Don't lie
I'm sorry I haven't wrote anything in ages T^T I got grounded, anyway I have tons of ideas now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Top Deku ( cause I love bottom Bakugo)
-fluff ending
Midoriya wasn't sure what was wrong with him lately.He and this odd lustful feelings that stored restlessly inside of him, of course this isn't anything new for young teenage boys but this wasn't the normal "I feel horny lemme jack off real quick" feeling, it was more like an intense heat that would start from the inside of his chest and eventually spread to every inch of his body until he couldn't bare it and he'd have to sprint to the toilet to deal with the problem in his pants. The poor boy was obviously hit by some type of quirk.
This feeling however didn't just randomly occur, no. It occured when he looked at Bakugo and only when he looked at Bakugo. He just had this horrible feeling, that he just wanted to grab him and fuck him.
The 3A students were all currently at training camp, they were now in their third year and had dealt with villains so much to the point it was normal, so they weren't concerned if another villain attack would happen.Everyone was currently asleep, well everyone but Midoriya.
Midoriya sat outside with his back against a tree in nothing but his usual boring shirt and black shorts, the cool breeze cooled his scorching body, as he tried to control his frantic breathing. He was so caught up in trying to control the lustful feeling that was spreading throughout his body he couldn't hear the approaching footsteps behind him.
"What the fuck are you doing here, nerd"
Of course it had to be now of all times that the stubborn blonde had to appear.
"Go away Kacchan."
Midoriya was in no mood or shape to argue. Their relationship had improved dramatically over the past few years ,they could now comfortably talk and work together without bickering every millisecond ,but there was still the issue of not expressing their feelings very well.
"Don't fucking tell me what to do"
The blonde spoke and put his hand on his hip, before sitting right in front of Midoriya with a satisfactory smirk on his lips.
"Please just leave me alone, before I do something I'll regret."
Midoriya pleaded, his voice was shaky like he was scared, Bakugo wasn't sure if this was because of him, Midoriya never cowered around Bakugo anymore, in fact Bakugo hadn't heard the youngers voice quiver in fear, in what seemed like fifty years, even though it had only been 3.The now curious blonde decided to provoke him more.
"Are you looking down on me or some shit?"
There was a long silence.
"Oi , don't go back on your wor-"
Bakugo couldn't finish his sentence as he was pushed on the ground, he looked panicked for a second before looking up at Midoriya ready to insult him or hit him ,but when he looked in the greenettes eyes, all his bravery seemed to evaporate his body was growing numb. The youngers eyes, which were usually sparkling and full of life were now dark and clouded , it sent shivers down blondes spine, but oddly enough he felt his heart pound excitedly.
Midoriya kissed Bakugos neck and bit harshly at his skin, Bakugo was gonna say something to protest but Midoriya spoke before he could get the chance
"You always do things, without suffering the consequences, this time though ,it's an exception"
He bit the blondes neck again licking it after with a smile as his hands roamed under his shirt touching the blondes ripped chest, as he played with his right nipple, Bakugo suddenly lost the ability to speak and only let out a drawn out moan as he arched his back at the unusual yet pleasurable feeling. He then realised what was happening and finally spoke
He tried pushing Midoriya away, his efforts were useless thought as the greenette was strong and seemed to have this crazy sex drive inside him.
Midoriya then spoke as he stood between Bakugos legs, admiring his masterpiece .The blonde was spread out in front of him, face red with watery eyes, he used his arm to cover his mouth sweat was dripping down his forehead as he tried to catch his breath, his shirt was slightly pulled upwards so you could see his tones stomach
"Deal with the consequences, kacchan"
His voice was deep and husky, the glowing moon illuminated the sweat on his satisfied face, the wind blew making him
Bakugo immediately cursed at himself mentally, and then realised that his trousers were being pulled down, again he tried to push the greenette away, and failed yet again.
Bakugo looked down and saw what was about to happen and protested again, but Midorya has already slid his dick into Bakugo's hole.More tears of pleasure welled up in Bakugos eyes as Midorya began pushing in and out of him,he could feel his dick pulse in Bakugo's insides as he groaned at the tightness. Bakugo put his hand on Midoriya's neck as if he was going to choke him.
