Under The Mistletoe
Fluff - Christmas Special
Requested by @kittycatkatie2007
The snow outside was frosty and free as the students of 1-A all dress up for the winter wonderland they would soon waddle into. Kaminari dressing up into some gray jeans and a yellow hoodie with a brown jacket. He slips on his yellow gloves and wears a Pikachu beanie that everyone loves. Everyone else started to get dressed soon after. Kirishima wearing mostly red and Uraraka pink. Asui wearing light green and purple and Momo wears red and blue. Todoroki not giving a damn, just wears light blue.
Izuku was slipping on his toasty winter clothes as Katsuki was slipping on his gloves. Izuku couldn't help but take a glance. It's not like he intentionally looked in Katsuki Bakugo's general direction, he just happened to glance up and see Katsuki. The "problem" was that his gaze lingered there. Almost everyone was out of the locker room but Izuku felt a hand on his shoulder. He flinched a bit and turned to see Iida. Izuku calmed down a bit and smiled kindly. "We're heading out to the ice-rink. Meet you there?"
"Totally!" Izuku says happily and Iida walks away and Izuku sighs in relief knowing that anyone could have caught him. Izuku grabs the yellow handle of his backpack and feels someone tower above him. He was about to say something but a monotone void cut him off.
"You should just tell him,"
Izuku turned around quickly to see Todoroki waiting for him. Everyone was already gone. Izuku places a hand I've this chest and laughed slightly, mostly because of embarrassment. "You know I can't do that."
"Why not?" Todoroki questions.
"Because, he would... he would never look at me the same!"
"He doesn't look at you in any good light so how worse could it become?"
It was quiet as Izuku's face went blank before speaking. "That whole entire question is the essence of how worse it could get," Todoroki just scrunches up his face slightly in confusion. "He already hates me, and yes, I miss us being friends but for him to completely shut me out? I might not survive that. Not to mention, it would be so embarrassing when he rejects me and everyone subjects me as the gross gay kid in U.A."
"No one will say that" Todoroki argues.
"Maybe not, but they'll think that."
It was quiet and Todoroki sighed. "Okay, I honestly don't think anything will turn out bad. Even if it did you have your friends to support you. Plus if Bakugo can't see how amazing you are because of his inferiority complex then he isn't worth your love."
"Aww! Arigato Todoroki!" Izuku happily days as he lifts his backpack onto his back. The two walk outside and hop on the bus. Everyone was waiting for them. Todoroki sits in a seat alone and Izuku shares a seat with Uraraka. The ride wasn't long, and everyone beyond excited to get on the ice and either fall on their ass or skate like a pro - or possibly from someone in "Yuri On Ice".
Soon enough the bus arrived and everyone started to excitedly run out of the bus and rush into the building. Izuku and Katsuki were the last ones out. Of course. Katsuki shot him a glare and Izuku cowered a bit and walked slower behind Katsuki. The two made it safely inside as everyone started buying skates and putting them on.
Izuku walks up to the counter and asks for a pair of ice skates in his shoe size. As he was waiting to receive his skates, he spots many Christmas presents as a donation to the poor. Izuku smiles feeling more of the Christmas spirit. He then remembers that he bought presents for everyone. That's what was in his backpack. Presents. Out of all the gifts, he contemplated on what to give Kacchan. At first he didn't know what to give him, but after some thinking he found the perfect gift. He would give the gift to Katsuki at the end of the night.
Izuku was given his skates and he thanked the nice lady up front and slid on his skates. Izuku stands up feeling much taller and slightly smirks at the thought. "You're still short, shitnerd," Katsuki says and Izuku's smile seems to grow and he actually laughs. He glances at Katsuki with a smirk still plastered on his face. Katsuki has a calm scowl and he slightly smiled once he met Izuku's gaze. This time, his face was a bit different.
