procrastination is my friend
Hello guys, gals, and other pals
*throws art*
This is a mini flat i painted in stage craft back in november
I noticed after i made it that i forgot the things i call earrings on phampy cause the ref didn't show the ears
This is the ref btw credits to whoever made this
The MLP flag i painted and lashed together for a broke-back-dog event in December
The theme was wild west i still dont know what mlp has to do with that but it wouldve been cooler if i couldve been Cheese Sandwich instead
I will forever gatekeep the picture(s) of the fits my patrol made us wear -i was the only one who took it seriously and i looked like a walking pride flag
(to clarify, im not that mad that i looked like that but in comparison to the others, i looked weird cause they were wearing casual outfits instead of actually trying to look like ponies) >_<
My shelter i slept in for about 6 hours bc the counselors stayed up later than us with kareoke by the campfire for wilderness survival merit badge
100% recommend doing this requirement after it rained cats and dogs hours earlier and you were scared that a) it was completely destroyed and b) that you left a scout who wasnt feeling well back at the Adirondack and just wanted to be anywhere but there instead of going to staff hunt with the rest of your troop during your last night at winter camp /JJJJ
I hate being the odd one out bc then they yell at you that you dont have a buddy but being a third wheeler means you're following behind a pair of friends who wouldnt care if you werent there or not
Still my fav merit badge i earned there this past year and it did not in fact get destroyed it somehow miraculously stayed intact
Object ocs for an art class assignment :D
If you couldnt tell, they're doing the charlies angels pose
I love my art teacher
I made that one interactive art trend finally
It was my 2nd or 3rd time using the lasso tool my friend dared me to do this blame her for this
GDUnicorn I painted the screaming goose bottle cap pin :P
Couldnt find a tiny paintbrush and i had too much paint on it when I made the beak but its fine
Emphasis art project I finished yesterday
Don't trust pumpkin with waffles
Fun fact: Their eyes change color whenever they want
Blue eyes right now = innocence (or at least thats what they want you to believe)
That's Toasts hands btw
Pov: you're in a merit badge class waiting for the person to sign your blue card while everyone's goofing off and drawing random crap on scrap paper and throwing hats and plastic water bottles at each other and you're just sitting there in the corner drawing
Its my late dog!!!!
I can finally draw Shar Pei's yay :D
Jumpscare with my friends objectsona (again this is a joke shes def not high on sticky notes)
Im confiscating her lasso tool privileges
Anyways that's all I have rn -i think
Later suckers I'm leafin
dont get dehydrated on my watch
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