Christmas Date
Fluff - Christmas Special
Requested by @davidHuong
Warning: Bnha Heroes Rising — slight movie spoilers at the very end!
Stashing away his hero costume, the blonde sighs as he now had to dress up all fancy for a Christmas party. Katsuki Bakugo rolled his eyes as he strips himself of his clothes and discards them into the laundry basket. He subtly walks tiredly into the hot shower. The liquid burning his skin a tad bit, but slightly tingling. It wasn't a bad feeling, something Katsuki much enjoyed actually.
The water hits his skin as all the dirt and sweat washes off from today's duty. He loved fighting villain ass and beating crime, but that did come at a cost. Getting hurt, scratched-up, and dirtied was apart of the job. It was all worth it though. Come to think of it, Katsuki hasn't seem much of everyone. Sure, he's teamed up and saw mostly everyone, but there were a select few he hasn't seen for a few years.
Katsuki grabs his shampoo and massages it with his fingers into his hair. His spiky hair becoming droopy and soapy as the soft tuffs of hair turn a lighter shade. Wow, how much dirt did get all over his body?
Katsuki then proceeds to finish off his body with soap. He started to think about all the people he hasn't seen. Mina Ashido, Tenya Iida, Ochacko Uraraka, and... Izuku Midoriya. He hasn't laid eyes on him in like — 4-6 years? Many things must have changed. Katsuki started to wonder what Izuku looked like now. Any different? The same old "Deku"? He has seen him on television but that's about as much as he received. Katsuki didn't change much, he had earrings and he bulked up a bit more. He was taller and less aggressive, but that side of him would never go away. He was more mature and more aware of his actions.
After he felt like he was clean, he twisted the shower knob and turned off the water. He steps out wrapping a towel around his waist after patting his upper body dry. He then goes to the mirror and blow drys his hair. He didn't want to wait for his hair to air dry, that would have taken way too long.
He walks back into his bedroom and saw the outfit he laid out previously. He really didn't want to go to this "party" Ashido was throwing for all the heroes of their generation, mostly the ol' class 1-A. Katsuki starts to dress into his pants. They were black, as well with the rest of his suit. He wore a tuxedo-like outfit and he didn't care much for dress shoes, so he just slipped in his plain black boots that were recently bought and complimented his outfit.
He grabbed his car keys and his black jacket. Katsuki puts on his jacket and then grabs a gray scarf and his gray gloves and puts those on as well. He starts walking out of his house, but before he does, he turns off his lights and shuts the door locking it.
He walks to his black car and hops into the drivers seat. He reaches into his pocket and grabs his keys, putting them into the keyhole. He turns and starts the engine as the car made a small rumbling sound. He checks his rear-view mirror and makes sure no cars were heading his way or if any were behind him. He puts the car in reverse and back up a bit before pulling into the road. He starts for the party and thinks about whatever would ease his state of mind.
After about a fifteen minute drive, he finally arrived at the spot Ashido was hosting the party. Katsuki parks in one of the open areas and steps out. He locks his car doors and puts the keys in his pockets once again. He stops for a minute checking his other pocket, thank All Might he had his wallet. He starts walking up to the door and before he could knock or even attempt to open the door Ashido appears. She swings the door open and drags him inside. Something he didn't really appreciate. "BAKUGO! Welcome to the party! Almost everyone is here! Everyone," Ashido starts as Katsuki groaned out an 'oh no' before she continued, "look who's here!" She exclaims and everyone turns around with joyous and astonished faces.
Katsuki didn't care much but one face he did care fore were the ones owning the green forest-like eyes across from him. "See something you like?" Kirishima suddenly asks as he rounds the corner holding a class of champagne.
"More like someone!" Ashido joins in as she was wearing a red-skintight outfit showing all her curves a bit of her cleavage. She wore black tights and red heel boots. Perfect for the Christmas spirit, well, more like slutty Santa but she wasn't afraid to show off her gorgeous body. If anyone had anything to say about it, she would shut that shit down in two seconds flat.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Kirishima wearing a red tuxedo to match his hair, almost everything about him was red. You could see he had a small black eye, something he earned during a fight with a villain last week. That wasn't a fun day, he almost broke his wrist, as now he was wearing something to support his strained appendage. The music was very festive and reddened with holiday and good cheer. Katsuki didn't like it much, but he was here because his friends asked him to, and he never really declined the offer.
"I'm not gawking at anyone or anything so piss off!" Katsuki retorts and Ashido giggles as Kirishima places a hand on Katsuki's shoulder, not really worried about if he was going to get punched or not.
