Chapter 3 : The Turning Point
As he lead her through the house, the first thing she noticed was how different it was.
Mr Lockwood, Tyler's father, was in his office raising his voice at someone down the phone. Meanwhile, Mrs Lockwood, Tyler's mother, was in the parlour downing a glass of red wine.
She also noticed how Tyler greeted neither of them, and instead he just lead her straight upstairs and to his bedroom.
Looking around the room, straight away she could see several differences that stood out like a giraffe in a herd of zebras. For instance, the walls that were once a light shade of blue, were now a stormy grey, and there were pictures stuck to them just above the headboard of his bed. Pieces of ripped paper clung to the walls where he had clearly torn down posters.
Turning her attention back to the pictures and taking a closer look at them. She noticed something that made her feel a little sadder than before.
She saw that in each picture, one person was missing. The first picture was of him and his parents, looking very happy. But in the one next to it, the picture was torn and left just him and his mum in the photo. The same thing had been repeated as photos of their friendship group had become smaller and smaller until the very last one, which consisted only of her and Tyler. This made her feel so bad for him, whatever he was going through, it was clearly something he had been struggling with for a long time.
She wanted to ask him about it so badly, however at the same time she did not want to push him, she had only just gotten him to tell her what was going on and she was afraid that if she pushed again, he would change his mind and withhold the truth again.
"It's a form of symbolism." He explained, noticing where her attention was focused.
"What does it symbolise?" She asked, deciding to take her chances in asking.
"If you notice, all the people missing from those pictures are the ones who turned their backs. The only ones left now are my mum, Jeremy and...and you." He explained, suggesting that he felt as though he was going to end up alone.
She was slightly concerned at what he was trying to suggest. Did he not realise that she was there for life? Did he not trust her when she told him she would be there no matter what?
"Okay, I can't speak for your mum or Jeremy, but I do know that your mum loves you too much to disown you, and Jeremy has stopped his old behaviour but as for me, turning my's not gonna happen." She stated confidently.
He looked at her half coldly and replied,
"We'll see." He corrected. She did not reply.
"You may wanna sit down for this." He suggested. Without fuss, she did as he said a took a seat on the bed. He sat next to her.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her.
"Yes, Tyler what's going on? Because I can't take much more of this and those mean comments." She answered, wishing that he would quit stalling.
He knew it was time to tell her. To show her his secret. There was no going back now.
"Okay, here it goes..." He began, and then continued, taking a deep breath, "I'm a werewolf." He confessed. After all, he thought it would best if he came straight out with it, at least then he wouldn't get tangled or lost for words.
For a moment, she just sat there, until she finally gathered the courage to speak again.
"You're joking right? This is a joke." She asked, he shook his head instantly.
"Is this a joke to you Tyler? It's not funny! Is it some kind of sick prank?" She asked again. He rolled his eyes a little at her disbelief, even though he understood it.
"Does it look like I'm laughing to you?" He retorted.
The moment he did, he knew it was a mistake, as a look of anger crossed her face.
"Stop it! This isn't funny. I thought you were going to give me a real reason and all I get is some sick joke. You're sick! I can't believe you would actually do this to me....none of this is real!" She raged. She was about continue but before she could he growled.
She was absolutely horrified by what she saw next. His face was contorted into one she did not recognise. The face of an animal. A wolf. His teeth were now canines and his usually hazelnut brown eyes were now a bright gold.
Instantly she leapt of the bed and backed away from him, towards the door.
"Is this real enough for you?" He asked, his face still that of a werewolf. She didn't speak, instead she hid her face away, not wanting to see anymore.
That's when his face returned to normal as he realised what he had done. His intention was only to show her who....or rather what he was. He hadn't meant to scare her. Searching for a way to make things right, he took a few steps towards her. She looked up at him, her breathing heavy and unsteady.
"What are you doing?" She asked suspiciously, a tremble appearing in her voice.
He continued towards her, despite her pushing herself further back.
"It's okay Elena...I am not going to hurt you." He stated, as she stood, still backed against the wall. She didn't speak again, just continued stare at him as if she was seeing him for the first time properly.
Despite this, no eye contact was made.
"Elena!" He said again, trying to get her to focus her attention on him. He hated the thought of her being scared of him.
Finally, little progress was made when she looked him in the eye for the first time. Slowly he walked over to her, and once he was right in front of her, he took both of her hands into his, just as he had done on the front porch.
"I swear, I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise. You have my word." He spoke calmly and softly to her, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere otherwise.
He hoped that more progress would be made, and for once in his life something went right when she gave him a slight one sided smile.
"How is any of this real? She asked. The shaking in her body had almost come to a stop.
"You know I ask myself that every day." He replied, a flash of the humour that she was used to appeared in his voice.
"Look, I really hope that this isn't the end for us....but if you still wanna go then I understand." He continued. She shook her head instantly.
"I have been by you from the beginning. Everything you have been through in the past year, there is no way that I am turning my back on you now." She reassured, he responded with a smile as relief filled his heart.
Despite being freaked out, she could never imagine turning her back on him. After all, he was there for her through everything that had happened with her ex boyfriend Matt, and she appreciated that. Suddenly feeling very stupid for freaking out, she decided to show him that she wasn't scared of him, and that she wasn't going anywhere.
"I'm sorry." She began, grabbing his attention.
"I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not scared of you. Not now." She stated firmly, then much to his surprise, pulled him into another hug. Not tight this time, instead it was a steady, reassuring hug. One that he appreciated because for the first time it felt like someone accepted him for who he was. In return, he hugged her back to show her his appreciation.
Then they both took a step back, and he leaned forward again.
"Thank you." He whispered in her ear. She gave him a nod.
"Always." She whispered back.
Finally things were calm again.
1senorita1 go check this amazing girl's stories out and give her a follow and a vote. She's a great person and a great writer. This chapter is dedicated to her because if not for her, I wouldn't have as many reads as I do now ❤❣
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