I can't hurt you
Izuku and Katsuki were in a relationship, a romantic one. They had the best relationship in everyone's opinion, but recently things have not been great. Not at all. The two were distant and quiet with each other. Katsuki was passive aggressive a lot of the time but he was also quiet. He would sometimes be sweet but it wasn't enough. Izuku on the other hand, was quiet. He would also glare at Katsuki a lot. The two argued so often that it was starting to really affect their relationship. And their hero work.
Izuku woke up the next morning with a small headache. He sat up rather quickly before his eyes widen, "Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea!" Izuku slightly mumbles before sprinting to the bathroom. He shuts the door with a slam and takes a sharp gasp before hyperventilating. He felt like throwing up, was he having anther panic attack? Izuku stumbled his way to the sink and placed both his hands on the sides of the basin. He coughs a bit before his vision goes a little blurry. He jolts a bit feeling something rise in his throat.
Izuku was so stressed that this arguing wasn't helping. Everything was weighing on him and he couldn't do anything about it. Izuku felt like crying. His eyes turned teary and he felt an urge to throw up again. He plops down on the ground and scoots over to the toilet. The bathroom was amazingly clean - pretty scary how clean it was. Izuku has been sick for a week and he finally got over whatever it was, and now he was feeling sick again. Izuku as mad, but he was most of all distraught. Izuku felt last nights dinner rise up and he emptied it all into the toilet. He gagged and coughed a bit before spitting and wiping his mouth off with some toilet paper. He discards it into the toilet and flushes.
Izuku thought something was wrong with him. It had to be. Maybe his heat was coming, he was usually pretty sensitive during that time. Izuku mentally slapped himself for not keeping track of his cycle. A tear fell down his face and he contemplated swiping it off but went against it as he sat there in the dim bathroom, waiting for something. Anything. He didn't know why but he just had no energy to get up. Knock Knock Knock!
Izuku's eyes shifted to the white door that was still closed. Izuku squeeze his eyes shut thinking about how much he missed the sound of Katsuki's concerned-loving voice.
"Deku, I know you can here me. Are you okay?" Katsuki asks leaning on arm on the door as he rest his forehead on his forearm. He thought he did something, it was usually him who instigated predicaments, especially for the boy burring himself in his own melancholy. Katsuki then heard the smallest whimper and his alpha instincts kicked in. He started to freak out a bit, he had no idea what was wrong with Izuku. "Izuku? Izuku, open the door, please," Katsuki says and he heard shuffling.
Izuku opened the door and his cheeks were a bit pink and he looked pale all over. He almost falls and Katsuki pushes the door open and catches him. Izuku clings onto him and hold him close bringing himself back up. "I..." Izuku starts.
"What's wrong?!" Katsuki says apprehensively.
"I... Katsuki I don't feel good, I don't feel good..." Izuku says as he starts to cry. All the overwhelming feelings were hitting him hard now. Katsuki kissed his forehead and carried him to their bedroom. He lays him on the bed and sits next to him moving some green hair out of Izuku's face.
"Maybe I should take you to the hospital," Katsuki says and Izuku's eyes go wide.
"No! I'm f-fine! I'm probably just sick or something..."
"Dammit Deku! I feel like this is reverse psychology or some shit, just let me take you to the doctors!" Katsuki exclaims with frustration. It was quiet. Katsuki signs audibly while Izuku was laying down looking off to the side, not making eye contact. "Look... If it gets worse I'm taking you, but please tell me if you need anything. These tiny spurts of arguments are dumb, and if we aren't going to get over them maybe..." Katsuki hesitated and Izuku's eyes filled with tears again.
"Break up-"
"No! God no, I love you too much for that Deku. Unless you feel differently?" Katsuki questioned.
"I don't want to lose you..." Izuku says and Katsuki brings him in for a hug. Katsuki left and fed him until Izuku fell asleep. Katsuki went out for his hero duties and also did some work for Izuku because he knew Izuku needed a break. Soon it become darker and Izuku woke up feeling much better. He looked at the time and it was pretty dark in the house. He turns on the lamp and hears his phone go off. He picks it up. Izuku's eyes widen. He rushes to his closet and slips on his hero costume.
Izuku then sprints over to an area burning up in flames. Izuku spots a villain attacking other pro heroes. Eraserhead, Ground Zero, Red Riot, and Uravity were there. Izuku sprints and kicks the villain making him lose his balance falling. Izuku skids on the ground and comes to a halt as the villain throws daggers his way. Izuku doges them and Katsuki sends an explosion the villains way. The villain moves releasing a potent scent and everyone there could smell.
The smell wasn't natural and smelled a lot like chemicals with sweat. Eraserhead uses his quirk on the villain but the villain kept attacking. What was this villains quirk? The battle went on but nothing seemed to progress. Uravity was down and police, ambulances and helicopters circled them unable to see what was happening. Izuku got kicked him the jaw and then Izuku dodged another attack. He was doing well and then the villain pushed him into a building and Izuku falls all the way to the ground. He was several floors down, maybe three or four. He sees a blurry light figure hurdling towards him and he swiftly moves to the side feeling the ground next to him break and small rubble hitting his scratched up face.
"When are you giving up?" The villain says with a slithery tone.
"I won't! You don't have to do this! What's your goal anyway? Destruction?" Izuku asks getting up off the ground with his forearms. He gets ready into a fighting position feeling the blood escape from his head. He feels dizzy but keeps his ground.