"C'mon man! Lighten up a bit! It's the holiday season. Go mingle, or have a drink. There's plenty of action in here."
As Kirishima explains Katsuki takes off his coat and stuffs his gloves into his pocket and wraps the scarf around his jacket. He hung it up on a coat rack and proceeded to walk around. He sees Deku's "Dekusquad" and he also sees his "Bakusquad all chit-chatting about something. Kirishima was over there with them. He waved a hand over and Katsuki rolled his eyes as he sticks his hands in his pockets and walks over. Everyone started greeting each other and somehow someone managed to bring Izuku to this group — who happened to be all the way across the group.
Everyone started moving and and Izuku bumped into someone. "Sorry, I didn't mean-" he starts to apologize but when he sees who it is time seemed to stop. He hasn't seen Katsuki in awhile. A long while. Katsuki was about to reply but then Ashido started talking.
"Alrighty everyone! Let's hope you didn't eat dinner yet!" Ashido exclaims and she walks up to Katsuki and Izuku. "You two have a table together. I already made reservations! Have fun~!" Ashido sings out as she happily walks away to a table with Kirishima. Izuku dumbfounded and Katsuki glaring at the two groups who effortlessly walk away with smiles on their faces. Izuku feeling shy and a bit awkward not knowing what to do tried to strike a conversation.
"So, c-care to join me?" Izuku questions and Katsuki nods his head as he grabs his coat and Izuku grabs his own. The two slip their coats on and start walking to Katsuki's car. Katsuki stops and Izuku looks at him confused at the abrupt action.
"How did you get here?" Katsuki questions and at first Izuku was confused. "Do you have a car?" Katsuki re-questions and Izuku lifts his eyebrows in understanding.
"I took an Uber. My car was destroyed conveniently by a villain yesterday." Izuku chuckles a bit remembering what happened. Katsuki nods and starts walking. Izuku follows him and Katsuki opens the door for Izuku and gesture him to get in. Izuku complies and sits down in the seat, the nice cinnamon spice hitting his nose. It smelt like Christmas in here, and Katsuki. As Izuku's thoughts start to run wild He hears a door shut and Katsuki was in the drivers seat. He starts the car and soon they are off to the restaurant.
"Do you think everyone set this up for us?" Izuku asks timidly and Katsuki glances at him before keeping his eyes back onto the road. He turns the corner and stops at a red light.
"Most likely, yes. Not surprising though, those extras are always starting some shit like this," Katsuki grumbles out as he starts driving again. Izuku giggles and Katsuki's heart pinged. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing, really. It's just really great talking to you again. A part of me even missed the hurtful commentary. It's nice seeing you again, Kacchan."
Ahh, that nickname. The one Izuku could never let go of. Even as an adult. Katsuki smiles a bit and once again stopped at a red light. "I missed you," the words flew right out of Katsuki's mouth. He was usually one to act on his emotions and he may have gotten some help for that, but that didn't stop him from retreating back to his old habits. He didn't realize what he said until the words came back and slapped him in the face as if saying "Way to go! Make things more awkward between you two because it obviously wasn't awkward enough!"
"I missed you too," Izuku chimes in and Katsuki was slightly bemused. He was happy to say the least. They felt the same in that concept, that was good. They finally made it to the restaurant. They step out of the car as it started snowing. The two walk into the warmth of the restaurant and explained how they had a reservation but the lady up front looked as if she knew they were coming. Like they were the exact people she knew. Ashido definitely explained a lot to the lady, that was obvious. Then again, they were all heroes having a private holiday party, so maybe she was just a fan. Either way, it was odd how Izuku and Katsuki sat together. Alone.
The two reluctantly sit down in their seats as they were handed menus. The awkward tens-ion started to decline but sadly, it was still there. The two look at the menus in the drink section and scanned the various drinks listed. Izuku settles on an orange cocktail and Katsuki picks a pink martini.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The waiter made their way back and asked what they would like to drink and if they wanted appetizers. The two ordered soup, and that was about it before the waiter walked away. "So, how have things been in America?" Katsuki suddenly asks. Izuku smiles not being able to resist the temptation of showing his affection.
"It's amazing. Lots of history and culture, I never thought I would see so many different things there. It's truly interesting. I think you'd like it, you have many fans in America!" Izuku gleefully says as the drinks and soup arrive just in time. Izuku gives a polite thank you and takes a sip from his drink. The flavor instantly hitting his tastebuds and a slight burn to his throat. "What about you? How've things been here?" Izuku asks taking another sip.
