Graduate (F)
Slight Angst
Word Count: 3,327
Whenever I write, I go from the manga perspective, but there most likely won't be any spoilers so don't worry if you aren't caught up! Inspired by an amazing person elleB1008
The party would certainly be one to remember by hundreds. Graduation day. The class that was previously 1-A have graduated, officially on their way to perusing the path of a pro hero. Like All Might. The previous number one before endeavor.
Class B even attended, and got along well with the class for once. Mineta didn't grow an inch, as he still tried to grope girls and peak up skirts, his ass was stuck to a wall by tape. Thank Sero ladies.
The Bakusquad, stronger than ever, had been hanging around Katsuki the whole night. As time flew by, the teachers even seemed a little heartfelt, as they watch their previous youngsters grow from being puny to incredibly enhanced. Their muscles and quirk control had been almost maxed out, if not no need for more improvement.
They had all matured, but still had that teenage side to them. They probably always will, knowing each other. But they were all adults now. Not high schoolers anymore, actual heroes. Adults.
They could now make their own decisions without the nagging of parents or teachers. They would fill the spots of the once bold, and become new pillars for the world to gaze upon.
And for everyone, that was either extremely exciting or ultimately terrified. Possibly a mixture of both! Aizawa was dressed in an actual suit and tie, and combed his hair back. Eri had been there as well, cheering everyone on, especially her hero Deku. Izuku Midoriya.
Midoriya Izuku, successor of All Might. One for All. All night he seemed happy, but obviously something wasn't sitting right with him. No one seemed to notice. Except Katsuki.
He wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been feeling slightly weird himself. He wouldn't mention it to anyone, but he was scared for the next step. He wasn't scared often, but this had got his nerves in a tangle. So it was surprising to see his frienemy rival act a bit tense.
"Isn't this exciting?!" Uraraka exclaimed as she grabbed Izuku's bicep and jumped up and down in excitement. She was finally going to make money to help her parents.
"Definitely! We've been waiting for this day since we were kids!" Iida exclaimed, all pampered up and proper. Almost like a snob, but definitely way nicer and more respectful. Iida was going to continue the next generation of Iida heroes.
"T-totally! I never thought this day would happen..." Izuku agreed, whispering the last part as he brought his eyes up to the star night sky.
"My old man won't shut up about him being 'so proud' of me," Todoroki interrupted as he walked over to the group with a water bottle. Izuku laughed slightly and Uraraka smiled. Iida wanted to protest, but decided against it and chucked as well. Todoroki seemed to just want to prove his old man wrong, but becoming a hero was inspired to him by two of his classmates.
"Are you alright?" Iida asked Izuku as Izuku seemed to drift his mind off into wonderland.
"Me? O-oh yes! I'm fine, just a little anxious is all," he explained.
"That's normal! You will be an amazing hero! You already have people who are rooting for you, and you saved them in high school. I wish I was as cool as that!" Uraraka encouraged.
"I'm nervous as well, but I believe if we do everything in our power to bring good into the world, you won't feel as if you have lost your instincts. You're probably only nervous because you're going to America," Todoroki nonchalantly explains. Suddenly there was quietness.
Izuku's face turned slightly pink. "YOU'RE GOING TO AMERICA?!" Lots of people exclaim.
"Y-y-yeah! Uhmm... I guess you can say I'll be working abroad for a little bit, I haven't really made any major decisions yet," Izuku explains as people started to crowd around him.
"I think you should go! This would be a great head start in your hero career," Iida said.
"We would all miss you though!" Uraraka wines as she crosses her arms over her chest, pouting a bit.
"That sounds like an adventure!" Ashido jumped in and hugged Uraraka from the side energetically. She would be a great hero for kids.
"Totally! I'm actually a little jealous, Midoroya!" Kaminari says, patting Izuku's shoulder. Izuku smiled, forcing it a bit, as he let his friends congratulate him. Kaminari would finally be a hero with ladies at his side and hopefully not trigger his short circuits as often.
Katsuki didn't join them, but he was surprised. Very surprised actually. He hadn't expected Izuku to be this far ahead, especially being across the damn country. Deku was going to be across the country...
