Hello readers!! It's me Inky and my Boyfriend Cfan23 coming back with a another AU, which we both love!!
We hope you enjoy!!!
A small Family just moved into a two story small house that was plenty enough room for a small kid, his teenagers sister and cousin. Their names were Lui Riser, Shannon Riser and Brian Riser. The reason behind Shannon and Lui's cousin living with them was because his own family was in a very bad accident when he was a baby. But both Shannon and Brian were the same age and got along just great. And Lui, well he was adopted by Shannon's parents because he lost his own mother at child birth and Lui's mother was good friends with Shannon's Mother. They moved to a beautiful little town that was very peaceful and quiet for a new start for the three. Shannon and Brian picked their rooms and unpacked and then helped Lui with his packing since they got everything done and all that. After a little everything was done now and Shannon's mother tells them that they would be starting school tomorrow and she was on her way to sign the three up for school.
Many months Later
It was the rainy season and both Shannon and Brian were in bed sick and couldn't do much of nothing on this rainy weekend but Lui was wanting to go outside and play in the rain. So Shannon and Brian made Lui a boat.
"Here you go." Brian says coughing
"Please be careful and don't talk to strangers, Lui." Shannon says sneezing up a storm
"Okay, Shannon and Brian. You two get some rest and get to feeling better. I will be back in a little bit!" Lui says happily
And with that being said, Lui heads outside not realizing that he wouldn't come back alive.
Lui went outside of the house in his raincoat. He set the boat down and watched it float alongside the road.
He would pick it up and put it down at different spots. He would continue to do so until the boat began to make its way toward a sewer drain.
"No!!!" Lui squeaked as he ran to try and catch the boat, only to see it disappear down the drain.
The poor boy was heartbroken because his sister and cousin made him that boat and now he had lost it, or so he thought.
He saw the boat appear in the darkness and then a set of blue eyes. The boy jumped back, startled slightly.
"Hello there~ I believe you lost something~" The person, that the two blue eyes belonged to, said.
"Y... Yeah! My b... Boat!" Lui stuttered a bit in fear.
"Did it look like this?" The figure asked.
Lui nodded his head.
"How about I give you a little something extra with the boat?" The figure asked Lui.
Lui seemed hesitant, "I don't know... They told me I'm not suppose to talk to strangers..."
"Oh... Well... Maybe I can make us not be strangers..." The figure said.
Lui watched as the person in the sewers began to come into the visible light. Lui was shocked at what he saw. He saw a clown, a creepy looking clown at that.
"Maybe name is Jonathan, the dancing clown!" The clown said, laughing slightly, maybe a delusional/delirious kind of laugh
"My names Lui..." The little boy said.
"How about I give you a balloon with your boat, Lui..." The clown offered, "You just have to reach in and get both of them..."
Lui bent down and stuck his arms into the sewer and began to reach for the balloon and boat. However, Lui was dragged into the sewer and that was the last anyone ever heard from him.
Two years Later
Shannon sighs as she gets to the group table at lunch. Her and Brian had a hard time losing Lui because he was family, but they never found his body at all. Lui was only 12 years at the time of his disappearance. But there was something about this town, though that creeped both Shannon and Brian out. The police were called several hours later after Lui saying he would be back in a little bit but Shannon and Brian couldn't just go with him because they were very sick at the time and Shannon's parents wouldn't let the two out of the house for nothing. It wasn't their fault and they wondered if he was just kidnapped or killed and no body could find the body. Anyway, their friends Kyle Brock Tyler Marcel Scotty David and Evan all sat down at the table and away from everyone else. The group was known as the BBS or losers because everyone dislike them for some reason. Shannon was reading over a article about young kids disappearing just like Lui had, when Kyle looks at her.
"Hey, you okay?" Kyle asked
"Yeah, I'm just stomped by this article on some kids going missing very few years without no trance of evidence left behind and police won't say anything about it. All of this seems strange to me." She says
"When do you ever put down a book and enjoy life. I mean no disrespect about your adopted Brother but he is gone Shannon and no there's no way of knowing what happened. He could have found into a river or sewer." Tyler says drinking his milk
"That was kinda of rude, Tyler." Brock says looking across the table at Tyler
"Well, I mean it's been two years ago since Lui went missing." Tyler says
"Yeah, but don't you think it's kinda of strange of how he went missing and nobody seemed to really care about it." Evan says
"Yeah, my little cousin went missing two weeks ago and nobody has contacted our family about any information about his disappearance." Scotty says
"Yes, I agree with everyone something is going on in this town and the adults are keeping it shush shush. My Mother is a cop and she won't even tell me about the disappearances at all." David says
"I say we have a look for ourselves and see what is going on within this town." Marcel says
After school, everyone got into their vehicles and began to go to Brock's house since he had the largest house out of everyone.
"Welcome to my place." Brock said as he opens the door to let everyone in.
Everyone had walked into his house and went immediately to the living room to discuss recent events of more people disappearing.
"Okay... Let's see what we can dig up." Brock said.
The group had been searching for any kind of evidence that these were all connected. Brock had brought out the map of the town and Kyle began to peak at it.
