Friday The 13 AU
Hello, again Everyone and welcome to another AU of this book! Me and Cfan23 hope you like this one!!
A little boy, Jonathan Voorhees, was busy playing around in Crystal Lake. He was doing all kinds of tricks, such as diving in from a home made diving board and also doing some normal strokes. However, the boy began to get further and further away from land. He started to panic when that happened. He panicked so much that he began to sink. The more he thrashed around the more he sunk.
Jonathan kept sinking as he tried to get back to the surface. However, it was no use as water began to fill the boys lungs. He was thought to be long dead after that event. But that might not be entirely true...
Present Day
A large group of young adults were meeting outside of a house. They were loading things into the bed of a pick up truck, such as a couple of coolers, first aid stuff, fishing poles and whatever else they needed. This group of people had recently graduated High School and were taking their own "senior trip" and they planned for it to be at a few cabins near Crystal Lake.
"Now, we want to take the roads I have marked. I don't want any vehicle straying off." An Asian male said, pointing at the maps he had written on.
"Yeah, yeah, Evan. You worry too much about that kind of stuff." A male with black hair responded.
"Oh really? Well excuse me, I have every right to because if you happen to recall, the last time you were in charge of directions, we ended up two states away from where we needed to be." The Asian male, Evan, replied.
This caused the male with black hair to laugh, "Okay, okay, you got me."
The two continued to talk about the route to take while most of the others were busy loading up in the second vehicle, a larger SUV style.
"Come on, let's go!" A male with a pig on his shirt yelled out the window and leaned over from the passenger side to honk the horn.
Evan jokingly flipped him off, "How about that Tyler?" He laughed.
Soon enough, the drivers got in and began to drive.
"This is gonna be a great time at Crystal Lake!" Ryan says with a smile on his face
"Would you keep it down, some people are trying to take a nap back here. " David says cuddling up close to Lui who was already sleeping
In the SUV
"It sucks that this is our last summer vacation together before we all go to College and be Adults." Shannon says with a sigh
"But I thought me and you were getting an apartment together!?!" Kyle says with a bright smile on his face
"I mean we are Babe but what I'm saying that we probably won't be able together like this unless on holidays." She says with a sigh
"All this lovely dovely stuff is making me sick back here!" Craig says texting
"Leave them be, Craig. You're just jealous that you can't get together with Tyler because he is with Evan." Luke says
"Shut up, Luke!!" Craig says
Bryce was listening to music while Brian and Brock were sleeping while Shannon was driving and talking to Kyle up front.
After a bit of driving, Kyle turned around in his seat and looked at everyone that was in the SUV.
"You hear about the rumors of Crystal Lake?" He asked.
"What rumors?" Jaren asked.
"The Voorhees kid that drowned?" Luke asked.
Kyle nodded, "Yeah, Jonathan Voorhees. Sad tale honestly. Some people even say that he didn't die completely..."
John shrugged, "That's hecking cool. I guess."
Kyle didn't say anymore about the rumors as he wanted to save the other stuff for the campfire they'd have later.
Arriving to the destination, both vehicles had met up. After the people got out, they all stretched their legs and began walking to the small cabins they were renting.
The Cabins were divided up like Shannon Kyle Brock and Brian in the first one, Tyler Luke Evan and Ryan in the next one, David Lui John Jaren Craig and Bryce in the last one. After everyone was settled in and unpacked, Tyler and Luke had started a little cookout but they needed supplies like food and other items as well. So Kyle Shannon Brian Brock Ryan and Evan had decided to go get items for the cookout that would take about thirty minutes or so to get back while Luke Tyler John and Jaren stayed at the bigger cabin as Craig and Bryce were put on the dock talking about different things including Shannon Kyle Brian and Brock.