This face wasn't anything of anger or hatred. It was one of amusement and banter. Izuku's face flushed the slightest bit of red and he starts to walk towards the ice. Once Izuku steps into the ice, he felt the shift in his body and loved the feeling of ice skating. Here's a thing, Izuku loves ice skating. He wasn't the best, but he definitely wasn't the worst. He pushes off, not needing the wall like a lot of his classmates.
Suddenly, someone threw a snowball at Sero and he fell on his ass. Everyone started laughing and Todoroki started to make some balls of ice. Everyone wanted to be on his team but he hand picked people. Todoroki gestured his head by tilting it his way with a small hand gesture. Izuku smiles and swiftly skated his way over grabbing a snow ball out of his hand.
"Someone better not die. I'm not paying for it." Mr. Aizawa suddenly states as he grabs a cup of coffee with Midnight and Present Mic. Most of the students start in fits of giggles and laughter while others started to gather snow that Todoroki magically presented.
Everyone threw snow balls and some even surprised they weren't getting kicked out because of this. Izuku felt someone hit him and saw Kirishima smirking and Izuku shakes his head smiling making a snow ball. He glances down and makes the perfect ball but once he looks up he doesn't see anyone. He was confused until he heard Sero yell, "Heads up!"
Izuku looked up to see over a dozen hard snow balls hurdling towards him. His once blissful joyous face was morphed into one of horror and terror. Izuku had no where to go. Everyone was either on the right or left leaving Izuku in harms way. Wow, such great friends. Was something Izuku couldn't stop thinking about as the ice balls target him. Even if he did try and skate away, the snow would either hit one of his skates and he would fall badly, or he would be hit because he still wouldn't be fast enough.
Still he had to try. He starts to skate and one lucky ball hit his skate. He curses at himself and then felt someone grab his mid section securely with two arms and pull him tightly as the snowballs hit the area he was once standing in. His breathing was heavy and him almost falling on ice instead of skating was slightly traumatizing. He felt the tiniest bit nauseous and his fight or flight mode made him all shaky.
Izuku felt a little hurt that he was the target. For some reason, it brought back memories of primary school. Where he was beaten and bullied and always the target because he was quirkless. Izuku had a right to be upset, but first he had to thank whoever saved him from the attack.
Izuku looks up only to notice it was Katsuki. He was yelling at someone, possibly Kirishima and his friends. Izuku felt a ringing in his ears and the sounds were muffled. Katsuki was still holding onto him and Izuku tried to stand up a bit more as Katsuki faced him. Surprisingly he asked Izuku if he was okay. Izuku onl heard a muffled version, but he could still make it out. He saw Katsuki's face widen and his mouth part slightly. Izuku looked down on to notice little blood droplets.
He felt something come out of his nose and his head was starting to pound as well. Why was it always him?
Izuku's vision started to go blurry and he felt Katsuki's hands pick him up and carry him in his arms. Izuku felt slightly embarrassed, but he was too out of it too care as much as he wo-uld be if he wasn't about to pass out.
Izuku woke up and felt something cold on the side of his head. He looked up and saw a hand extended, holding the ice pack to his head. It was Katsuki. Katsuki has his leg crossed over the other as he rests his other arm in the knee. His hand holding his chin as he looked calm and angelic watching everyone else skate. Izuku suddenly remembered what happened and he wanted to jump into a chimney and never come out. "Thank you." Izuku says.
Katsuki turns his head and his facial expression doesn't change m. "You're welcome nerd. How is your weak ass feelin'?" Katsuki questions.
"Pretty weak honestly." Izuku states and the two chuckle.
Izuku sits up and Katsuki hands him the ice pack. "Apparently one of those balls hit your head and when you tripped, a bunch almost hit you, and one did."
"But you saved me! Thank you, I'm honestly really grateful. That could have ended really badly."
"It technically did."
It was suddenly quiet as the two were just sitting him the lobby watching everyone skate. The clock seemed to tick the the awkward silence was settling in deeper and deeper into the atmosphere.
