Suri's POV
The storm had past by morning. But we continued to sleep as we hadn't got much the night before. And didn't wake until the sun was high in the sky. We stayed closed to the thicket that day. As mum claimed it was to wet and Bambi or I could hurt ourselves. By slipping on the mud or getting stuck in it.
Anyway a week later Mum woke Bambi and I early as the sun began to raise. Then leads us out into the forest. "Mother, what we going to do today?" Bambi asks curious.
"I'm going to take you both to the meadow" she answers him.
"Meadow" I say curious, that is a new word.
"What's the meadow?" Bambi asks her curious.
"It's a very wonderful place" she answers.
"Then why haven't we been there before?" we ask her curious.
"You both weren't big enough" she says simply.
"Mother, you know what?" Bambi asks.
"What?" she asks him.
"We're not the only deer in the forest" he states.
"Where did you hear that?" she asks him.
"Thumper told me" he declares happily.
"Well, he's right. There are many deer in the forest besides us" mum tells us. I have a flashback of the day we were born. There had been two other deer there. I wonder what happened to them?
"Then why don't I ever see them?" Bambi asks her.
"You will, sometime" mum assures him.
"On the meadow?" I ask.
"Perhaps" she says and I smile excitedly. Maybe I'll finally make my own friend. And maybe I'll see those two deer again. "Hush now. We're almost there" she tells us.
We soon reach the tree line and see an open area with now trees. Only grass, flowers and stream. "The meadow!" Bambi cheers and rushes forward.
"Wait!" mum shouts and runs forward. Blocking his path. "Bambi, wait" she tells him firmly. We look up at her. She'd never used this tone of voice before.
"You must never rush out on the meadow. There might be danger. Out there, we're unprotected. The meadow is wide and open, and there are no trees or bushes to hide us. So we have to be very careful" she explains in a calmer tone. "Wait here. I'll go out first. And if the meadow is safe, I'll call you both" she states.
We nod our heads and stay in the shadows. As se cautiously walks out onto the meadow. Looking for any danger rotating her ears & head for any sounds of a threat. As we watch her, learning what to do. A flock of small birds fly by chirping happily. Not scared. Is that a good sign?
"Come on, Bambi, Suri. It's all right" mum calls us. I start to head towards her slowly. Ready to run if she raises an alarm. But Bambi hangs back. "Come on!" mum calls and he joins me. We reach her and she prances of happily. We smile and do the same following her. Leaping through the grass, having fun.
Bambi goes to the stream to play in it while mum stops cocking her head. "Is something wrong?" I ask her. As she looks around and suddenly smiles.
"Just some old friends" she states. "Ena, Jemma!" she calls. Two does appear with another fawn. But he looks different to Bambi. He has something on his head and no spots.
"Hi princess" he says.
"That's Oliver" mum tells me.
"Hello" I say shyly. "What are those?" I ask pointing to his head.
"Oh these?" he asks shaking her head proudly. "They're antlers, all male deer grow them" he states.
"When?" I ask.
"About a year old" he states.
"Did you not have a fawn Ena?" mum asks.
"Little Faline is around here somewhere" she states. "Where is your son?" she asks. "Jemma said you had two fawns" she adds.
"Bambi is by the stream" mum tells her. "Ena, Jemma my daughter Suri" she says. "Suri, my friends Ena and Jemma" she introduces.
"Hello" I say.
"Oh she's beautiful" Ena gushes.
"Like mother, like daughter" Jemma states. As Bambi appears with another fawn. A female one. He hides behind me.
"That's little Faline" mum tells him.
"This is Oliver" I add introducing him. Oliver nods at Bambi.
"He's kind of bashful, isn't he, Mama?" Faline asks Ena.
"Well, maybe he wouldn't be if you'd say hello" Ena tells her. Faline smiles brightly, tail wagging. She steps forward.
"Hello Bambi, Suri" she says.
"Hello" I say as Bambi continues to hide. Faline frowns sadly at him. "Bambi!" I call.
"I said hello" Faline says pouting.
"Well, aren't you going to answer her?" mum asks Bambi. Who shakes his head.
"You're not afraid, are you?" Oliver asks teasingly. I push him gently. No one makes fun of my brother and he smirks at me. As Bambi shakes his head again.
"Well, then, go ahead" mum says nudging him towards Faline. He looks up at her. "Go on, say hello" she tells him. He sighs in defeat and looks at Faline.
"Hello" he says. She squeals in delight and giggles. Starling him and he lands in the shallow stream. I laugh with Oliver.
"Want to run?" he asks me.
"Mum, can I?" I ask.
"Of course, but stay in sight" she tells me. I smile and nuzzle her happily. Before running off following Oliver. Leaving Bambi with Faline. But they soon join us as we race around the meadow happily.
We soon stop though spotting a group of more deer running by. We see to males bat heads. Bambi lowers his at Oliver's. Who smiles at the challenge lowering his. They play fight gently. Before suddenly turning on Faline and I. We squeal and run as they chase us.
Suddenly everyone stops. Bambi and Oliver appear beside me. We all look around confused. "It's him" Oliver says quietly in awe. I follow his gaze to see an other deer. Except this one is different from the other male deers in the meadow. His antlers are huge. He walks by proudly, head held high.
He pauses and looks down at us. Mainly Bambi and I. Oliver puffs out his chest, trying to look bigger. As I look at his warm eyes. He looks away and continues on as mum appeared. The rest of the deer return to grazing. Oliver returned to his mum. "He stopped and looked at us" Bambi and I state.
"Yes, I know" mum says looking down at us.
"Why was everyone still when he came on the meadow?" Bambi asks her.
"Is he important?" I ask.
"Everyone respects him" mum tells us. "For of all the deer in the forest, not one has lived half so long. He's very brave and very wise. That's why he's known as the Great Prince of the Forest" she explains. She returns to grazing and I nurse while Bambi went to go find his friends. Apparently Thumper is here with his family.
Suddenly I hear crows cawing and look up confused. Suddenly the Great Prince appeared on high alert. "Run Suri!" mum shouts.
"But Bambi!" I shout.
"Bambi" she says and looks around frantically. "Bambi!" she calls.
"Bambi!" I shout.
"Stay close" she tells me and I nod. We start to search for Bambi. But all around us is chaos as the rest of the deer and animals flee into the forest. "Bambi!" we shout and he appears with the great prince. Together all four us run into the safety of the trees. The great prince didn't leave until we were safe in the den. Before going to see if anyone else needed help.
Picture above of Faline.
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