chapter one
A light hum came from the TV on the carpet of the Hopper's living room from staying on over the night. Beer cans scattered left and right, under and over things, and all empty covered the small home. The home was actually a long light yellow trailer placed in the woods right by the lake of the town, Hawkins.
A small trailer was enough for the two of them. Jim Hopper, Chief of Hawkins, sprawled on the couch, snoring despite the striking sunlight bearing through the windows. The man snored, faced down into a pillow on the sullen couch in last night's jeans.
"Dad," his daughter said, shoving his arm, picking up her scattered homework off the ground. "Dad!" Jim woke with a start. "I'm leaving. Don't forget to protect the town," she remarked, slinging the ratty bag over her shoulder and grabbing her keys from the hook. She walked out into the brisk morning air, leaving her father with sole responsibility for himself.
Mary Hopper fastened her helmet onto her head before turning the engine in her small scooter, the pale tan Honda express revving up so she could get to school. Mary got her scooter a year or two ago from the police impound. Jim couldn't handle driving her everywhere on top of working as chief and Mary didn't exactly have the friendliest track record so bothering others for a ride wasn't an option. A second car wasn't in their budget either. The first car technically wasn't, but the owner was the chief.
Mary considered finding a job to bring in extra money to their two-person operation. It'd be nice to buy a new book bag, or maybe a few coats and shirts that weren't hand-me-downs from her dad when he could still wear them. But if Mary worked, there'd be no one to get things done in the "house" or keep Jim in line and employed. Then she'd be the sole income and she wouldn't get away with what she does on a daily basis.
Living in a town as small as Hawkins, everyone knew everyone. So everyone knew Mary Hopper's reputation. And she didn't give a damn.
Mary kicked back the small stand on her bike, letting it wait for her by the bikes on the bike rack in front of Hawkins High School. Mary pulled the same move every morning. She rolled up on her scooter, parked, and carried her helmet inside avoiding eye contact with everyone. The consistency of Mary's performance never swayed her classmates from staring.
She'd heard all the rumors, or at least the major ones. Mary's mother blamed her and that's why Hopper took them to Hawkins after the divorce. Mary's locker is secretly stocked with all types of marijuana and pills; all you had to do was tell her she was a badass and she'd hand over whatever. Mary is the scariest bitch in Hawkins... it's all an act... she's desperate for attention...
One true thing every could agree on: Mary was not to be fucked with.
After stashing her helmet in her otherwise empty locker, Mary turned into the girl's bathroom on the other side of the hall while shoving her hand into the tattered flannel's pocket for her lighter and cigarettes.
As she pulled the stick up to her lips to light it, two figures in the bathroom surprised her. It was always empty. Everyone knew she did this every morning and then showed up to government 15 minutes late.
Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington broke apart quickly, the girl more embarrassed than King Steve. Nancy was a small girl with wavy brown hair. She always did the right thing, the good thing, and was "perfect." Steve was the king of the school. That full tower of hair made him the coolest guy around. Mary heard they had started dating. But she didn't hear the sudden news her bathroom was open to the public.
"Oh, hi, Mary. Sorry, we were just..." Nancy stuttered, looking to Steve who wasn't fazed in the least by the blonde.
"Studying" Steve covered, giving the girl a shrug.
"What? The anatomy of each other's tongues?" Mary asked, expressionless with the still unlit cigarette hanging from her mouth.
A wave of blush came over Nancy who stumbled gathering her things, muttering about how they were just leaving. "We have to get going, anyway. Sorry," Nancy rambled, passing her to leave.
Steve sighed, following after Nancy, disappointed their moment was ruined. "Hopper," the boy nodded, bitterly leaving.
"Harrington," Mary replied, contently lighting the stick knowing the bathroom was hers again.
《 》
The final bell rang and Mary pushed her way through the halls to her locker to grab her helmet and get the hell out.
"Did you hear about the search party?" A girl with a full brown perm asked her friend who's locker was down from Mary's.
"No, what happened?" She asked, switching out textbooks and notes from her locker.
"Jonathan Byer's brother is missing. The chief just called it."
Her ears perked up. Mary shut her locker, turning with her helmet under her arm. Leaning against the locker, "The chief said what?"
The two girls gapped in shock and horror at Mary speaking to them. The girl who spread the word, stuttered, "I-I just heard Chief Hopper called a search party for the kid. Apparently he's been missing all day."
Nodding, more so to herself, Mary muttered a word of thanks before taking her leave to the station. Even if her dad and the deputies were out, Flo always had information to share. Mary was well known all over town for her reputation, just as she was at the station. The only difference was the reputation.
At the station, everyone adored the girl. She got Hopper into work everyday. Made sure his badge, uniform, and gun were in the best shape. Everyone did their best to make her feel appreciated for all she did for her dad when she shouldn't have to.
Mary let herself into the station, seeing Flo at her desk. Flo was the sweetest woman. She was older with full gray hair and exceptionally large, clear-rimmed glasses. The secretary lit up seeing Mary in the building.
"Oh, Mary!" She beamed, standing to give the girl a welcoming hug. "I'm sorry, dear. Hopper isn't here right now."
Pulling away from the warm embrace, "I figured. I heard something in the halls today about a search party for the Byers kid?"
Flo sighed, sitting back at her desk while Mary pulled up a chair, "Oh, yes. Joyce Byers came in this morning all frantic about Will. She hasn't seen him all day. We all told your father it was just Joyce worrying like usual, but he's very insistent something happened to this kid."
Mary helped herself to the candy on Flo's desk. "What about Jonathan Byers? What does he think?"
"He hasn't seen him either. All his little friends last saw him last night when he went home and that's all anybody knows."
Jonathan Byers was in school with Mary. She'd seen him in passing a few times, always with his camera, but never heard him speak. The Byers were well known in Hawkins, but not always well respected. They didn't have the most money, or nicest things, but from what Mary could tell, they were good people.
"So he's probably going to be out searching all night, right?" Mary asked in question to her father's whereabouts.
Flo gave the girl a sympathetic smile, "I think so, dear."
It wasn't that Mary was disappointed her dad wouldn't be home. In fact, she wouldn't be responsible for him when he got home: making sure he ate, showered, got up in the morning for work... This way she could freely smoke the night away.
"Thanks, Flo," Mary smiled, gathering her things. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Drive safe, dear!"
So this is my new story!!!
I hope people enjoy it and I'm excited for the plot to pick up more :)
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