"I swear those four are dumb, they are always together. I swear if I didn't know any better they were all dating each other because of how much time they all spend together." Craig says with a growl
"Shannon and Brian are such hoes.. " Bryce says
"Bryce, how about we play a prank on everyone and scare Shannon and Brian which are afraid of anything including spiders!" Craig says with a smirk
But before the two could plan their prank, Craig was stabbed from behind by a machete and Bryce got the same treatment as a figure with a hockey mask on pushes the two into waters where their bodies were floating as their killer walks off.
The group of six that had gone to the store were still walking around, unaware of what had happened back at the cabins.
"I swear, you were so lucky to not have Craig in your car." Kyle said.
Evan looked at him, "Why? Was he that bad?"
Kyle nodded, "Big time. He's a whiny brat to be honest. Next trip we plan, he's not coming along."
The six people get to the register and continued to talk as they grabbed their bags.
Back at the Cabins
"Guys... Let's keep cranking this station up!" Tyler shouts as he cranked the radio up in the cabin.
The group was having a bit of a dance party, without know that Craig and Bryce were no longer around or alive.
A little bit later, Shannon Kyle Brian Brock Ryan and Evan got back with the stuff as they all walked in as the others were dancing and drinking beers and stuff.
"We are back with the food. Let's get this cookout started!" Kyle says
So Tyler and Luke stayed at the grill while Kyle and Brock were busy getting the burgers and hot dogs ready. Evan and Ryan were making salad and doing other things while John and Jaren were dancing with David and Lui drunkenly. This left Shannon and Brian alone, so they decided to do a little bit of exploring around the area while the others busy. These two had been very close since childhood and you would swear they were brother and sister by the way they acted.
"I'm glad you got to come along this time. I know you have been busy with college stuff and making plans with Brock on getting a house together. I'm so proud of you Brian, wow time flies by. I wish we didn't grow up so fast like this." Shannon says with a smile
"It's does suck that I didn't go camping with you guys last month but me and Brock were trying to find a place that was cheap to buy. But it's so good to hang out with everyone even though I don't like Craig or Bryce. I always feel like they talk bad about everyone. Why on the world did we become friends with them in the first place." Brian says
As they were walking around, Shannon and Brian found the dock but notice fresh blood on it and when they got to the edge of the dock, they screamed in horror at the sight they saw in the water. They were terrified that they ran back to the cabin without stopping for breath because they had just found the bodies of Craig and Bryce in the lake.
Brian and Shannon had let out some screams and took off running back to the cabins. The two were scared beyond belief.
As they got back to the cabin the immediately went into the arms of Kyle and Brock.
"Woah... What's the problem here?" Brock asked, being confused.
"W... We saw B... Bryce and C... Craig... They were d... Dead!" Shannon cried out as she softly sobbed.
Evan and a few others walked in, only catching the last words.
"Who's dead?" Tyler asked.
"Apparently Bryce and Craig..." Kyle said.
There were confused murmurs between everyone in the group.
"How about we go down and investigate?" Luke suggested.
"B... But you could be next!" Brian stuttered in fear.
"Nonsense. We'll split up. One group stays here while the others go to investigate." Evan said.
Everyone seemed to like that plan. Brian and Shannon had hoped that Brock and Kyle weren't going, but sadly they were.
Evan lead the group that was checking out the dock, which consisted of Luke, Kyle, Brock and Tyler.
Some of them shined their lights on the dock when they got there.
"See... There's no bodies." Tyler said, beginning to turn around until Kyle stopped.
"No, but look..." Kyle pointed with his free hand, "I don't think that's strawberry syrup..." He continued to point at the giant red puddles.
Everyone in the small group began to feel queasy and uneasy about the sight and how this was, without a doubt, blood.
The group at the cabin were trying to calm Shannon and Brian who shaking in fear and just being very terrified about finding the Bodies of Craig and Bryce when the others walking into the cabin as the two terrified friends we're sitting on the couch.
"Did you see the bodies?" Brian asked stuttering holding onto Shannon's hands
"Bodies... There was no bodies in the water. Is this some kind of joke you two?" Tyler asked
Shannon and Brian looks up in confusion as to what Tyler just saw.
