A/N I'm currently reading "The Lost Hero" which is part of Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. Last week, my French professor made us write a poem in French (Don't worry, I also included the English translation) and I was inspired to write a poem about Annabeth Chase, who in "The Lost Hero" is searching for her missing boyfriend Percy Jackson. homie_diangelo homielonglegs_
Je me promène sur la plage.
Le sable est humide et dur sous mes bottes;
Il est ondulé à cause de la marée qui va et vient.
Je regarde dans l'Atlantique.
L'océane en face de moi est grise et orageux, comme mes yeux, pas étincelant et verte de la mer comme les tiens.
Tout autour de moi est sombre et froid; C'est approprié.
J'enveloppe mon écharpe autour de mon visage et m'enfonce plus profondément dans mon manteau.
C'est Décembre, près de Noë.
Je devrais être à l'intérieur
avec une couverture douce, une tasse de thé et un bon livre.
Le son des vagues, la voix de ton père, m'appelle à la plage, espérant en vain que je puisse te trouver là.
I walk a long the beach.
The sand is wet and hard underneath my boots;
It ripples from the tide coming in and out.
I look out into the Atlantic.
The ocean in front of me is grey and stormy, like my eyes, not sparkling and sea-green like yours.
Everything around me is drab and cold; it's appropriate.
I wrap my scarf around my face and I sink deeper into my coat.
It's December, close to Christmas.
I should be inside with a soft blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book.
The sound of the waves, the voice of your father, calls me out to the beach, hoping that I might find you there.
A/N Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey is one of the most beautiful and haunting songs I've ever heard and makes me imagine Annabeth walking along the beach at Camp Half-Blood, staring out into the ocean and pining for her Seaweed Brain and this was the inspiration for this poem. Youtuber Marga Chan made a beautiful video which pairs "Heroes of Olympus" with "Dark Paradise."
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