"There's an old abandoned house here with a well... It's not too far from your house... It might lead to the sewers..." Kyle said, pointing at the spot he meant.
"What about it?" Brian asked.
"Well, there's a local legend that there was once a clown that lived in there that was a killer and prayed on little kids and teens." Kyle explained.
The group was a bit unsure of what to do with this information but the group decided to call it a day. Brian and Shannon went back home and so did everyone else.
One Week Later
Brian and Shannon were left on their own as their parents had to go on a business trip.
Little did they know that this week would be a wild ride for them and their friends.
Shannon sighs as she was making a small dinner for herself and Brian. Brian was doing more research on the history of the town when there's a knocked on the door, both cousins were scared to even open it but Brian grabs a baseball bat and they both walked to the door and opened and sighed in relief as it was their friends coming in from the pouring rain.
"Oh, Hello Guys!! I'm just making dinner! Have you ate yet?" Shannon asked
The guys shook their heads no but then Kyle asked a question.
"Where is your parents, Shannon?" Kyle asked
"Oh they are out of town on business. Why?" She asked
"Well, you're not gonna believe this but all of our parents are gone as well..." Brock asked
"Heck, even my Mother is gone." David says
"Did they say why they were going out of town?" Brian asked
"Just that they were on a Business trip is all.." Marcel says
All the guys sat down in the living room as Shannon walks back into the kitchen alone. Which was a bad idea especially when she is a girl and has a fear of the dark and that the basement door was opened which wasn't open when she was first in there with Brian. Then she heard a voice calling out to her.
Without a second thought, Shannon heads for the basement without telling anyone what she was doing. She heads down into the darkness and then door slams and locks behind her and this got her of a trance and she starts screaming for help.
"Guys help!!!!" She screams
She heard foot steps behind her and turns to see glowing blue eyes as the basement door to reveal the evil looking clown had almost grabbed her but luck was on their side as Brock Brian and Kyle grabs her and locks the basement door up. Shannon was crying as she holds onto Kyle.
"How the hell did you get into the basement. That door is always locked." Brian says
"Well, I was coming back in here to continue cooking when I heard Lui's voice and the door was opened. And the next thing I knew was the door slamming and locking me in darkness which is my fear and I started screaming. You saw that Clown didn't you!!" She whimpers
All the guys were shocked to see their best friend almost get grabbed by that thing. Kyle puts his arms around her and tries to comfort her.
Just then the rain had stopped and the sun came out. Everyone was trying to calm Shannon down before she had a panic attack.
"But how the hell did that clown get into your basement, did you say that the back door is messed up?" Marcel says
"Yeah and it's boarded up.." Brian says
Shannon had calmed down a bit as she looks over at Kyle and give a soft smile.
"But the oddest thing is that the clown didn't attack me. It was like he was studying me with those swirling blue eyes of his. He never once laid a hand on me." Shannon says
"I think we should have a look at that old Mansion since it has stopped raining." Scotty says
"Shannon, you don't have to come if you don't want to." Tyler says
"I will not be left alone here, who knows he could come back and kidnap me for all we know!" Shannon stutters
"Okay we all walked down the street to the old Mansion and see what hides within it." Evan says
Shannon gets up from the couch with her Cousin Brock and Kyle. Shannon had grabbed some flashlights for everyone in case the place was dark inside.
The group was walking down the street, having one mission in mind. That mission was to investigate this mansion and well that was nearby.
As the group was walking down the street, each one took notice of how quiet the street was. It would usually be bustling with cars and children playing, but for some odd reason it was dead quiet. Everyone was internally freaking out at how silent it was.
Upon finally arriving to the old mansion, the group was shocked to see at how nice of a condition this was, even if the windows were all boarded up.
"Well, I guess we should get to investigating..." Evan said.
The whole group began to pile into mansion. After everyone was inside, they began to head towards the main area/lobby of the mansion. While they did that, the door began to silently close and also lock, without the group knowing it.
Even though it was sunny outside, the mansion was quite dark because of the windows being boarded up and the fact that there was also no electricity in the house.
Shannon grabbed Kyle's hand as they all walked, due to her being slightly fearful of the dark.
After walking for a little bit, Tyler turned around to the group.
"I think we should split up, we could cover more ground that way..." He suggested.
"I don't know if I like that idea..." Brian said.
Brock nodded in agreement, along with Kyle and Shannon.
"I mean, think about it. We don't know the layout of this place. We don't know if there's some dangerous person or rabid animal living in here either..." Kyle said, trying to get them to see this side of the argument.
"I agree with them as well. Besides didn't you see what happened with Shannon. I say we stick together!" Evan says
"Not to be mean or anything but haven't you seen scary movies where when everyone splits everyone either gets very lost or gets killed off right away." Marvel says
"And besides if we are in a big group, it would be hard to get us all at the same time." Scotty says
Then after a few minutes of talking to Tyler, he sighs and gives in to the plan of sticking together.