Izuku felt the pound in his head and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and felt a burning in his nose. Izuku felt a shift of movement and saw Katsuki handing him a tissue. Izuku grabs it and puts it up against his nose and holds for a few seconds before concluding his nose was bleeding slightly.
"Hey, how come you aren't out there with everyone?" Izuku asked slightly concerned. It was very out of the ordinary for Katsuki to be sitting next to Izuku and not out there hanging out with everyone else.
"I guess I wasn't feelin' like it. Plus someone needs to keep an eye on you," Katsuki declares nonchalantly. Izuku smiles briefly and watches everyone skate. Once again, silence settles in and the fire in the middle of the place started warming them up.
Everyone started to walk out of the rink and Aizawa rolled his eyes as if saying finally these kids are done playing. Izuku and Katsuki caught this small action and chuckled. "PRESENT TIME!" Hagakure shouts as everyone started rushing around handing out presents. Mr. Aizawa then smiled and Izuku's and Katsuki once again caught this tiny action and the two once again chuckle, a bit harder than the first one. Kirishima and Katsuki's "gang" walked up tot he too and Kirishima started to apologize.
"We are so sorry Midoriya! We totally didn't mean for the stunt to go that far. We know that you must be upset and have every right to be. We just hope our gratitude if you as our peer can be accepted. We really are sorry!" Kirishima exclaims bowing a bit apologetically. Izuku smiles softly and told them he accepted their apology. Katsuki practically drilled into their brains if they didn't apologize when Izuku woke up he would "kill them all" as he put it.
Izuku set down the ice pack and grabbed his backpack and started handing out gifts. Everyone's faces glowed in delight. Katsuki even bought gifts for everyone, and he would accept any hugs. After Katsuki was done and everyone was either distracted by their gifts or showing off, Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hand subtly and dragged him out the back door.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Izuku and Katsuki walked in the snow. It being chilly and freezing Izuku rubbed his hands together, almost forgetting he owns a pair of gloves hiding inside his pockets. Katsuki and him walk to another area, an area that overlooked the now dark start night sky, as it snowed. The air held something magically, something like Christmas spirit.
"What's wrong Kacchan?" Izuku asks with concern and Katsuki could only stare at his unkempt messy hair and his dazzling green eyes. There were so many things he could say— no so many words he wanted to voice. His tongue seemed caught and his throat suddenly dry as he cleared it. He was actually nervous. "Kacchan?"
"So, uhh," Katsuki starts and Izuku gives him his full attention. "I see light everywhere."
"Are you okay?! Can you see me? Or are the fairly lights outside too much—" Izuku started to think of possibilities not even close to what Katsuki was inferring. Katsuki instinctively grabbed Izuku's flailing hands that were shooting in different directions and clammed them shut into his. Izuku stared right back into those beautiful crystal like red eyes. They filed and they seemed... calmer than normal. More calm than they would be on any other day of the week.
"Whenever you're around, the world lights up. Did you know that? You literally make everyone so happy, even... me," Katsuki starts to explain as Izuku listens closely. "I know this is sudden but if I don't say this before midnight... I may never forgive myself!" Izuku just listens as he explains. "You are such an amazing person. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, and I now see why All Might gave you his quirk. Everything you do is for another. You are always sacrificing yourself for others, especial me. I see that now."
"Kacchan, y-you don't have to say those kind words!"
"But I need to do this for you! I need to make some loose ends meet because of all the grief-" a hand was placed over Katsuki's mouth. Izuku's cold hand.
"I understand. You don't need to apologize. I've already forgiven you. Yeah, I get really mad and upset sometimes, but I'll always forgive you. Always. I know why you do it, even if it is because you hate me."
"I just want you to have a good Christmas without me,"
"Without you?! I don't think I'll ever survive that!" Izuku says laughing. "You're my hero, Kacchan. All might wasn't there but you were. You are such a gift, even if some others don't see it that way."
