Class 1-A Gets in An Accident
Class 1-A watched the bus burn. They stood on the side of the road on a lone highway and waited for the police to give the all clear. Each student tried to help but the police said they had it covered. Officer Sansa Tamakawa walked over to them with a clipboard and was speaking into a walkie talkie. "...ground forces. No, it isn't too bad., I can handle it. Yeah, minor injuries but they're quirk-kids. They can walk it off."
"Excuse me, officer Tamakawa, are my students and I free to go?" Aizawa asked grimly, as if he already knew the answer.
The cat headed officer turned to face the students and clipped her walkie talkie to her belt. "Mistah. Aizawa, isn't it? These your super kids?" she said in a thick New York accent. She gestured to the line of teens shivering on the side of the road.
"Yes, officer." Aizawa nodded.
"Well, sorry mistah but you and your kids are gonna have to come with me down to the station." Sansa wrote a couple of things on her clipboard.
"What? Why?" the teacher asked in astonishment.
Officer Tamakawa smiled a fake smile at the little brats and their hobo sensei. "Just wanna ask you guys a few questions before we can let you go."
"Questions? About what?" Kirishima interrupted.
"Get back in line." Aizawa snapped.
"No, the kid has right to be curious." the catwoman sneered at the redhead and bended down to his level. She cocked her head and grinned like the devil. "So, kid? You wanna know the truth? Good for you."
Kirishima regretted saying anything but it was too late. He grinned right back at the teacher, giving her the sweetest syrupy childish voice he could muster. "Yeah, great. Why do we have to go back to the station?"
Sansa saw the spunk of the kid and rose back to her full height. She folded her arms and hissed the truth. "Because the bus flip wasn't an accident."
Class 1-A's faces paled. "What are you suggesting?" Aizawa asked cautiously, afraid of her answer.
"It means, mistah Aizawa," the officer's face twisted into an arrogant smile, "That the the accident has been classuhfied as foul play. You're all suspects," the officer couldn't resist waving her pen at Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki and Todoroki. "Especially you foah, mistah hotheads. I know all about yah quirks, and the explosion seems like a gas explosion. Whoever did it had to be one of you, but we're forced to take all of yahs in."
The rest of class 1-A peered at the four of them suspiciously, as if they were already wanted men. "Wait a minute, wait! You can't seriously think we would do something like that! I mean, we're heroes! We stop accidents, not cause them!" Denki panicked.
"Yeah," Bakugo spoke up for the first time, "Pikachu is right! This is a fucked up investigation, anyway. I want my lawyer!"
"Mistah Katsuki, we ain't sayin' anyones guilty yet." Sansa was unperturbed by his disrespect. "All we are doing is asking yah a few questions, that's all. And, if you innocent then why are you losing yah head?"
Bakugo didn't answer and Denki's eyes widened. He fumed silently because he knew she was right. He didn't do it, so why was he getting so freaked out?
Todoroki looked over at the explosive boy and frowned. Why was Bakugo acting so weird? He had been sitting with Todoroki for the whole ride until the bus flipped. Luckily everyone made it out alive, but Bakugo was suddenly back to his old self. Weird. He never agrees with Denki. Did....did he do it? When would he even have had time? Well, if he didn't then who did? "Bakugo? Are you alright?"
Bakugo looked up at IcyHot and frowned. "Yeah, I'm fucking great."
Todoroki sighed and took Bakugo's hand. "You don't have to hide from me."
Bakugo blushed visibly and tried to pull his hand away. "What the hell are you doing?!?"
Todoroki wouldn't let him go, and instead pulled him closer. "You don't have to pretend to be hard core all the time, at least not in front of me."
Bakugo was almost touching IcyHot. Bakugo panicked. SHIT. HE CAN'T FUCKING TOUCH ME LIKE THAT WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKING WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING SHIT FUCK HELL DAMN!!!!!!!! ".....hell....?" was all that came out.
"You know what I mean." Todoroki stepped closer.
Bakugo's frown disappeared into a look of fear. What was IcyHot going to do to him? "You keep trying to act tough, but I know the truth....I know what you're really like..." Todoroki exhaled, cupping his hands around the smaller boy's face. He leaned in to the blond boy and bit his lip gently. Bakugo's eyes widened. The fucking hell....this is.....actually.....making me......hard...DAMN.
"'" Todoroki punctuated each word with a kiss, his lips moving lower and lower until they reached Bakugo's neck.
Suddenly, a voice snapped him out of his daydream. "BAKUBRO!" Kirishima punched him in the shoulder. Bakugo jumped and swore loudly. "Todoroki's been trying to talk to you for five minutes! Where were you?"
Bakugo ran a hand through his hair and coughed. "Fuck, I was, um....well, it doesn't fucking matter now, does it? What do you want?" Bakugo sneered at IcyHot, erection calmed after the fantasy was over. What the hell is wrong with me? Was all that....a dream?
Todoroki shoved his hands in his coat pockets and gazed curiously at the explosive boy. "Hm.....nevermind."
Bakugo looked away, trying to hide his blush. He was way more than just ashamed of his fantasy. He was downright mortified. That will never happen again. He thought to himself angrily. Bakugo couldn't allow himself to fantasize about his classmate, especially after learning about Deku's feelings. He didn't know if he shared them or not. After all, Bakugo did like Izuku a little, but....It was all too confusing to determine.
"Well, anyway, you're gonna flip when I tell you what I saw..." Denki whispered excitedly to Kirishima, drunk with delight.
"Alright kids!" Aizawa announced to his students, interrupting their conversations yet again. "Officer Tamakawa is going to escort us to the station, so I expect you to behave."
"Aizawa-chan? What about our parents?" Tsu raised her hand. "My mom and dad will be worried!"
Aizawa nodded approvingly at her query. "Don't worry Miss Asui. All of your parents have been duly notified."
The students looked relieved but extremely exhausted. "All right supers," Sansa barked at her crew. "Let's load em' up!"
Class 1-A were shuffled into various police cars, two students to one car. Aizawa and Sansa rode alone together. "Oi!" Denki patted Kirishima on the shoulder and gestured to a police officer waving at them. "We can finish up inside."
Kirishima nodded drowsily. He needed more sleep, and he was already stressed about everything that had happened that day. "Just a normal day in the life of Class 1-A." he muttered bitterly, the rhyme doing nothing to lift his spirits. "Fuck this whole fucking day.....God, I'm starting to sound like my Bakubro..."
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