"Things are fine here, I guess. Nothing out of the ordinary, unless you count having villains running around and watching your friends on television save the day. Lots of work, nothing too special going on here," Katsuki explains as he takes a nice swing of his drink.
"Ya' think their dating?" Izuku asks as he eyes Kirishima and Ashido sitting particularly in close proximity of each other. Katsuki smirks and takes another sip.
"Definitely. If not they're just-"
"Oh no, please don't say it!" Izuku half joshed as the two laugh and the waiter soon asks for their food. Izuku ordered a shrimp salad and Katsuki ordered an Italian dish. The two once again wait as they heard snickers and giggles. "They did this on purpose didn't they?" Izuku asks with a halfhearted smile — a sadness lingering with its depth.
Katsuki sighed and twisted a small straw in his drink. "Yeah, I figured as much. Who knows what their deal is. Whatever they are doing was most likely premeditated. Anyway, I want to hear more about you."
"Am I talking to another person who looks an exact copy of you?" Katsuki quirks a brow as sarcasm sings out with his voice. Izuku smiles a bit and he sighs softly.
"Well, what do you want to know?"
Before Katsuki could answer, their food had arrived and the kind waiter squealed in excitement as they walked away. "I want to know everything."
"There isn't much to tell. Just fought villains in America, became popular quickly. Dated for awhile but it didn't work. Twice."
Katsuki listened carefully and he felt a ping of sadness course through him. Izuku had been in a relationship. A romantic relationship. Katsuki somewhat "tried" dating but that never worked out. Izuku, however, was in the process of getting over about his love life. He has never had the best relationships, and he didn't want that to affect his hero work.
"Damn, that sounds bleak," Katsuki suggests as he gives Izuku a somber look.
"More like strident, very appalling and hurtful. At least the second relationship. The first one was just a conundrum. Couldn't really by-pass any predicament we encountered."
"Do I need to kick anyone's ass?"
Izuku smiles and giggles as he took a bite out of his half eaten salad bowl. "No! Plus this whole dinner thing is already making me uncomfortable knowing my ex is also here,"
"Wait, what? Who's your ex?
"Uraraka. She's the first."
"Dang you make it sound like some horror fantasy shit, with all this 'she's the first' and whatnot. I feel like this is a cult horror movie."
Once again the two banter and they were enjoying theirselves together. Something they haven't really done. "The other doesn't live in Japan. I'd rather keep it that way.
Katsuki heard laughter and looked at the two tables housing their group of friends. Suddenly, a spark lit in Katsuki's head and he had an idea. "Say... you wanna get outta here? It's not like we're enjoying ourselves at this establishment. And our 'friends' set this up. It's almost like we were forced to engage."
"Yes, I would love to leave. I don't think I can take another minute of that yip-yapping."
The two leave right when everyone wasn't paying attention. Katsuki leaves a generous tip as Izuku insisted on paying for the whole thing. Ashido already paid for mostly everything, and they really didn't need to, but they had such a great time with each other's company it was hard to pass up the chance to tip the service — as the service was great, leaving them with their time alone.
The two sneak out as they laugh along the way. As they walk back to Katsuki's car their hands graze each other's. Izuku's face tinted pink, but he could always blame that on the cold weather. Katsuki's heart racing but never blushing as his blood pumps throughout his body. They walk slowly and take in the sight. Their jackets keeping them warm and their hands growing ever so slightly closer. Katsuki makes a bold choice and grabs Izuku's hand slowly — almost as if he was asking for permission.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Izuku smiles and brings his hand into Katsuki's. They intertwined as they rocked back and forth towards their car. It was quite and peaceful, no words had to be expressed for the feelings they were generating. As Katsuki I locked the car a simple "I love you" was expressed with their eyes. They always loved each other from the beginning, even if it took one of them longer to figure out those feelings were valid.
Warning Extra: (also slight bnha movie spoilers!)
"That person was Deku-"
"Wow, wow, wow! Wait just a damn minute!"
"Babe, stop cussing," Katsuki says as the two slightly bicker in front of their family members.
"Katsuki was the one who always had his feelings tied up in a knot!" Izuku exclaims as everyone laughs.
"Who wants hot chocolate?" Katsuki asks. Everyone agrees and Katsuki says, "Deku, it's okay! I remember that night clear as day!"
Everyone stands up as a dog jumps on the couch and Izuku pets the lab on the head. "Yet you don't have any memory of having one for all when I shared it with you..." Izuku says smiling slightly as he watches every happy person walk into the Kitchen.
🎄"Merry Christmas"🎄
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