I'm Snow in love with you
I love bad puns, I'm sorry ,hehe also Sorry for not posting regularly, my shrivelling self esteem and shitty dad prevent me from being able to post on a schedual, god damn it. And yes I'm aware its practically summer, but I had a dream about Christamas and now I miss it so leave me alone T^T
Anyways enjoy the story
-swearing (obvioulsy)
-cuddles, and bad puns
It was a snowy Saturday evening, the class 1-A stundents where all sitting in their shared living area, all cuddled up with blankets, in some odd and unusal parings. Uraraka and Kaminari were sitting cuddled up next to eachother with their eyes closed and legs tangled up , Todoroki was with his left arm Tsuyu so the warmth from his quirk could reach through the copious amaounts of t-shirts and jumpers she had on. Bakugo was sitting sprawled out the couch, with Mina and kirishima sitting in between his legs in a domino like postion, he watched as the two played Minecraft on Mina's very pink and decorated Nintendo switch. The rest of the class mates where all scattred on the floor under piles of blankets and pillows or squished on the arm chairs. The atmosphere was cozy and loving.
The class was more of a family at this point, they were all comfortable with eachother, even the people who had issues like Todoroki and Bakugo now had some form of a sibling type realtionship , with the two constatly going at eachothers throats but being able to get along and hold decent conversations as well as care for each other the but that was a forbidden subject that no one was allowed to utter a word about.
Speaking of decent relationships , Bakugo and Midoriya's relationship had changed over the course of a few years that they had spet a UA, but it couldn't really be desribed as friends or even brothers , nope, that definelty wasn't the case, there was a lot more than just rivalry going on between the two a tension that only Mina liked to describe as 'sExUal TeNsiIoN' which would then earn her a slap around the head as well as a few giggles and laughs.
Midoriya got up from the blanket covered carpet, stretching as he did so.He smiled as he spared a glance at his class mates, unaware of the red eyes that watched him. He started making his way towards his dorm.
"hey Midoriya where ya going?"
Sero asked, poking his head from under a blanket, his cheeks were rosy red from being so cuddled up in blankets and pillows.
"I'm just gonna go for a small walk after all it doesn't snow everyday"
more people would have joined him , but they could sense a certain aura around the boy, that spoke ' I wanna be alone' so with one last smile the green haired boy left his class mates to wrap himslef up in some winter clothes.
He was wraped up and warm, with a thick green jacket, white ear muffs and some white gloves, he didnt own a scarf so he would just have to make do without. He closed his dorm room door and skipped over to the entrance. He stepped outside and made sure to firmly close the door, as to not let any cold winter air in ,he stepped on the snow, with a grin so bright it hurt his cheeks. He took a deep breath ,calming his excitment and peered up at the sky there were still some parts of the sky where he could see the stars peep through dark and dense clouds and occasionally the moons gleaming rays wold seep through, illuminating Midoriya's surroundings so he could get a better view of the blanket of snow that surrounded ever so familiar landscape.
He began a slow walk around, just enjoying the peacfulness of a late December evening. He took a deep breathe letting the cold air reach the deepest parts of his lungs, he loved Christmas and everything leading up to it, come to think of it there was never a time he hated it or got sick of it either, he didn't nessacrily love the cold that could sometimes feel like it was eating away at his will to live but if there was snow he didn't care. When he was younger he used to spend almost everyday leading up to Christmas with Bakugo and even on Christmas the two would insit on seeing eachoher, they didn't even do anything intresting either. They would show off their gifts for a bit ,then after a while they'd go play outside in the snow, untill they were so cold they felt like they would get frost bite, they would then come inside and go into the others room and drink hot choclate and talk ,this too the adults seemed as odd what would two kids possibly discuss about?
Midoriya let out a sad sigh as he remebered one particular Christmas right before Bakugo had changed.
"just come outisde izuku"
The blonde huffed dragging the now well dressed green haired male into his garden.
"k-kacchan stop going so fast ,i'm gonna fall!"
little Midoriya spoke, trying his best to catch up to Bakugo without face planting the snow.
"Useless, izuku, at least if you fall I'll pick you back up."