"What...the fuck are you....doing? I said get off me"
The blonde finally spoke, again trying to push the younger off of him by moving his hand to Midoriya's face, at an attempt to scramble away.
"Don't lie kacchan"
He spoke thrusting into him again, as he looked into his eyes. He latched his hands around Bakugos wrist, and Bakugo still pushed his hands further into Midoryars face, not necessarily because he wanted to push him away but because of the almost loving way the younger touched his arm,but he would never admit that .After yet again slapping himself mentally he once again attempted to push Midoriya away. Midoriya looked at him through Bakugos fingers and tightened his hold around Bakugos wrist thrusting into him again.
"After all if you really hated it you could just blast me away"
Bakugos teary eyes widened in realisation,as he was thrusted into again. His mind went blank for a second as blissful pleasure travelled up his body.
He the arched his back and decided he would listen to what his body was saying, and not his ego.And he gave in.
He wrapped his arms around Midoriya's neck and pulled down his face, smashing their lips together.The greenette thrusted deeper, and finally found what he was looking for, Bakugos prostate,causing Bakugo to break the kiss.
"Ahh-DEKU there!!"
Midoriya shivered at his name being called out and hit that same spot over and over again. Bakugo couldn't think straight anymore his eyes were rolling to the back of his head, tears of pleasure rolling down his red cheeks, as he gripped desperately onto Midoriya's shirt, making Midoriays dick impossibly harder
"F-faster, more"
The blonde spoke as he gripped the youngest shirt,
"Beg some more Kacchan."
Midoriya murmured in Bakugos ear huskily then biting into it before licking his ear lobe.
"I wanna hear you scream my name"
Bakugo screwed his eyes shut, embarrassment flooding in him when all of a sudden the thrusts where beginning to slow, he wanted that pleasure to fill him up again as his eyes screwed shut at the slow agonising pace, he hates this hates being underneath but yet in this moment his ideals seemed to vanish
"D-deku g-go faster please"
Midorya hummed his pace speeding up a little.Bakugo felt accomplishment and finally decided he just didn't care anymore
"Just fuck me till I can't walk an—"
The greenettes pace got even faster
"Ahh d-deku fuck, go faster ,more"
The blondes arms collapsed to the ground, he tried to grip at something, but there was nothing but grass, he closed his eyes in annoyance until he felt a hand slip into his and Bakugo squeezed it tightly as he arched his back, Midorya knew what was about to happen so he went faster and deeper thrusting into the boy with all of the energy he had left.Bakugo felt his climax near, Midoriya too felt the same as he started to pump Bakugos member in time with his ,now, sloppy thrusts.
Midoriaya cut him off by kissing him, as his free hand gripped at Bakugos desperately, Bakugo too squeezing the youngers hand, like his life depended on it.
Midoriya thrusted a few more times as Bakugo came all over his shirt and a little over Midoriyas shirt, Midoriya didn't stop however also wanting to feel the blissful climax his "friend" had just felt
"K-Kacchan ahhh you feel so good"
Bakugo felt so good being praised, so despite his tiredness he began pushing his hips upwards to meet the greenettes slowing thrusts. As he latched his hands around the Youngers neck and started sucking on his milky yet salty skin. After a pleasure filled 2 minutes went by Midoriya finally came inside of Bakugo, grunting as he did so as Bakugo moaned out again at the feeling of hot liquid entering his abused hole.They looked each other in the eyes before Midoriya pulled out and plopped himself on top of Bakugo completely exhausted.
They stayed like that, half naked, for what seemed like an hour, the greenette heard soft snores coming from the blondes mouth. Which prompted him to peer up to look at the blomde sleeping softly, Midoriya smiled for a a moment before guilt began to surface. He got up and then pulled his trousers up.And stared at the sleeping boy on the ground. Clasping his hand over his mouth.
"What have I done?"
He murmured to himself and he felt tears slide down his cheeks.He dropped onto his knees placing his face into his hands in shake and sobbed to himself, quietly.
After crying for almost 20 minutes straight he brushed off his guilt momentarily and went and picked the blonde up, Midorya carried him to Bakugos room, where he changed his clothes, into some clean ones and placed him in his bed pulling the covers softly over his body. He turned towards the door ready to leave and spared one last glance at the older, but couldn't look for long as tears started rolling out his eyes and he ran straight back to his own room.
