Dracula AU
Hello, again Everyone and welcome to another AU of this book! Me and Cfan23 hope you like this one!!
Pairings(as of now)
Delirious x Inky(Minor relationship)
Cartoonz x Terroriser(Minor relationship)
Many centuries ago there was Dark and Cruel Ruler of Transylvania along with his twin brother. His name was Luke and his Brother was Jonathan. Together these two rule over Transylvania with an Iron grip. On one cold night they were out and about to feast on fresh blood when two most beautiful maidens crossed their path. The two beauty's were Sarah and Brianna, like Luke and Jonathan they were both twins but they didn't have no where to live because of a fire burning down their only home the two ever had. They were walking the street looking for shelter from the harsh weather.
"We would love to have company in our Castle. You two beautiful Maidens shouldn't be out here in the cold like this." Luke says kissing Brianna's hand
"We can offer you money for lettling us stay." Sarah says
"Nonsense, you two are welcome to our Castle with charge except for being company." Jonathan says also kissing Sarah's hand
Sarah and Brianna were welcome by all who lived in this Castle and they wasn't scared about Luke and Jonathan being Vampires, they actually became real close friends with the two men. But when the two Males asked for their hand in marriage, tragic strikes... one night while Luke and Jonathan were in a meeting, the Village below in the valley beside the castle onto the mountain decided to burn the two Maidens as a way of saying they were tired of the Vampires ruling over them. When the Twin Brothers heard what was going on, it was done too late as they both heard the screams of the ones they had fallen in love with. This drove the Twins to slaughter the whole Village for killing g two Innocent and beautiful beings, sure Luke was cruel and evil but not to kill a person with fire, that was way too far for him and his brother. Over the course of time the Brothers locked themselves away in their Castle and they go into a deep sleep waiting for their long lost Lovers to return to them.
Sometime in the Far Future
Two couples were making a long voyage to the infamous Transylvania. These two couples were Shannon Cipher and Kyle Wolfe and Brock Snuckel and Brian Riser.
Shannon and Brian had been out like a light for a while now as they wanted to get all the sleep they could before arriving.
This was perfect for the two remaining males as it provided them time to talk about some of the research that they had done for their jobs.
"Okay... So what's our game plan here?" Brock asked, turning and looking at the other male.
Kyle began to lay the framework for their plan and how they would be able to achieve everything they needed to in order for this mission to not be a failure.
Shannon and Brian were busy asleep. The two of them were making faces in their sleep, almost as if trying to figure out what was happening in their dreams.
In their dreams, there were two males. There were small snipets of everything that occurred at a time prior to them. The faces of these males were seemingly blurred out, but it was like they could still somehow remember them... But who are they...
The two jolted up in their seats slightly as they woke up from what seemed to be some kind of 'nightmare'
The two males didn't notice the startle but they saw them awake.
"Good news, the plane is about to land in Transylvania." Brock said, smiling.
Once the plane lands completely, they get their stuff and go their location of stay for this small time of being in Transylvania.
"Oh wow this rental house is amazing and has a beautiful view!" Shannon says with a sigh
Shannon and Brian went to find the bedroom they would all be sharing for a reason. You see they weren't just here on Vacation, Kyle and Brock were Monster Hunters and the four travel all around the world to explore and hunt down any kind of beast or creature. This Transylvania trip was very special to them because they wanted to track down the so called "Vampire Brothers" that ruled over Transylvania many centuries ago. Rumor has it that the Castle was nearby the Place they were in.
"Shannon, where are you?" Kyle asked loudly
"Oh me and Brian found the bedroom that we are all sharing for the week." Shannon says
Kyle and Brock walks in and sees the beautiful view along with the two Queen sized beds. Their smaller lovers were unpacking their stuff as Kyle and Brock wraps their arms around their waists and kisses their necks softly making Shannon and Brian giggle.
"For Monster hunters you two sure have a soft spot for me and my twin!" Brian says giggling happily
"Yes, of course why wouldn't we be?" Brock says kissing Brian's forehead
"I guess Brock is right about that and if it wasn't for helping you two out in Egypt then we wouldn't be together." Kyle says kissing Shannon on the lips
Then all of their Bellies started to growl and they all decided to go out to eat since they didn't feel like cooking.
