Chapter 6: Something Shocking
Digging out what, to Tyler looked like at least fifty odd books, Mason finally shut the closet doors and turned to face them both.
"Everything I learned, I learned from these." He explained, sounding almost wise.
"Wait... We don't have to read fifty something books back to back, do we?" Tyler asked, eyeing the books.
"No! You idiot! Just skim them and pick out the useful parts." Mason replied cockily.
"He's no idiot" Elena retorted, causing both guys to look at her completely stunned.
'A little payback for Mason's 'girl of the week' comment', she thought quietly to herself.
"That's quite some girl Ty." Mason teased.
"What can I say, girl knows what she's talking about." Tyler replied smugly, throwing a cheeky grin in Elena's direction.
Hoping to change the conversation that was getting real awkward real fast, she opened the first book. Though she wasn't prepared for what was on the other side.
"Uh..." She began, then stopped as she had no idea what to say, luckily it was enough to drag Tyler's attention from the verbal battle with Mason, back to her.
"What's the matter? Did you find something?" He asked, quickly sitting beside her.
Still silent, she glanced back the book, following her eyes, he saw what she was trying to point out.
"Mason, did you ever get the Latin translated?" Tyler asked.
"No. I didn't think it'd be relevant." Mason replied.
"Now who's the idiot!" Tyler, not so jokingly, said.
"Why? What does it say?" Mason asked curiously.
"Translated it means..Death will befall anyone who has a supernatural gift." Elena explained, suddenly glad that she had taken that Latin class back in their junior year.
The three of them looked at each other. Feeling very concerned, she walked over to where Tyler was now stood,
"We are not going to let that happen." She said, determined, a fire burning deep in her eyes.
She only hoped that they could beat the kitsune. But she also feared what could happen if they failed.
"Let's go stock up on weapons." Tyler said, after processing the information.
Elena nodded and they headed for the door.
"No! Wait!.... Don't go out in the...." Mason tried warning them but it was too late.
Then he heard what he was dreading to hear the most. Which, at first was a high pitched scream, but was replaced by a loud yell with some cursing aimed at the kitsune. Without hesitating, he rushed out to join them. Though there was no kitsune when he got there, he could tell that wherever the kitsune was, it had used the storm to try to wipe out Tyler.
"What the hell happened?" Mason asked.
"This crazy lightning bolt aimed straight at me as soon as I set foot outside, then I was shoved and the lightning hit her." Tyler explained trying to catch his breath.
"Well then you're so damn lucky." Mason stated, then continued, "One bolt hits you, you're dead. Lucky for her, she's human. Unfortunately for both of you, hitting a human creates a power that's extremely strong and hard to learn control." Mason explained as simple as possible.
"Get inside. It's safer." He instructed.
Tyler, without question, followed those orders, lifting Elena from the ground and going back in the house. Once inside, her eyes flickered open.
"Let me guess. Kitsune storm?" She joked.
"Yeah. how are you feeling?" Tyler asked.
"I feel fine. Why are you looking at me like someone just died?" She asked, suddenly not feeling so great.
"You should never have shoved me out of the way." He said, trying to figure out how he was going to tell her what was going to happen to her.
"I had no choice Tyler, it would have killed you! I was reacting upon both reflex and instinct." She stated.
"You have no idea what that's going to do to you!" He said, trying not to sound cold and harsh.
"What are you talking about Tyler?... Tyler! Tell me!" She demanded fiercely.
He sighed, before looking her in eye."Elena I am so sorry. I should have never let you push me out of the way." Tyler said sincerely.
Feeling nervous, he began to ramble causing her to become confused and unable to make sense of anything.
"Stop! Okay... Quit stalling Tyler! Tell me what's going on?" Elena half snapped, interrupting his rambling.
"Right. Sorry. If you're not already supernatural... then it transforms you." He explained.
"Transforms me into what?" She asked confused.
"I don't know, we probably won't know until the powers start showing." He muttered, occasionally glancing over at Mason.
"Elena, I'm sorry, I wish I could rewind, unfortunately, that's not even possible in our crazy world. I should have never dragged you into all of this, I should have just stuck to my original plan!" He began, before she interrupted.
"Stop right there. First of all, freaky things happen, you can't take all the blame. It was an accident. Secondly... You didn't drag me into anything. I chose to be a part of it. You didn't force me to stay, I wanted to stay." She explained, then after registering his last sentence, added, "Is that really how you feel? Do you really want to take everything back that was said after that text?"She quizzed, trying to sound calmer than she was.
"Of course not. Just this past half hour. But, as much as I want this to work, I have to do what's best for you... What's safest. Clearly that escaped my mind this morning. I'm sorry but I have to let you go, you're safer without me." He said, avoiding all eye contact.
"But..." She began, ready to object, quickly shutting up with nothing to say. "Oh're totally serious."She said with a horrible realisation.
"I just think it's safer this way."He half explained, before being interrupted once again.
"Yep, I got it the first time." She said coldly.
"You're mad, that's good. It'll be easier if you hate me." He responded.
"This isn't hate Tyler." She explained simply,"You don't want anyone to care about you? Fine! Done! From now on you are on your own!" She snapped through clenched teeth.
"Elena, come on..." He began.
"I can't!" She quickly responded, before walking out without looking back.
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