Bakugo woke up the next morning completely exhausted but in cheery mood. He sat up, despite the pain in his ass and sat with his head up against the head board of his bed. The door opened revealing a spiky toothed red head.
"Hey dude you good? You've been asleep for ages"
Bakugo looked down at his hands for a second, before sighing and running a hand through his blonde locks
"I'm fine"
Kirishima squinted his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Don't lie"
Bakugo looked shocked for a second as his ears stared turning crimsons at the thought of the blissful memory resurfacing back into his mind.
"Don't lie Kacchan"
The younger said as he held onto his wrist and thrusted deeper into the Blonde.
"After all if you really hated it you could have just blasted me away"
Midorya said in a deep seductive voice. And Bakugo finally gave in latching his hands around the younger's neck pulling him in for a kiss.
———————-End of Flashback————————
Bakugos face immediately turned red as he looked down again. Kirishima approached and touched his forehead.
"Dude you're totally not fine! Your burning!"
And with that he called Aizawa who told Bakugo to just rest for today, of course Bakugo protested but Aizawa shot him one of those death glares and the blonde finally decided to surrender and hide under his covers.
Bakugo now lay alone in his room, every second of what happened last night engulfed his thoughts and made his heart pound. He wasn't an idiot he knew what this meant, but he didn't want to admit it, at least not to himself.
Midoriya however was feeling progressively guiltier and guiltier as the day went by and he had trouble controlling his tears, it would be odd if he suddenly started crying for no reason, even if he was known for crying a lot. Everyone seemed to notice the greenettes change in demeanour but no one said anything, thinking that maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the pillow.
A week later
A week had passed since that day and things were just getting harder for the both of them.
Bakugo now sat for hours in his room just thinking about Midoriya and only Midoriya, sometimes his thoughts weren't so wholesome and it would lead him into having a to go deal with his growing erection and then proceed to nearly cry because he felt like an idiot, for two reasons, one was cause he felt stupid for what he was doing but he was too far in to stop now ,and two because he felt this extreme sense of guilt about how he treated the younger in the past he had felt it long before him and Midorya had sex but it only got worse from that point and if things had to get worse he constantly felt his feeling of loneliness all the time. He just really wanted to be with Midoriya, which wasn't helpful at all, especially not to his inferiority complex.
Midoriya was even worse however.Any moment he was alone he'd burst into tears and once he started he found it hard to stop , he couldn't concentrate on anything especially since the blonde sat right it front of him in class.They hadn't spoke since, but Midorya finally decided he had enough so he took his puffy eyed self to the front of Bakugos dorm, he took a short shaky breath before knocking.
"Fuck off shitty hair and dunce face"
A grumbled and tired voice came from behind the door
"It's me...."
Midoriya spoke, his whole body filled with dread. There was silence.
"Open the fucking door then"
Bakugos voice spoke from the other room, and with that Midorya opened the door and peered inside, it was dimly lit by a small lamp on Bakugos desk, his blinds were shut and there was no other light on, Midoriya's eyes made their way to Bakugos bed where he saw the blonde sitting face first into the mattress, completely unbothered.Bakugo turned his head towards Midoryas direction, they're eyes meeting briefly
"Are you gonna come in or just stand there like a moron?"
Midorya panicked a little and closed the door and then started making his way over to Bakugos bed sighing sadly as he sat on it. The blonde turned his face away from him and stared at the wall,no one said anything. Until Midoriya broke the awkward silence
"Kacchan I'm sorry"
Midoriya spoke, his eyes welling up with tears again, Bakugo could sense that the other was crying but didn't move.
"I'm really sorry , if you don't want to forgive me it's fine you can even take me to jai-"
Bakugo cut him off from the stupidity that he was going to say
"Did you mean anything by it? Or was it just a shitty fucking quirk?"
Midorya looked behind him surprised, as he lifted an arm to scratch his head nervously
"Even though I was probably under the influence of a quirk, I already liked you before."
Bakugo's heart pounded crazily in his chest and his face was almost as red as his eyes
"Find what the shitty quirk was and I'll give you an answer."
Miodiryas eyes widened
Bakugo frowned
"Do you need to get your fucking ears checked?"