The group of four had found a place to eat at. Upon entering, Shannon and Brian immediately felt off. They felt off because everyone was staring at them.
The two just thought it was because they had entered the place, they figured that they'd stop looking at them after they sat down.
The group of four sat down at a table and ordered their stuff. Shannon and Brian glanced around to see if everyone had stopped staring at them. Sadly, everyone was still staring at them.
Shannon and Brian fidgeted nervously, as they didn't like the fact that practically the whole place was staring at them and to make matters worse, their two lovers didn't even notice the people staring.
Once the food had gotten there, Shannon and Brian decided to eat extremely fast, because they wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because of how many people were staring.
After finishing, the four got up, paid and left. Since it was still daylight out, the four decided to just walk around the town.
As they walked around the town, the two lovers held their loves' hands and walked a bit. Also kissing them on their cheeks.
"This is a beautiful place but I'm nervous about being here.." Brian says stuttering
"What makes you say that, Babe?" Brock asked
"Everyone in that restaurant was staring at us as if they knew us or something." Shannon says stuttering
"Maybe it's because we are outsiders and all." Brock says
"Yeah, and maybe they ain't used to outsiders." Kyle says
Both males were trying to comfort their lovers as they walked around the huge town. As the four were walking, Kyle and Brock get distracted by talking about their plans on hunting to even notice their lovers looking towards a old looking Castle in the distance. The twins felt like they were being drawn to it as if something was calling out to them.
"Shannon, Brian.. it's getting dark out we need to head back to the Rental house." Kyle says
"Coming!" The twins say
The four head back to the Rental house, not realizing that they had woken up two beings from a deep sleep.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay and relax with us on our first night here?" Brian asked
"We would but the sooner we find the Vampire Brothers, the sooner we can leave loves." Brock says kissing Brian
"Okay, but just be careful love and Brock. We don't want to lose you." Shannon says kissing Kyle
"We will back around midnight and make sure to lock all of the windows and doors before going to sleep." Brock says
And with that, Shannon and Brian were left alone while their lovers were out exploring.
Brock and Kyle:
The two males left their little place and began to make their way into wherever they first needed to explore.
"The caves?" Kyle asked.
Brock nodded and the two went off to explore the various caves to try and find these two vampire brothers.
Shannon and Brian:
The two were sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching whatever they could find on the TV.
"I think we've seen this one before... " Brian said.
"But it's my show!" Shannon squinted at him, a bit angry.
Brian backed off and the two watched what was on TV.
A couple of hours later...
Kyle and Brock:
The two males hadn't found much and were already on one of their last few caves for the night.
"Well shit." Kyle mumbled and kicked the rocks.
"Wait... " Brock said and began heading over somewhere.
It was possible that they had found something of interest.
Shannon and Brian:
While the two were watching TV, they began to hear really strange noises. Almost as if someone was trying to break in.
"What was that?" Shannon whisperer.
The two got up and began locking all the doors and windows to their little place.
That made them feel a bit safer.
A few more hours had passed and Shannon had fallen asleep on the couch. Brian carried her to her bedroom and then went to his own and fell asleep.
Kyle and Brock:
The two males had called it a night after finding some stuff and they got back.
"I guess they went to sleep." Brock said as he got out the spare key.
The two males entered and locked the door, checking over everything to make sure it was locked.
They both went up to their lovers rooms and went to bed, cuddling with them.
The Next Morning...
The two males had gotten up and began making breakfast for two lovers who were sleeping.
Upon finishing cooking, the two males sat the plates out and their lovers came down for breakfast.
As they ate, the two hunters told their lovers about everything they did the prior night.
Then Brock remembers something they found in the very last cave before returning. And he goes to the bedroom and gets the very old scroll that had been placed neatly in the cave they were inside last night with it being on a alter.
"So get this, before we came back here last night me and Kyle found this scroll on a Alter in the middle of the cave. And it looks brand new!" Brock says
The twins looked at the scroll and they were both hit with a very bad and dark feeling.
