🪐Translations Masterlist🪐
I include translations of whatever language is used at the top of every chapter, but this can be used as a masterlist if you find it easier or just want to peruse! I'll update this every time new vocabulary or a new language is used.
(Common) Phrases
Busha miolka - Kind greetings (formal greeting)
Miolka - Greetings (informal form of 'busha miolka)
A ishsdu hew ol pesr - I missed you so much (informal greeting)
Kishen hew - Thank you (formal)
Kishes - Thanks (informal)
Cligag quanshie - Good morning (formal)
Cligag moonex - Goodnight (formal)
A vust hew - I love you (platonic)
Zyfa hewul niuytfad ly juhnukip - May your journey be fruitful (a way of saying good luck)
Luytrec - Goodbye
Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew - My love is promised to your soul (Romantic version of 'I love you' and a part of wedding vows - to be taken seriously)
Titles/Familial Terms
Hewul uwepnus - Your majesties
Tojen - Sister
Ejo - Mom/Mother
Gysk - Dad/Father
Ursbi - Term of endearment from parents to children (gender-neutral)
Neod - A romantic term of endearment roughly translating to 'Honey'
Rarari - Aunt/uncle (gender neutral)
Kanez - Elite (specifically refers to (Y/n)'s main team)
Rowuk - Bitch/bastard
Wurn - Shit
Kif - Ass
Jyboki - Damn it
Jybok - Damn
Dewla'tanish - Wedding (lit. heart intertwining)
Vaun'yuren - Pregnant (lit. baby carrying)
Na ip - Us too
Adieb - A sacred paint used in weddings. Permanently marks Otha skin
Ika - Come/Approach
Aay'han - bittersweet perfect moment of mourning and joy - *remembering and celebrating*
Ni fah esertyu. Ni fuyt ownsiz zawergab. Ni fuyt xanish i rufasl oyat zawergab. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew. - We are equals. We will fight together. We will build a strong life together. My love is promised to your soul. (Othanian wedding vows. The most sacred part of the ceremony)
Quin'jes - Literally "little Quin", 'jes can be added to many words to add 'little' to it. Can be affectionate or insulting based on the context.
Vutojan - The closest translation is "queer-platonic". Closer than siblings but more platonic than lovers
Yakop riv quanal ta hewul vaen wu riv ta moonal ta hewul sulan, a cavola hew - From the sunrise of your birth to the sunset of your death, I honor you. (High honor coming from royal blood, said in remembrance of those who have died)
Zyfa zu sulan ly yasolun - May my death be glorious
Fah hew riv uwasne - Are you the royal?
A syc - I am
A wokwi i pemop - I have a plan
Othan fuyt oabif mog dy yasol - Othan will live on in glory
(Common) Phrases
Udesii - Calm down/take it easy
K'oyacyi - Cheers/Hang in there/Come back safely (In context it means Come back safely)
Ni mav nu, jettii hut'uun - I will not, Jedi coward (coward is one of the worst Mandalorian insults)
Di'kut! Gar adiik! Ba'slanar! - Idiot! Your child! Leave!
Vor entye - Thank you (lit. I accept a debt)
Vor'e - Thanks
Haat, ijaa, haa'it - Truth, honor, vision - words used to seal a pact
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum - Daily remembrance of those passed on *I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.* Followed by repetition of loved ones' names.
Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - Not gone, merely marching away
Ni ceta - sorry (lit: I kneel) grovelling apology - rare
Titles/Familial Terms
vod/vode - Sibling/siblings
Vode - Capitalized refers to the Clones as a whole rather than "brothers" plural
Aliit - Family/clan
Ad - Child
Mand'alor - Sole ruler of Mandalore
Haat Mando'ade - True Mandalorians, Mandalorian faction led by Mand'alor Jaster Mereel before his death
Ad'ika - Term of endearment toward children
Ad/ade - Child/children
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - Adoption Vow. 'I know your name as my child'
Cu'Morut - Refers to the clones saved from decommissioning (combines Cuyan = saved and Morut = safe)
Adenn Cabur - Merciless Protector
Cyare'se - loved ones
Di'kut - Idiot (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on)
Demagolka - someone who commits atrocities (specifically against children), a real-life monster, a war criminal
Hut'uun - Coward, one of the worst insults
Shabuir - extreme insult - *jerk*, but much stronger
Kote - Glory (fanon says that Cody's name is actually Kote)
Ner - Mine
Verd'goten - Mandalorian rite of passage taken at 13. If passed it means they are allowed to fight in battles
Resol'nare - The Six Actions a Mandalorian must live by. Education and armor, Self-defense, our tribe, Our language and our leader (Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, Ara'nov, aliit, Mando'a bal Mand'alor)
Ke'sush - Attention
Oya! - Many meanings depending on context. Here it's a call to action
Jareor - recklessly risk your life, act suicidally (negative connotation - foolish, not brave)
Jaig Eyes - a sigil bestowed by clan leaders as a mark of honor, awarded for particular acts of bravery
Ni mav yaimpar - I will return
Gar enteyor ba'slanar - You must leave
Ka'ra - stars - ancient Mandalorian myth - ruling council of fallen kings
Dadita - code used by Mandalorians, like Morse
'lek - Yeah (shortened version of "alek")
Kaminiise - Kaminoans
Skira - Revenge
Achuta - Hello
Kavaa hopa chuba? - Can I help you?
Dobra stuta Watto - I'm looking for Watto
Wanga Juca - One moment
Myo bukee - My child
Soong eniki - It's okay
Hees hat mu, an he mus chuba - He is very loved and he loves you
Winkee - Sleep
Slave's Language
Joleu - Love you
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