Midoriya leaped from Bakugos bed, straight towards the door, to go and do some research on the quirk that could have hit him,as he was about to step out the room Bakugo spoke again
"And stop fucking crying you baby"
Midoriya smiled briefly glad to see Bakugo wasn't mad at him. And somehow felt relieved that Bakugo could somehow sense how he was feeling even after all these years,but then again he'd always been good at that.
"I won't I promise."
And with that he closed the door and sprinted to his room.Bakugo smiled into his duvet, and nearly vomited at the realisation of what he just did , mumbling something to himself along the lines of the fact he acting like a love sick school girl.
Midoriya then stayed in his room for almost 5 hours, he searched and searched thousands of different love quirk until finally he found one that seemed like the perfect definition.
Love lust
Turns someone's pure sweet love into that of lust. The stronger the pure love the stronger the lust. Goes away after a month but can be healed only if persons desires with significant other are fulfilled. The quirk can be activated if the holder kisses another individual.When the individual is affected by the quirk they will feel a strong heat rising through their body if the individual looks at the person they desire.
Midoriya thought to how he could have had the quirk given to him and then it clicked.
Midoriya emerged from the building holding small girl with orange pig tails and green eyes. She had a fond smile on her lips as she looked thankfully at her hero.
She wasn't too injured and she only needed a few bandages to conceal her cuts and bruises, once she was all bandages ,she skipped over to Midoriya who was siting calmly letting the adrenaline clam it's self some while watching Bakugo from a afar. The girl stopped eyeing the scene curiously. Bakugo turned around and looked at Midoriya sticking his tongue out whilst showing a thumbs down. Midoriya just smiled seeing it as a "well done nerd" compliment ,which is what it was,Bakugo himself admitted to it when Mina threatend to reveal their private messages.Midoriya smiled, closing his eyes and ruffling his hair. The ginger girl however saw the action as more of longing of love then anything else so she took it upon herself to make the green haired hero happy, she skipped over to him and gave him a hug
"Thank you hero deku "
She smiled as she looked at him, his eyes brightened for second
"It's okay uhhh-"
She interrupted.
"It's okay Mika it's my job and it makes me happy"
She smiled again with a giggle as her parents yelled out her name she jolted in surprise , quickly she stood on her top toes and kissed Midoriay on the cheek then turned around and bowing before saying something surprising and utterly confusing
"I think I've repaid you back fairly"
And she skipped away.
———————End of flashback————————
'So that's what Mika meant' Midoriya thought to himself as he remembered the moment a small smiled creeped on his lips yet as he got up and went back to Bakugo's room with a tab on his phone with Mika's quirk.
He knocked softly on his door, he opened and gulped nervously, before looking at the blonde.
Bakugo got up to open the door and the two walked back to Bakugos bed. The blonde plopped himself on his bed face first much like he was a few minutes ago.Midorya sat in the same spot he sat in before and placed his phone next to bakugos head, before looking down at his hands waiting for a response. He heard shuffling and Bakugos rough fingers scroll on his phone screen, hearing a content sigh escape his lips,Midoriya thought it was over.
But instead he felt a hand grip onto his waist and another onto his neck before the poor greenette was pulled down onto the mattress now lying next to Bakugo, instinctively he wrapped his hands around Bakugos waist and pulled him into his chest
"Just so you know I don't like you, you're a piece of shit"
Bakugo spoke but contrary to his words his eyes were tearing up, finally not feeling that feeling of loneliness that he had felt this past week, Midoriya felt the loving way the older was gripping onto him and smiled
"Don't lie,Kacchan"
He muttered, burying his head into the spiky blonde hair.
"Starting from today your my damn boyfriend got it nerd?"
Midoriya smiled
"Yeah I got it."
Bakugo smiled as he closed his eyes and dug his face into his boyfriends shirt proudly. Before a thought raced through his mind and the kind smile was replaced with a smirk
"Just so you know I'm topping you next time"
He felt Midoriya pull him closer
"Sure, make it good though"
Bakugo nodded, and then closed his eyes as they both fell into a peaceful and rather deep sleep.
I legit forgot how to write smut because I haven't read it in so long, so I had to read some rather juicy Kagehina and Bakudeku smut to refresh my memory as well as read some yaoi.
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