Bakugo spoke as he tunred around abruptly and held both of Midoryias hands
"now you have to promise me you'll keep your eyes closed and i'll lead you somewhere special okay and don't open them or I'll hit you on the head!"
Midoriya pouted, but closed his eyes entrusting his fate in the little hands of his best Friend
"okay, just don't let me fall Kacchan"
Bakugo looked away embarrsed as he began to lead the smaller in his desired direction
"tch stupid Izuku,of course I won't let you fall"
He was now slowly being led by the red eyed male. Although the walk was small to any other person, for little tiny Midoriya and Bakugo the walk was long but enjoyable. Finally they stopped, Bakugo let go of the smaller boy's hands and walked behind him,
"you can open your eyes now Izuku"
Izuku opened his eyes only to be facing one of the trees in Bakugo's back garden,he was about to ask why he was here when his gleaming green eyes noticed something above his head stuck on tree was a small note with Bakugo's messy writing , Izuku walked up to getting on his tip toes and scrunching up his nose in concentration, using his little hands to grab the note, he looked at the note, his eyes watering a little.
I'm snow in love you! <3
Midoriya turned around ready to jump onto Bakugo and give him a big hug but he had never seen the facial expression that Bakugo was making ever before on the blonde, after all he was confident in whatever he did.His facial expression was that of a little gremlin,but a small embarrassed blush was clearly covering his cheeks,Midoriya could only smile
"I'm snow in love with you too Kacchan!"
Midoryia spoke as he gave Bakugo a big hug, he felt the older wrap his arms around him
"D-don't say embarrassing things stupid Izuku"
Midoriya giggled
-———————end of flashback ————————
Midoriya smiled sadly
"I'm snow in love with you "
he murmered, looking up at the sky letting out a small chuckle. Tears slipped from his eyes, he rubbed them away quickly, letting out a small laugh of reliefe.
"Oi , is that why you came outside for ? To be depressed or some shit?"
Midoriya turned around, surprised.
Bakugo felt the oxygen leave his body as he stared at the smaller male, his cheeks and nose where red, his eyes glossy from tears,he looked small and squishy and incredibly loveable. Bakugo felt the embarrassment soak into his very soul as he realised what he had just heard from the younger only fully processing it now .He walked towards him, taking the scarf from his neck and wrapping it rather aggresivly around the smallers neck to an outsider it would have looked like he was trying to choke him to death.
"Do you even know to fucking dress for winter? You'll catch a stupid cold and then I have too take care of your shitty gross face."
the blonde said angrily Midoriya giggled and mumbled a small apology snuggling his nose into Bakugo's scarf, which smelled of an odd mixture of cologne and caramel. That's when greenette remembered,
"won't you be cold?"
Bakugo looked away
"tch, I'll be fine"
Midoriya nodded, looking away.
Bakugo thankfully had walked outisde right as Midoriya mumbled the small confession Bakugo had made as a kid, he was thankful he wasn't the only one who thought of that moment when he saw the snow start fall peacefully outside, it made him feel alot less like a stupid love sick high school girl, he peered at Midoriya's face. His heart yet again began running miles, he didn't realise that he let out a small 'tch' as he reached out for the green haired males hands, Midoriya looked at the blonde with slight question in his eyes ,Bakugo sighed, yet again showing that ever so familiar embarrassed face.
"I'm snow in love with you too, Deku"
Midoriya's eyes widnened in shock his heartbeat quickening and the cold that had previously started nibbling it way at his body seemed to melt
"Y-you heard that?"
Midoriya stammered,
"Well obviously, do I look fucking death to you?"
Midoriya giggled as he shook his head,
"I guess it's just kinda hard to believe you've been PINEing over me all this time"
Bakugo frowned and then let out a small laugh flicking the smaller in the forehead
"Your so shitty deku"
The two started laughing
"But FIR real I'm surprised you feel like that about me"
Bakugo rolled his eyes, as he pulled the younger male into a hug, Midoriya was about to say something when Bakugo interrupted him
"Just shut up and enjoy the moment"
Midoriya smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around Bakugo.
Their relationship really had changed.
1674 words
I had a lot of fun writing this one since I came up with all the puns (if you find them on the internet that's because other people where just as big brain as I am) I hope you enjoyed this little one shot it was so adorable and I really enjoyed writing it 🥺
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