Katsuki leaned against the wall watching everyone, phone in hand as he read up on some recent villain attacks. "You aren't going to join?" a voice called out. Katsuki looked to his side to see Kirishima. Of course, he was planning to be an unbreakable hero. Literally and metaphorically.
"No," Katsuki says bluntly as he scrolled down the phone to the next paragraph.
"Shouldn't you two be past all of your issues?"
"Issues? Kirishima, get the hell out of my face,"
"It's true though! I mean, you two are closer I admit, but you're still holding back,"
Katsuki shut off his phone and faced Kirishima fully, turning his body. "I never hold back!" Katsuki exclaimed, feeling slightly accused.
"Maybe so, but that doesn't account for your feelings," Kirishima says with a slightly furrowed brow.
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Katsuki asked, clenching his fist a bit.
"He's about to go to America—"
"Shitty nerd didn't make a decision yet dumbass, weren't you listening?" Katsuki questioned.
"No, but obviously you were," okay, now Katsuki was a little more than irritated.
"Get to the damn point!"
"Tell him how you feel before he leaves Japan for whoever knows how long—"
"He hadn't decided—"
"He will. And when he does you would have missed your window,"
"Kirishima I swear—"
"Three years,"
A small quietness settled between the two before Katsuki replied, "Three years? Of what?"
"He's going to be gone for three years,"
"How the hell do you even know that?" Katsuki questioned, stretching his fingers then closing them again.
"I was the second person he told, after Todoroki. He told me it was going to be for three years. He seemed really upset and excited about it,"
"Okay and?"
"I said if it makes him happy, he should do it. And he told me he wanted too, so he will. You know him best, once he sets his mind on something, there's nothing stopping him," and shit. He was right.
Katsuki groaned and faded away from Kirishima, leaning his back on the wall again. Katsuki didn't say anything.
"Dude, tell him—"
"What good is that shit going to do?! He's leaving anyways and it wouldn't even matter. It's not like we had the best relationship,"
"So fix it! Katsuki! You realize he cares about you more than anyone else? He always has, and he still does, even after all that malice shit you pull on him all the time!"
"Used to. I don't do that stuff as much anymore,"
"See?! Improvement! You are improving yourself to be the best you you can be! Why isn't that enough for you to get your ass up and tell him how you feel like a man?!" Kirishima questioned, raising his voice a bit.
"I'll think about it," Katsuki says through clenched teeth.
"Good, because when he accepts the offer, he will be leaving in two months"
Two months. Did Katsuki have time?
Katsuki walked back to his dorm room, needing to clear out a few more things before leaving. As he opened the door, a small light pastel blue envelope laid at an angle on the floor, two feet away from his door. He picked it up and turned on his lamp light, shutting his door.
He walked to his desk and sat down, carefully opening the envelope. He takes out a piece of paper with cutely scribbled handwriting. He knew that handwriting anywhere.
Dear Katsuki,
I'm not sure where to start. There are so many things I want to say that I can't put all into one note, so I won't. But what I do request is that you listen to the note, please. From day one, you were confident, overbearing, strong, harsh, cocky, bitter, intelligent, loud, inspirational, talented, encouraging, and everything I've always wanted to be. A hero. My hero. You have always been my hero. My inspiration. Don't tell All Might.
I've decided to go to America. I'm telling everyone that I'm not ready, and I'm not. I'm really not, but I'm not always going to be ready. So, I'm taking a leap of faith. With or without you.
You've always taken that big step first, without me. And I've always been right behind you, trying to do the same. I've realized I couldn't do that, no matter how hard I tried. So I stopped. I've filled my own shoes, instead of your footprints I followed in the sand, your feet slightly bigger than my own.
Now, I understand that we have always had the same goal, and we bicker about it constantly. You're my rival, and always will be, but you will always be my childhood friend. You were my best friend. And before you started bullying the shit out of me, you were my only friend. I only called your friends 'my friends' because I had always been with you. Now, I'm not sure what went wrong, but I'm guessing it had something to do with the fact that I didn't have a quirk.
Hopefully we've come past that. Now, let me get to the point because I can already hear your voice in my head, telling me to shut the hell up and get straight to the point. The point is... I don't actually have two months. I'm guessing by the time you get this Kirishima told you about my plans.