"Umm not to be mean or anything but maybe something's are better left where they belong." Brian says stuttering
"I'm getting a very bad vibe from that scroll and maybe you should return it where you found it guys." Shannon says stuttering
"But that's not the point, it has a story written in it. The Vampire Brothers didn't live alone... they both had Mortal lovers but they both died by being burned alive... and this drove the Brothers mad and they killed everyone involved with the murders of Sarah and Brianna white. And then after the deaths, the two Vampires had fallen into a deep sleep and only to awake when their long lost lovers return to them." Kyle says
Then both twins were hit with a flashback at the same time.
Two figures were place on top of a woodpile and then tied up to the pole.
"Please don't do this!! We are innocent!!" One of the figures screams
"Innocent? Then why are you living with the undead Rulers of this land?" Says a random Villager
"Its not what you think, they took us in for shelter and we fell in love with them. They are kind and caring towards anyone once you get to know them." Says the other figure tied up
"In love with monsters and I say they go to hell and hope they rot there too.." says another Villager
Then the woodpile was set up in flames as the two figures screamed for their lovers but the smoke caused them to passed out and then they died within minutes of the flames being set.
Shannon and Brian were bought back to the present as their lovers shaking them.
"Huh, what happened?" Shannon asked
"You two placed out for a few minutes and we tried calling your names." Kyle says looking worried at his girlfriend
"Are you two okay?" Brock asked
"Yeah, we are fine. Let's finish breakfast and go for a morning walk?" Brian says
After getting dressed, they all headed out for a morning walk to get themselves awake. As they walked Shannon and Brian couldn't help but feel like they were being watched again but this time it wasn't by any of the people but by two beings that were disguised as animals.
The two males decided to take their lovers with them to show them the caves.
After doing that, they decided to explore the town a little bit, considering they really didn't get to do that yet.
As they explored the town, they saw a lake near the rental house.
"Let's take a dip?" Brian asked.
Brock nodded and the four got into the lake and swam around for quite a while.
After swimming, they spent the rest of the day together until the sun started to go down.
"Let's get back home... " Brock said.
They got back to the rental house and Brock and Kyle prepared for their long night out for hunting.
They kissed their lovers and told them good night.
"Where are we going?" Brock asked after they stepped outside.
"I might know a place around the caves we found those scrolls in. They could've been around there." Kyle explained to him.
With that said, Kyle shows Brock the place and they do a little bit of exploring. Not realizing what was going on back at the house.
While Kyle and Brock were out during the night searching for the Vampire Brothers, Shannon and Her twin Brother were sleeping in their beds as left one of the windows open for a cool breeze to come in. Then red and blue mist comes into the room from the window and then shifts into two males with glowing red eyes. They walked over to the beds that the two beauty's were in a deep sleep to notice the Vampire Brothers staring at them.
"They are as beautiful as I remember them, Brother~" says the male in blue coat
"Their skin is porcelain so delicate an smooth~" the male in red says
The twin sleeping shifted and turned in their sleep still not realizing that two dangerous vampires were right there beside them. Shannon and Brian woke up to hearing voices but when they open their eyes, no one was there and Shannon got a little scared so she goes to get up but she heard hissing and shouts, waking her twin up in the process.
"Whose there!?!?" Shannon asked stuttering
Then two unfamiliar males appear from the dark corners of the room, this makes Brian get into his protective brother mode and gets in front of Shannon.
"She asked you a question!!" Brian says
The two Males didn't answer but got closer to the twins.
"You have come back to us our lovers. I am Jonathan and this is my twin brother Luke. You have waken us from our deep slumber." Jonathan says
"Listen, if you don't get out of this house, I will damn make sure our Boyfriends take care of you!!" Shannon says
"You mean those useless Monster Hunters? They probably won't miss you two once we get back to our Castle~" Luke says with a smirk
Shannon and Brian run towards the bed of the bedroom but Jonathan was quick by blocking it and showing off his fangs. Before Shannon and Brian could do anything, they both wer hypnotized by one look into the brothers eyes and lured them to sleep.
Brock and Kyle were out exploring when it happened. They had no idea what was going on back at the rental house they were in.
"I think that's enough for tonight?" Brock asked.