"Now where to start first?" Brock asked
"How about we start on this level and work our way up?" Kyle suggested
They all agreed to this and started working but then all of a sudden, all of their flashlights were mysteriously shut off and now it was pitch black in the area they were in. Shannon and Brian held onto Kyle and Brock, but this didn't last long as they all heard someone laughing close by. Then Shannon and Brian were ripped from their crushes grip and their screams were heard, as the clown pushes the two cousins down a hole to the sewers.
The flashlights started working again as the group noticed that the cousins were gone.
"Where are Shannon and Brian?" Brock says
"I might have a idea.. Look over here!" Marcel says
Marcel was pointing to a hole in the floor and they all saw their flashlights down there shinning in the hole but didn't see the two down there.
"We have to go down!" Kyle says
"Dude, they are dead. There's no way they survive that fall." Tyler says
"They can't be dead and that hole doesn't look too deep!!" Kyle says
Then they all heard Shannon and Brian's voices.
"Guys, where are you?" Shannon says
"It's dark down here, please help us!" Brian says
This wasn't a trick, it really was Them down below. The group decides to head down into the hole where they see their friends.
"Are you two okay?" Kyle asked hugging Shannon
"We are fine but look at this." Shannon says
She pointed upwards to a scene that was creepy as hell. It was children and teens alike all floating in the air and not moving at all.
"What the hell is actually going on?" Tyler says
"Shannon... Brian..."
Both Shannon and Brian turn to see Lui standing there a few feet away. The cousins didn't want to move at all because they were both scared and they also saw that one of Lui's arms was missing. Lui was sobbing and whimpering.
"I wanna go home. I'm scared and it's dark down here..."
Both cousins were crying not sure what to do but this was a trick by the clown to get the cousins closer to him. Then Lui starts laughing and speaking in a deep and darker voice.
"You'll float too... Hehehe"
Then Lui disappears and the Evil Clown himself comes out of hiding.
"Well... Well... Well... What do we have here, fresh meat~"
Both Shannon and Brian held onto Kyle and Brock as the group backs up into a wall.
"What do you want from us?" Brock stutters
"I know everything about you and your group of friends, Brock. But did you guys know that Shannon and Brian aren't cousins.. They are actually twins~"
Shannon and Brian looks at each other in confusion as their friends look at them with strange looks.
"That can't be true our birth records.." Brian tries to say but he was cut off by the Evil Clown
"Your birth records were destroyed in a fire after you were born and you never knew the difference. And your parents told you a lie so nobody would know."
"So all this time, we we're brother and sister. Why would they lie to us like that?" Shannon says
"Because this town doesn't like twins and think that it is a bad omen to have twins. And if Twins were born, later in life they would be sacrificed to me~"
The evil clown steps forward but everyone gets around the two and stood there ground.
"You'll have to go through us to get them!" Kyle and Brock growled
The other nodded in agreement as they stood there protecting their friends. This causes the Evil Clown to chuckle about this.
"Do you really think that you can stop me especially when I know all of your fears~" The Clown says laughing and showing his sharp teeth
The clown grinned as the whole group were standing around. The clown pointed at Scotty and smirked.
"Imagine you're on a skyscraper and you look down at the ground... Imagine how HIGH you are~"
Scotty's eyes widened as he could feel his stomach turn in fear as heights were something he was fearful of.
The clown laughed and pointed at Marcel.
"You're in a closet, the walls are closing in on you, leaving you enough room to barely turn around."
Marcel was beginning to get scared as well, as he was claustrophobic, he hated all closed places.
The clown smirked and pointed at David.
"Rainforests with slithery and slimy snakes."
David let out some kind of noise as he shivered in fear at the thought of snakes.
The clown smirked and pointed at Tyler.
"Ants, bees, and wasps are all around you, Tyler~"
"No!" Tyler whined a bit in fear.
The clown snickered and pointed at Evan.
"You're on a plane, and it's beginning to go down!!"
Evan tried to hide his face, trying to get that image out of his head.
The clown laughed as they moved to Kyle.
"I wonder what that pricking feeling is... Could it be needles?"
Kyle shivered and rubbed his arms, feeling a slight tingling feeling.
"Hmm... I wonder what has eight legs and likes to crawl around on stuff..." The clown snickered and pointed at Brock.
Brock shook his head and closed his eyes as he could picture a bunch of spiders.
It was clear that the clown was feeding off of their fears. Shannon and Brian knew that they had to do something.
"Guys! Nothing is there! It's all in your imagination!!" Brian shouts.
"We need to face our fears!!" Shannon shouts as well.
The clown laughed, "Don't listen to them~"
The group of friends continued to be scared slightly by their fears.
"Come on guys... I know you can do it!!" Shannon and Brian shout.
The friends closed their eyes and tried to clear their minds.
"No... No... No!!!" The clown shouts as he could feel them blocking out the fears. He was furious and tried everything to break through to them.
The group kept chanting that over and over, which made the clown begin to vanish. Within seconds he was gone and everyone that was floating had soon disappeared as well, into heaven.
The group saw Lui who smiled at his twin siblings and then disappeared. They found a way out of the sewers and couldn't believe they all made it out alive by facing their fears. They all stayed friends and even the twins got together with Brock and Kyle and they all stayed in contact with each other as they all grew up still remembering what happened that day.
The end or is it??
We hope you like it!!
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