group and maybe someone stays behind with her?" Brian suggests
"I'll stay with her, considering I'm the one that prevented her from falling..." Kyle said.
Everyone else nodded and Brian began to lead the group away from the room where those two were at.
"Maybe we should split up and do some more looking?" Tyler suggested.
Some people were skeptical but others thought it was a good idea.
"Okay, I think it should be Tyler, Marcel, Anthony and Jonathan in one group." Luke said.
"And then that leaves me, Luke, Brian and Brock." Evan said.
The two groups began to split up in hopes of finding any thing that could lead them onto who the killers were.
It must've taken them an hour to explore because the lights went out again.
Upon the lights coming back on, Jonathan shouts.
"Tyler!! No!!" He was panicking more.
Everyone happened to find each other, well at least the ones who were exploring. They happened to see Tyler laying lifelessly on the ground. His head was bashed in.
"This is really fucked up..." Evan mumbled.
They had determined that the weapon used was something that they could use as a blunt force kind of weapon, something like a candle stick holder.
Shannon wakes up after a little bit and sees Kyle beside the bed she was on.
"What happened?" She asked
"After seeing, Scotty's body you fainted and fell back into my arms." Kyle says
"Oh and I guess you bought me to this bedroom??" Shannon asked
"Yeah and Brian is the one that show me this bedroom and it wouldn't have felt right to leave you in here with two killers on the loose." Kyle says
"That was nice of you to do, Kyle." She says with a smile
Just then Brian and Brock came into the room, we just found Tyler died and we decided to come get you two." Brock says
So Shannon and Kyle headed off with them and they found a horrible sight in front of them.
"What the heck happened to him!!" Shannon stutters
"Apparently, Tyler's head was bashed in by something." Marvel says
"This is getting serious and the kills are getting worse by each hour that goes by." Jonathan says
So they all stayed together looking for clues and then the power goes out again by one of the killers while the other one went grabbed the rope and went to where Jonathan was at and wrapped the rope around his neck and dragged him to the staircase where he was pushed by both of the killer where they tied the rope to the very top of the ceiling and Jonathan was struggling but it's doesn't matter as his life was slipping away. The two killer went to turn the power on and took a secret passage to get back to where the others were at and not get notice about disappearing.
"Hey, where is Jonathan?" Luke asked
They were looking for him when someone in the group screams out.
"Oh my god!!!" Luke shouts
There was Jonathan hanging by rope that was tied in a very good knot.
"How the hell is these two doing all this??" Shannon stutters
"Whoever is doing it is fucked up in the head!" Evan says looking at his best friend
The group was starting to get smaller, more to the liking of the killers among the group.
Everyone began to panic more and more as they saw Jonathan hanging up there.
"This can't be happening!!!" Luke panicked.
Everyone backed away from each other, cautiously and continuously eyeing each other up.
It was quite clear that this group of remaining 'survivors' were beginning to not trust each other. I mean, could you blame them? Especially when it seems like the killers are around them and know everything.
"Guys... I know we might not be very trusting of each other, but we have work together in trying to either capture these killers or kill them or escape..." Brock said.
Everyone nodded after a few seconds of thinking because they knew that they were right.
"Let's go to the den, I believe I saw some stuff in there we could use to figure everything out..." Evan said.
The whole group went to the den and began to write down whats happened so far and what they know.
"We know that the killers apparently know our deep and dark secrets..." Brock said.
As they continued to write down everything the lights went off again, considering it had been an hour since the previous occurrence.
Everyone tried to find each other in the dark, only to stumble against the furniture that was in the den.
By the time the lights had come back on, someone let out another scream.
Everyone looked and saw Anthony laying on the ground, an indentation of a wrench on the back of his bleeding head wound.
"What the hell!!" Kyle shouts
Kyle points over to the white wall and sees a message.
"For whom the Bell tolls, time marches on~"
"What is these crazy people trying to tell us?" Shannon says shutting
"I swear I have seen this from something before but what." Kyle says
"I guess this means that they are almost done killing or the end of everyone in this Mansion." Luke says sighing
Shannon was looking around the den when she come across something that looks important.
"You made it this far? We are very surprised by this, we thought you would have given up by now. But it's only a matter of time before the Sandman takes everyone.~"
Shannon reads this out loud for everyone to hear.
"I swear they are trying to quote something? But I'm not too sure about what it means." Brock says
"Sandman? Wasn't there a band that made a song about the Sandman?" Marcel says
The others begin to think and look for clues around the den when Luke leans up against a wall and it opens up.
"Hey, look a secret passage!!" Luke says
"Should we see where this goes?" Brian asked
"Maybe this is how the killers has been getting around. But Brian did you know about this?" Evan asked
"No, I didn't know about this. It wasn't in the blueprints of this place." Brian says
"How about this, two people stay behind while the others check this secret passage out?" Shannon suggests
"I honestly don't want to explore it because who knows the killers might be hiding in there?" Marcel says
"And I ain't risking my life in there, I will stay with Marcel. While you guys explore but don't come crying to me when you five get killed off." Marcel says
Shannon Kyle Brock Brian and Evan heads into the secret passage, to have a look around as someone from within their group slips away and takes a path to where the basement was and shuts off the power and kills both Luke and Marcel and then goes to the bathroom to clean up before heading back to turn on the lights(which the group didn't even know the lights were turned off) and gets back into the group and acts normal and made sure they didn't have blood on them.
The group of five continued to explore down through the secret passageway, unaware of what had happened to the two they had left behind.
They kept walking, every time they came across a door, they'd open it and check out the room on the other side.
After a good bit more of exploring and finding out nothing much more about the killers, they began to head back to where they had left the two.
"Oh my god no!" Evan shouted as he saw the light shining on the two bodies of Marcel and Luke.
"What in the hell but how did they die like that?" Brock says
"That's simple really.." Shannon says
A click of the revolver was heard and the three only males turned to see Shannon and Brian holding weapons in their hand and before anyone could do anything, Brian shoots Evan straight between the eyes without a second thought to go through his mind.
"Brian... Shannon.. I don't understand?" Brock says
"We actually didn't blackmail you guys but the others were planning on trying to dump evidence on you guys because they were part of a crime that involved the Deaths of Lui David Craig and Bryce about a year ago and we knew their plans because both of us were there when planning it while you two were out of town and we have evidence to show you. That's why everyone was invited here by me and Brian helped me come up with this whole little party/reunion. Please we didn't mean to scare you two, we were doing it to protect you because we both love you and we understand of you don't want to be with us now that we just killed a bunch of people." Shannon says as tears fall from her eyes
Both Shannon and Brian drops their weapons as they hugged each other and sobbing as Kyle and Brock looks at each other realizing that these two just save them from being blackmailed into doing something for the guys that were killed off.
The two males looked at each other and then to the other two.
"I... I honestly don't know what to say..." Kyle said, being speechless as he was still trying to comprehend everything.
"Turn us in, if you must.." Brian said.
Brock shook his head, "No, we're in this til the end. We'll help you bury the bodies and then we'll leave."
The two males helped dig the holes of which belonged to those they used to be friends with.
"It was quite truly a great thing you guys did." Brock said after they finished.
The group of four had knocked down the huge mansion and made it look like an accident or a storm had done it. They were off to start their new lives, somewhere else other than there...
The end...
We hope you like it!!!
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