"But we both saw Craig and Bryce in the water beside the dock?" Shannon says
"Have you been drinking, there was no bodies down there at the dock. Yes there was blood but who knows, it could have been a wild animal that got injured badly and fall into the waters. I think you need to hide the alcohol from Shannon and Brian because it seems like they are making up this whole tale of Craig and Bryce being dead." Luke says
"How can you say that Luke... And besides they still haven't come back from wherever they are and I think we should go to the police and file a report." Evan suggests
Shannon and Brian got up and held onto their lovers as they whimper and started talking crazy. Tyler Luke Evan and Ryan goes out to the vehicles and went to turn them on when the four notice that the tires were slashed and some wires in the motors were also messed up as well. The four walks back into the cabin where everyone else was at talking in low tones.
"It seems kinda of funny that while we were gone our cars weren't messed with but now the tires are slashed and the wires are messed up!" Ryan says
"You don't think one of us would do this?" David says getting a little pissed about this
"Why the hell would we mess with our only rides here?" Lui says
"And besides all of us that stayed behind were helping Shannon and Brian here calm down and keep them that way!" Jaren yells drunkenly
Then everyone started arguing about this whole situation until Brock and Kyle had enough!
"Stop fighting damnit!!!" Kyle and Brock say
Then Lui opens the window and grabs both sets of keys and threw them in the woods. Then a figure had been watching this scene the whole time and smirks behind the mask.
"You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Tyler said, jumping towards Lui after he threw the keys out the window.
"ENOUGH!!" Kyle yelled, "We need to not fight and actually work together."
Lui rolled his eyes slightly, still being angry.
"Let's group up. Some of us should go look for the keys. Some of us should check the other cabins and see if Craig and Bryce are hiding in there. Some of us should begin trying to fix the cars..." Brock suggested.
"How are we going to fix the cars when the tires are slashed and some of the wires are slashed?" Lui asked, snarking a bit.
Kyle glanced over at Lui, as if giving him a warning with his look.
"We can splice some of the wires together and fix the tires. We have that tire goop stuff." Brock said.
No one said anything, only because they were still fuming with anger. Not aware of the fact that there's a much larger concern lurking outside and hiding, waiting for their next victim.
"I have a suggestion.. " Shannon says after being calmed down for a little bit
"And what is your suggestion, Babe?" Kyle asked
"How about we split up into small groups to look for the keys, fix the vehicles and try to find Craig and Bryce." Shannon says stuttering
The guys looked at each other and then back at the only female in the group and they sigh.
"Fine, but me and Luke are gonna work on the car and truck." Tyler says
Him and Luke heads out to where the vehicles were.
"Me and David will go look for the keys, since I was the one that threw them into the forest. " Lui says
"And I guess we will look in the other cabins. " John says vaping while holding Jaren's hand
"And we will look around this cabin and maybe go look around the lake?" Kyle says looking over at Shannon Brian Brock Ryan and Evan
Jaren & John:
"I wonder if they are alright?" Jaren says with a sigh
"Craig and Bryce are kinda of Assholes but I believe both Shannon and Brian. I mean did you see the looks. On their faces when they came into the cabin. They looked terrified and scared to death." John says
They looked around the third cabin and didn't see anything out of place but when they got to the second one though, the door was slightly opened and they walked in and saw blood everywhere in the living room and then saw Craig and Bryce hanging from the ceiling from ropes around their necks.
Tyler and Luke:
Tyler was at the back of the van like car, not seeing a figure behind him and before he could move, his head was chopped off. Luke noticed how quiet Tyler was being, so he goes to the back of the van/car and he shouts and that was the last thing before he too was killed off.
David & Lui:
After a little bit of searching for the keys, David and Lui finally find both sets of keys. They headed back to the first cabin. Then they noticed Luke's and Tyler's bodies on the ground and they shouted at the terrible sight in front of them, making Shannon Kyle Brock Brian Ryan and Evan come running out the door and sees the sight. Shannon and Brian whimpers and sobs at this terrible sight. As Jaren and John came up.