"I'm here to make things right!" is all the villain exclaims before one on one combat with Izuku erupts. The two go at it until Izuku was punched in the shoulder and he was rolled on the ground with the villain towering over him. The villain holds Izuku down bringing a sharp blade to his throat. Izuku couldn't move, he tried but nothing happened. He heard screams and his vision and hearing started to distort. He felt the need to protect himself but he couldn't. The villain comes close to him and some pro heroes were being held back and restrained by other villains. Katsuki started blasting every one of them trying to get to Izuku.
He had tears circling his irises because he was about to watch Izuku die. And he couldn't do anything about it. "DEKU! FUCK! NO!" Katsuki struggles as he blasts the villains back and he sprints as fast as he can to the villain.
The villain comes to a stop before his eyes widen. "I can't hurt you. I don't hurt women or children. And I most certainly don't hurt ones that are expecting. You are a great person Deku, the number one hero. Sorry..." The villain says before jumping off Izuku. Eraserhead wraps the villain his scarf and Katsuki sends an angry blast at the villain knocking him out cold.
Izuku wanted to sit up or stand. He was once again in a position where he felt like he could do nothing. His eyes filled with tears and Izuku clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. Blood oozed out of his right thigh and his suit was scratched up but not horribly so. Tears fell down his face and he sat up without thinking. He felt light and dizzy. He felt accomplished but suddenly drowsy and depressed. Katsuki ran over to Izuku and got on his knees bringing Izuku into a better sitting position. "Deku? DEKU! Can you hear me?!" Katsuki says and takes his hand and lifts Izuku's chin to look at the boy.
The minute Izuku made eye contact he let out a chocked out sob and Katsuki buried Izuku's face in his chest. Katsuki pulled back a bit and brought his mouth to Izuku's bitten scent gland. Katsuki kissed it releasing his scent and Izuku breathed it all in. Katsuki's teeth grazed it and he sniffed Izuku. His face contorts to one of curiosity and he pulls back only to see Izuku look even more sad. "Babe? Izuku what's wro-"
"He said something to me..." Izuku starts out and Katsuki glares at the villain that was being taken into custody still knocked out. Ha, served the bastard right!
"What did that prick say to you?!" Katsuki asks feeling anxious and really hyped, ready to kick ass again.
"He stopped attacking me," Izuku starts and Katsuki looks at him confused. He looks over at Kirishima and Eraserhead - they both looked confused as hell. "He said, 'I can't hurt you. I don't hurt women or children.And I most certainly don't hurt one's that are..." Izuku hesitates. (Jut to clarify Uraraka got knocked out but that was because of a different villain).
"Babe...?" Katsuki says before Izuku looks him directly in the eyes.
"One's that are . . . Expecting." Izuku finally says and Katsuki's eyes widen. It wasn't hard to put two and two together, knowing Katsuki he was smart as hell. Izuku wasn't a woman, that's well known. Katsuki certainly knows this for a fact! Izuku also wasn't a child, yes, he was still fairly young and sometimes acted like a child but he wasn't one anymore. Which leaves one left. Izuku was... Pregnant? He was an omega, a strong one, but... This was surprising to Katsuki.
The two were arguing lately but now that he thinks about it. The two had been, lets say very active during this time. Right before they fought they had a glorious night and it was very heated. Then they argued for most of the week before doing 'it' to release some tension, which worked quite well. Then two weeks later it happened again. "That's why you smell different... I was going to ask why but, I guess I know now. But we seriously need to get you to a hospital you are hurt and bleeding and we need to make sure uh - umm it is okay? I guess." Katsuki says before lifting Izuku in his arms once again.
Thanks to the injury on Izuku's leg he couldn't walk. But he didn't mind. He passed out in Katsuki's arms and he awoke to a bright light. He squints and brings a hand to block it only to feel a slight stabbing pain in his arm. He feels a cord run down it as well and he sets it down looking around. He looks around to find himself in a hospital. Katsuki's head was laying right next to Izuku's arms and Izuku brought his hand and played with Katsuki's soft matted hair.
Katsuki shifted before springing his head up with hopefully eyes. He smiled and kissed Izuku passionately before hugging him. "God Deku... I love you so much. I am so sorry about everything."
"It wasn't all your fault. I contributed as well, so I also apologize for my actions..." Izuku says and Katsuki smiles shaking his head a bit before kissing Izuku again. Izuku's eyes widen when a small tear makes it down Katsuki's face. Izuku wipes it away as Katsuki leans into Izuku's touch. "Baby what's wrong?" Izuku asks.
"I'm just glad you are okay..." Katsuki says. Izuku then slightly gasps as he looks at Katsuki with concern. The air started to smell different, Izuku was involuntarily releasing an anxiously worried scent. Katsuki took Izuku's hand and squeezes it slightly releasing a scent that would calm Izuku down. "What's wrong?"
"Am I...? Is it... O-okay? Wait, that villain said! Kacchan, oh my god what if, what if-"
"Calm down! Stressing isn't good for her!" Katsuki says and Izuku's eyes widen as small tears fall onto the blanket he was covered in.
"I-it's a girl?" Izuku says smiling and Katsuki smiles nodding. "How did you find out so early?" Izuku asks.
"You were out for about two days and the villain finally woke up so I asked him some questions and he blurted out that his quirk was 'Life Cycle' and he can tell whenever someone is expecting, or when someone is going to die or if they are sick or not. He then said that he could tell the gender of babies, and in male omega's, it's easier to find out the gender in a male omega because they show the gender earlier." Katsuki explains.
"What if I'm not ready? What if we aren't..."
"We are ready. I wouldn't want it any other way"
(Okay... This one ins't great but it has been on my mind for awhile. So I might rewrite this but I don't know when XD. I just really wanted to post!!)
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