Sorry for not telling you first. I would have, but I wasn't sure if I would go through with it, and I just was scared to tell you. I'm leaving in two weeks. No one knows, and yeah, I'm an asshole for not saying anything, but this has a lot to do with my issues than it does anyone else.
Now, I can't put everything in this letter, because there won't be any room, but I just wanted to thank you for pushing me. I wanted to thank you for being my rival. I wanted to thank you for being my Hero. Thank you, Katsuki.
- Midoriya Izuku
Katsuki set the note down, and puts a hand over his mouth rubbing a bit anxiously, before carding that same hand through his hair. His other hand on his hip. Izuku wasn't just thanking him, he was saying goodbye the best way he could.
Katsuki's heart was racing, and he needed to talk to Izuku. He takes the note and sends Izuku a text: Balcony.
Izuku looks at his phone as he felt it buzz and saw a text from Katsuki. Izuku smiled sadly, knowing Katsuki would either not want to talk or talk. Just talk.
Izuku walked to the balcony, seeing that Katsuki wasn't there yet. Izuku walked closer to the edge, resting his body on the railing, looking out upon the sidewalk and city lights in the distance.
Katsuki walked through the crowd of people and made it to the lonely balcony. Izuku was waiting for him. He walked up towards him and stood next to him, closer than he usually would. Their shoulders were practically touching.
The night breeze was chilly, but it was welcomed with open arms. As the stars twinkled, for some reason very bright tonight, the two just stare off into the distance, watching flickering lights from left and right. "I hate you," Katsuki finally spoke first.
Izuku sadly smiled and chuckled lowly, "I figured as much..."
"I hate you for not telling me sooner," Katsuki finishes as he waved the blue envelope in Izuku's face, still staring off into the distance, the sound of cars near by.
Izuku looked down at the note and took it out of Katsuki's hands and smiled at it, sadly once again. He sets it down on the rail part, keeping his hands firmly gripping it so it wouldn't fly away.
"I also hate you for telling me all those kind words. I don't understand how you can be so damn kind," Katsuki says once again.
"Sometimes I'm not sure myself..." Izuku says. The quiet was pleasant, but the two were a bit tense. "I'm sorry I never said anything..."
"Yeah, you're an asshole for that, Deku,"
"I know..."
Once again, there was a quietness that could only be conjured up by the two. "You leave pretty soon," Katsuki says, trying to make small talk. "How do you feel about that?"
"Excited! Umm... very scared as well. Sad. Really sad. Depressed..." Izuku finishes off. Katsuki glances at him for the first time.
"What's bothering you about it?" Katsuki questioned as he looked at the city lights once more.
This time, Izuku looked at Katsuki curiously. "I'm leaving my home. I grew up here, I've only ever been to islands for school training and that's pretty much it. I know how to speak English, but I've never actually been to America. It's new and scary, and I have no idea what's going to happen!" Izuku franticly says as he rests his head in his hands, staring at the trees.
"Everything new is scary. Going to a foreign place is even more scary. But honestly, this sounds really good for you, idiot. I think you'll do great," Katsuki says and Izuku turns his gaze towards Katsuki's.
Katsuki lifted his head and looked at Izuku. "I'd be leaving my mom, my friends, my family! Family, Kacchan. I'm leaving Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, Aoyama, Ashido, everyone that helped me this far! I'd be leaving you!" Izuku says without realizing. And once he does, his cheeks flare up and he looked away from Katsuki. Either from sadness or embarrassment, but at this point it didn't matter.
"You would never leave me behind if I'm already ahead!" Katsuki says playfully and Izuku smiles happily. Katsuki was always going to be Katsuki. The sad look on Izuku's face returns and Katsuki places a firm hand on Izuku's shoulder, but it was surprisingly gentle. "Go do what you want. You are the only person who can make this decision. Not your friends, not your mom, not previous teachers, not even me. This is your decision and yours alone. The only person stopping you is you,"
Izuku looks at him, clenching his teeth down to keep from crying. "I don't want to leave without you..." Izuku says and Katsuki never removes his hand. Katsuki brings Izuku into a hug, and wraps his arms around Izuku. Izuku was still shorter, by two inches, but still shorter.
Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki and sniffed a bit, trying to hold back, "Don't hold back on me, Deku,"
He cried. Katsuki just rubbed his back in comforting circles. He only had two weeks. Izuku hadn't said the words he needed to say that night.
It was the last day. Izuku's last day. Everyone knew at this point and some were hurt in the beginning from the secret being held, but overall everyone was happy for him. Izuku was frantically pacing around his room. His arm wrapped round his midsection, and his hands up towards his mouth as if he were mumbling. Which he was. His mind was wandering and it wasn't until he felt two firm hands grip his arms that he stopped.
He looked up and was met with beautiful fierce red glittering eyes. His breathing was heavy and Katsuki actually looked concerned. "Deku, calm down," he says and Izuku could just stare into Katsuki's eyes. Katsuki was slightly uncomfortable, but he loved looking into the eyes of a green headed nerd.
"What if I can't do this?! I don't think I can! Maybe going was the wrong decision!? I'm going to be gone for three years! THREE! How can I leave—"
"SHUT UP!" Katsuki yelled and Izuku complies. "Just shut up..." Katsuki says. "You'll be fine. Stop freaking out,"
Izuku didn't feel fine. He felt lost. And he was already out of time.
Katsuki was kind enough to drive him to the airport, and Izuku was either really quiet, or talked really fast due to his anxiety. Katsuki didn't say anything about it, and he talked with Izuku too. Izuku also learned how much road rage Katsuki had that day, and it made his chest bubble with happiness but simmer down with dread.
Once the two made it Izuku couldn't bring himself out of the car, so Katsuki had to drag him. Literally.
Katsuki unbuckled Izuku's seatbelt and picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Izuku's squeals in protest were discarded to the side as Katsuki grabbed his luggage. Some people stared as Izuku still tried to get out of his grip. Katsuki finally let him down once they were outside the entrance. Izuku had an hour before his flight, but he still wasn't ready.
"K-Kacchan I'm n-not ready!" Izuku stutters and Katsuki set the luggage down and punched Izuku in the shoulder. "Ow!"
"That's how I feel when you talk"
"Ouch..." Izuku complains again and he laughs. Katsuki smiled and Izuku met his gaze. "I don't know what to do..."
"You do what you have to. That's what you do," Katsuki says as if it were that simple. Maybe he was right.
Izuku's flight was called and Izuku gripped his luggage tightly. Katsuki saw how his knuckles were turning white and he smiled softly. "Kacchan—"
"Knock em dead Deku. You've waited your whole life for this moment,"
"I only wish... I just wish I could see you fight one more time," Izuku says.
"You'll be seeing me fight on the news," Katsuki smirks and Izuku smiles. "You should head out..."
Izuku really had to go. He had too. But for the first time in awhile, he hesitated. His feet wouldn't move. "I can't," Izuku says.
"Deku—" Katsuki starts as he was becoming irritated. This damn nerd made him drive all the way down here, and he was leaving. All that money would go to waste.
"My feet won't move! I c-can't! Oh my god I'm stuck—"
"You're scared! It's okay! God, if I was in your position I'd be scared too!" Katsuki exclaims, both hands on Izuku's shoulders.
"I love you," Izuku says and Katsuki's expression went blank. Izuku moves back a bit, letting Katsuki's hands drop to his sides. "Sorry, I umm, I should go—"
Katsuki reacted quickly, frantically as he grabbed Izuku's arm after he turned away. Izuku was whipped around and his lips clashed with another's. His eyes winded, and he let go of the luggage, wrapping his arms around Katsuki's neck.
Katsuki pulled away, and Izuku leaned in, kissing him again. Katsuki smirked and kissed him deeply. "Now I really don't want to leave you..." Izuku admits, and Katsuki pulled out his phone, scrolling a bit before showing Izuku his screen.
"You'll be able to see me in a week,"
Izuku's eyes widened as he looked at the online purchase. Katsuki had scheduled a flight to America a week from now. Izuku cried. Tears spilling from his eyes, and Katsuki let his fall as well. He tried hiding them but Izuku just pulled his face towards his, and kissed him gently.
"I love you too, stupid nerd"
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