Kyle nodded and the two began to make their way back home, expecting their lovers to be there.
The two males had gotten home and found the door was slightly open.
They walked in and called to their lovers, not getting a single answer back.
"What the hell... " Kyle mumbled.
Thats when they saw a note. They read over it and we're shocked.
"Did we really just get outplayed by the vampire brothers?" Brock asked.
Kyle slammed something down on the table.
They knew they had to go get their lovers back.
Somewhere Else...
Shannon and Brian had slowly been waking up. They noticed that their clothes had been changed upon arriving to this new location.
"Why am I in this?" Brian asked, motioning to what he was wearing.
The two vampire brothers, Jonathan and Luke walked in, hearing Brian complain.
"Hello our long lost loves~" Jonathan says kissing Shannon's hand
"What are you talking about, we don't have a clue to who you two are?" Shannon says pulling her hand away from the stranger
Shannon whimpers as she got closer to her twin brother.
"I want out of this dress now!! I'm a guy!!!!" Brian shouts
"Then why do you have those little flashbacks of yours, our dears~" Luke says grabbing Brian and pulling him close
Jonathan grabs Shannon as well as the brothers showed their fangs. Shannon and Brian whimpers but then they were forced to look up into the vampires eyes and the two smaller stopped squirming and then they were under the trance again not being able to fight them.
"Soon, you two will forget those Monster Hunters and be ours~" Luke and Jonathan say with smirks on their faces
"According to legend the castle should be this way. " Brock says
"I'm gonna kill them for kidnapping our lovers!!" Kyle growls
"We will make sure they pay for this!" Brock says
Brock and Kyle were on their way to find the castle. They were on the hunt.
Inside The Castle
Brian and Shannon were being taken to the Sacrifice Chambers, after being placed under a trance.
They were taken down there, where some of the Vampire Brothers' slaves also were.
Luke and Jonathan were down there, waiting for everyone to be gathered there.
After everyone arrived, the two brothers grabbed two random people out of all of them.
Shannon and Brian began to get out of their trance and were horrified to see Luke and Jonathan killing completely innocent people, right in front of them.
Luke and Jonathan turned towards the ones who they took captive. They have a blood lust kind of look in their eyes.
Shannon and Brian tried to make a run for it but were grabbed by the two brothers.
Outside of the Castle
The two males began hearing screams and immediately began to go after the screams.
Shannon and Brian were squirming as they kept their eyes to keep from being put in a trance.
"Come one our lovers open those pretty little eyes~" Jonathan says
"No!!!" Shannon and Brian yell
Then the two smaller set of twins felt the brothers bite into their necks, making them scream out in pain. The Vampire brothers wanted more blood so that's why they bit them to suck on their blood. Shannon and Brian pushed them both away as blood run down there necks. Then they see Brock and Kyle at the staircase leading down to the chamber but they were losing blood and passed out but they wasn't turned into a vampire which was good news to Kyle and Brock.
"You stay away from our lovers, you bastards!!!" Kyle yells
"They ain't you lost lovers, they are not Sarah and Brianna!" Brock says
Both Vampire brothers hisses as they see garlic on the Monster Hunters necks and wooden stakes in their hands.
The two hunters began to try and corner the vampire brothers, trying to make this over within minutes. However, that wouldn't me the case.
The vampire brothers put up a good fight, struggling against the hunters.
However, both of them made one mistake which allowed the hunters to drive the wooden stakes into their hearts, killing them instantly.
Both of them wiped their faces and picked up their lovers where they collapsed and took them home.
A Few Hours Later
The two who were passed out finally woke up. They were completely sore. Their lovers came into the room with some food for them.
"I'm too sore to eat." Brian said.
"Yeah, you both had a pretty nasty time." Brock said.
The two hunters began to explain what happened, how they were captives and then how the two hunters finally put an end to the two vampire brothers.
"Thank you for saving us!" Shannon says with a smile on her face
After a little bit, Shannon and Brian had gotten enough strength to be able to eat with a little bit of their lovers help. After the week was over, they packed up their stuff and got back on a plane to America where decided to just hunt monsters in their homeland from now on.
We hope you like it :)
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