Chapter 12: Recovery
"Can't you work your magic?" Tyler asked, watching the guardian's every move as he lowered himself.
"I could try. But I'm afraid that if I do this, that fifty percent of her that's still human... It will no longer exist." Andres warned, awaiting the answer.
"Do it." Tyler decided.
"Are you sure?" Andres asked, searching for confirmation.
"Yes. Even the supernatural can hold on to their humanity, despite not being human. So do it." He confirmed.
"Alright then." Andres concluded, hovering his hand over her heart.
"What are you doing?" Tyler asked, smacking his hand away.
"This is how it works, now do you want me to do this or not?" Andres explained, rolling his eyes.
"Yes." Tyler said simply, as Andres placed his hand back where it was.
Minutes passed with nothing happening, then out of nowhere a golden light glowed from his hand and surrounded her. Just as quickly as it surrounded her, it was gone again.
"That's it?" Tyler questioned doubtfully.
"Yes. And yes Tyler, before you ask, it did work." Andres responded before he could say another word.
"How do you know?" He asked, confused.
"Trust me. In three... Two......O.." Andres began to count down but was cut off as he reached one a newly awakened Elena, half freaking out.
"How did I...? Where did that thing go? What the hell happened?" She quizzed in one breath.
"Elena! Calm down... It's okay. It worked." Tyler intervened.
"What worked?...Who the hell is he?" She asked, eyeing Andres suspiciously.
"That's Andres. He helped me find you. He saved your life." Tyler explained as simply as possible.
"How do you feel?" He added, fascinated by the guardian powers.
"I feel... Like some kitsune just tried to use me as a lab rat." She concluded.
"I never said it would heal the damage, just keep her alive." Andres answered.
"Can we have a moment alone please Andres?" Tyler asked.
With a nod, Andres agreed and left the building.
"Tyler what's going on?" She asked.
Although it was with great difficulty, Tyler explained in the best way he could, everything that Andres had told him. Not leaving out a single detail, including the part about her being a guardian raised by humans.
"A full guardian!" Elena repeated wide eyed.
"I'm sorry Elena... It was the only way. I couldn't just let you die." Tyler explained.
"No. Don't be sorry. It's okay, I'll just learn to adjust." She replied.
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, staring at her face that was still blood covered.
"I don't wanna talk about it." She admitted, trying to block out the vivid images that were attacking her mind.
"Does it still hurt?" He followed up.
"Hasn't stopped." She answered, feeling the deep slashes that were covered by the torn material of her top.
"That damn kitsune is gonna pay." He stated, clenching his fists.
"I'm all for kicking kitsune ass but right now I feel like crap, so maybe later." She replied.
"Of course." He agreed.
"But I do need to learn about this guardian stuff, so we should probably catch up with Andres." She added, going to get up.
"Actually..." He began, taking her hand, making her sit back down again. "Let's just wait here for a moment at least until you've healed a little." He finished, lifting his arm and guestering for her to move closer.
"Okay." She agreed, settling against him.
"Besides... Now that I've got you back I don't wanna be letting go of you again just yet." He added half jokingly. "But I still get to kick Shinichi's ass right?" He joked, resting his head on top of hers.
"Not if I get to him first." She replied with a struggled laugh.
Still sat in the church, closely together, neither barely noticed when Andres entered the room.
"I tried to catch him but he was too fast, I just couldn't." Andres explained breathless.
"That's okay man." Tyler responded.
"I would say let's draw up a plan but considering the long day, I suggest we go back to my place, get rested up and then we can plan tomorrow." Andres suggested.
"We should probably..." Elena began but was cut off by Tyler.
"It's sounds like a good idea Elena, I mean who knows what lasting effects that kitsune's experiment may have had, we should at least wait until the morning." He reasoned, pleading with his eyes.
"Alright." She agreed, too tired to protest.
"Good. We should go." Andres said, half out the door as they both rose to their feet to join him.
Outside Andres was way ahead of them, leading the way back. It was a pretty huge place, easy to get lost and Elena for one, did not recognize their location. It was the first time she'd got a look at what was beyond the tunnels that they'd entered through. "
Amazing, isn't it?" Tyler commented, taking her hand.
"Yeah... Though it's quite deceiving, considering how much evil probably lies here." She responded, glancing around.
"You know this really isn't what I pictured years ago when we used to imagine those fairytale worlds." He joked.
Elena did not respond, only making a sound that to Tyler, sounded like half laughter, half a sigh. "Hey, you know if we survive this, we could totally go back to how it used to be." He lied, knowing that once you get pulled into this kind of life, normal is nothing but a distant memory.
"That's a lie. Nothing is going to be the same after this." She pointed out instantly.
"Sorry... I was just trying to..." He began, feeling slightly guilty.
"No. It's okay. For a moment I half believed it. But normal really isn't worth it. Not when every day is unpredictable and exciting." She replied, to which he only smiled.
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