It was silent for a brief moment. The two didn't know what else to say to each other. They could have aid so many things. Katsuki could have explained how Izuku's eye shine even in darkness. Or how intelligent he was and the way he thinks was quite unique. And the way he literally looked like a Christmas tree. Everything about Izuku was special. From the brush of his scars to the inherited DNA he called One For All.
"I have a gift for you..." Katsuki says as he takes out a medium sized box. Izuku looked at it cautiously and glanced at Katsuki as he handed it off to Izuku. Izuku carefully untied the striking red ribbon from the silver box. He slowly opened the top and his eyes grew wide as he looked at what was inside. The gift was beautiful. Gorgeous even. A silver bracelet. Something adjustable with writing around it: Save to Win - To my Number 1 hero Deku - K.B
Izuku's eyes watered as he tries to hold back tears. The note was in Katsuki's cursive writing. His writing was beyond beautiful. Almost disgustingly so. Izuku wooed the stray tears and Katsuki helped Izuku put on the bracelet. Surprising thing was Izuku had always wanted a bracelet from the shop Katsuki had this made. And this time, this bracelet was made specifically for him. Words and all.
Izuku hugged Katsuki quickly and tightly as he rushes to pull out his present. Izuku hands the present to Katsuki — it being the same size as his own. Katsuki opens the gift and smiles. He had received a bracelet as well. This one being golden and also in writing: Win to Save - to my Number One hero - I.M
The two inspect their gifts and break out in a fit of laughter and small tears. They really were polar opposites, but they were even more sim-ilar than one may believe. Katsuki and Izuku hugged. This time it being long and heartwarming. Izuku felt nice in Katsuki's arms. Him being slightly smaller made him happy and warm. He almost forgot about how cold it was outside.
Katsuki loving the feeling of holding Izuku as his own, in his arms feeling proud and gleeful. He hasn't had a hug in awhile, and Izuku had to be the best Hugger in the world. In all honestly, the real gift was Izuku. Izuku was all he really wanted for Christmas this year. He wished really hard, he really did. He even cried over his wish. He wasn't sure if his attempt at wishing would work but it seemed to be doing alright.
The two break apart and stare up at each other. It was a little awkward and the two laughed but they never broke their hug, fearing that if they did the magic moment would fade away into a mist. A jingling sound was heard up above and the two looked up as they were under a tree and a small mistletoe started to abnormally, rapidly growing above them. It was beautiful, and vibrant. The colors very pigmented and the red and green complimenting each other. Some white on the plant. Izuku looked at Katsuki and smiled. "You know the rules." Katsuki whispers as the two lean closer.
Their lips connecting as the plant seemed to bloom into life. The magic of Christmas was always there in the air. The two finally felt it. Their wishes came true, something they would never let anyone know about. Another jingle was heard and a voice saying "ho, ho, ho" flying through the air. "Merry Christmas, Izuku"
"Merry Christmas, Katsuki..."
Todoroki smiles as he sees the two finally kiss. As if watching a romantic Christmas movie, Todoroki feels content and slightly accomplished. He walks back and bumps into Kirishima. "Whoops, sorry Todoroki. I thought you were Bakugo!"
"I'm not where near is rage level, so you have nothing to worry about. Actually, why were you worried?" Todoroki asks casually.
"I may have told Bakugo that we were going to attack Midoriya with snow balls and that if Bakugo didn't stop us we would tell Midoriya Bakugo likes him..."
"So you were behind that? Huh, I wonder why that didn't go as planned"
"Hey, man! That was kinda uncalled for!" Kirishima states and Todoroki smiles a bit. Christmas made him feel all the Christmas vibes. He was officially content.
As Todoroki Elias away he thinks: Wow, the tow didn't even know they kissed right when the clock strike twelve at midnight. Christmas Day. Todoroki looks up and whispers a thank you. The jingle of bells once again hear and a "ho, ho, ho" rang throughout the sky.
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