"Guys, we found Craig and Bryce... Oh my god where is the Tyler and Luke's heads??" Jaren stutters
"We have to get out of here..." Evan said, panicking internally a bit but trying not to show it.
"Where the hell do we even go?!?" Ryan asked, his voice wavering in fear.
"Somewhere far away from here!" Evan responded back, his voice seemingly more panicked.
Kyle took a deep breath, "Let's actually form a fucking plan before we just run around all willy-nilly here and end up like them!" He said, panicking a bit himself.
Everyone kept eyeing the surrounding woods, just in case anything would pop out.
"We have to either get this car fixed and started, or we walk to the town." Brock said, keeping a somewhat level head.
"Screw walking, I'd be fucking running if we don't fix the car!" Ryan replied.
Everyone was beginning to panic again and it wasn't doing anyone in the group any good.
They all tried to remain calm and formulate a plan that would involve everyone getting out safely and alive.
"Well, I suggest we carry anything that can be used as a weapon." Brian suggested
"Maybe somehow board up the windows and doors to this cabinm there has to be a phone in there that we can use to call the police. Because I just checked my cell phone and we have no signal out here." Shannon says
"How on the hell is that gonna help us get out of here, Ms. Paranoid!" John says
"Hey don't call her that!! She was just making a suggestion is all." Kyle says protecting his girlfriend
"You guys do whatever you want, me and Jaren are gonna start running and getting the hell out of here and not just sit here with our thumbs up our asses!" John says grabbing Jaren and a baseball bat and butcher knife as their weapons
And with that the two leave, meaning that David Lui Evan Ryan Shannon Kyle Brian and Brock left out of the group.
"Now what?" David asked
"I mean I agree with Shannon, there has to be an old landline phone here. And I guess while She and whoever goes with her, we start board ourselves inside with heavy stuff blocking the door and windows." Lui says
"I'll go with her. You guys go on ahead and get started board ourselves inside." Kyle says
Jaren & John:
"The main road should be coming up soon! What a bunch of idiots wanting to stay behind like sitting ducks.. Am on right, Jaren." John says
But all John heard was gurgling sounds and a thump on the ground. He turns and sees the Hockey Mask figure kill Jaren in front of John, who basically shit himself as his head was cut off and his body and head falls to the ground.
"I can't believe them! " Brian says as he helps board up some of the windows downstairs.
Brock shrugged, "maybe they're right to go and get help. We don't know what's actually going on..."
While those two were busy boarding up everything in the main area of the cabin. Kyle and Shannon were busy looking for the phone around the cabin. They had been looking around the rooms on the main floor and couldn't find it, not yet anyways.
Meanwhile, Evan and Ryan were busy heading up to one of the rooms to board the house up.
Kyle and Shannon had gone to another spot and had finally found the landline phone. They began to hook it up and try to dial for help. Luckily they had gotten through and began talking...
Meanwhile, Ryan and Evan were still upstairs, boarding up one of the rooms, leaving many others unboarded right now.
However, the room they were in, the window came breaking from something.
The shattering glass caused Ryan and Evan to jump and drop what they were using to board up the window.
"JOHN!!!" Evan yelled as he happened to see what caused the glass to break and it was John's head.
The killer had used it to break the window and the killer began to come into the window they had just broken, even though Evan and Ryan were already long gone from the room.
Everyone heard the screaming and that was their cue to begin leaving.
As the group was running, they all heard crushing coming from the cabin they were all just inside.
"The police should be on their way. We just need to make it to the road and hope they see will see us!" Kyle says running while holding his girlfriend's hand
The killer climb his way out of the same window and follows after the group quickly. As they were running, Shannon and Brian happened to trip up on Jaren's body which lead to Kyle and Brock stopping to help them up but then The killer appears out of nowhere and slashes at both couples but they were barely hurt and then they took off running again as their friends waited for them at the bridge as police cars arrived at the scene... They were safe at last..
We hope you enjoy this our amazing Readers and fans :)
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