What I Have To
Omen was at home, he was currently going through everything in his head, he was hoping he'd be able to come up with something. Omen sighed when he saw what time it was and he rubbed his eyes before he decided to go to the park. Omen sat on the bench and he looked at the stars for a bit, when he heard footsteps he looked over and smiled.
Robin smiled before he walked over to Omen and sat down next to him, neither of them said anything for a minute. Robin looked at Omen, "Are you okay?"
Omen rubbed his eyes, "I'm just really pissed off, if the White Organization are willing to attack the watchtower they're serious."
Robin hesitated for a second, "How serious do you think they are?"
Omen crossed his arms, "I wouldn't be surprised if they were willing to kill someone. They'd probably be willing to kill me if they thought they couldn't catch me again."
Robin's eyes widened a little before a question came into his mind and he took a deep breath. "What would you do if they managed to kill us?"
Omen glared at nothing, "I'd light a match and watch the world burn." Robin looked at Omen sadly before he hugged him, he hoped that nothing bad would happen
He'd been searching for hours and he still couldn't find anything, he had been searching all night. Now he had to go to school, he didn't want to but he refused to endanger Richard by not going.
After dropping off Night he and Richard left and he felt better since his little bird was with him. Richard was able to get his mind off of everything for a while but during class he got lost in thought instead of pretending to listen to the teacher. Richard noticed it immediately but he couldn't ask what was wrong during class so he kept an eye on his boyfriend.
By the end of the day Omen still hadn't come up with anything, he didn't know what to do. After school he and Richard were supposed to go to the mountain, Omen figured that he might as well go. Once they got there Omen played with Night for a bit and he didn't say a word which was freaking some of them out.
Omen heard the zeta tubes announce several names but he didn't react until Robin put a hand on his shoulder. Omen quietly sighed before he got up and he looked at everyone that had come to the mountain, the mentors and Red Arrow were there. Omen felt like he should be surprised but he wasn't, he had been expecting this for a while actually.
The older heroes all looked serious and when they looked at Omen he crossed his arms and waited for someone to say something. Superman spoke first, "We need you to tell us how the White Organization got into the watchtower."
"I've told you before, update your god damn systems, those guys might be idiots but they're determined idiots."
Green Arrow looked slightly shocked, "So you knew this was going to happen?"
Omen glared at the Leaguers, "I told you this was going to happen, I told you they'd be pissed if I didn't go back. You're the ones that wouldn't let me go back because heroes have to help everyone, the truth is that you can't help everyone."
Flash's eyes widened, "You can't honestly tell me that you wanted to stay there."
"I never wanted to stay there but I was used to it, I've been hurt so many times that I don't feel as much pain as other people. Let's not forget the fact that I'm a murderer and I'm already dead, I don't care about what happens to me as long as innocent people don't get hurt."
Martian Manhunter looked slightly confused, "So you would have been willing to stay there despite how much you were hurt."
"I would have been willing to stay there to make sure those bastards didn't hurt anyone else. If I had escaped they'd either come after me like they are now or killed me and found someone else to experiment on. That's why I told you to leave me there, none of you would be in danger if you had just listened to me from the beginning."
Aquaman crossed his arms, "We couldn't just leave you there, it wasn't right."
Omen rolled his eyes, "When has anything about my life been right? It's all been a living hell and because of this shit I have to do the one thing I hoped to whatever twisted forces exist that I didn't have to do."
Batman hoped that Omen wasn't going to do what he thought he was, "Whatever you think you have to do you don't, we can come up with a plan."
Omen had a blank look on his face, "Those bastards are just getting started and they aren't going to just give up."
"So what are you going to do?"
Omen was about to answer but he got a call and he answered, "What?" After a few seconds Omen's expression turned from one of slight annoyance to one of seriousness. "Thanks, I'll take it from here." Omen hung up and he looked at the heroes, "I'll tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to do what I have to."
Omen took Night off of his shoulders and put her on the ground, "Hey lucky Robin." Robin was silently hoping that Omen wasn't doing what he thought he was doing, Omen smiled. "Take care of Night for me."
Robin's eyes widened before Omen stopped smiling and he teleported and the heroes didn't move for several seconds. Batman was the first to finally move and when he did he told everyone to find Omen. He told them what to do and they all moved as fast as they could and hoped that they'd find Omen before it was to late.
Meanwhile, Omen had appeared near a house and he quietly sighed before he turned invisible and went inside. The person that lived here was one of the people that was a part of the White Organization. Very few of them actually lived outside of the facility, most of them probably lived in the new one as well.
Omen searched the house and after he hacked into some poorly encrypted files he found what he was looking for. He found the location of the new facility, there was just one thing left to do, Omen teleported once again. He appeared about a quarter of a mile from the facility, he walked there he looked at the entrance to the new facility.
This one was also underground but the entrance was above ground so the former agents could find it. A few seconds after he got there several people with blasters appeared and he looked around before he put his hands up. The bastard that had been leading the attacks against Omen stepped forward, "So you found us, where are your little friends?"
Omen shrugged, "They're not here, I came on my own."
His eyes narrowed, "Then why are you here?"
Omen mentally sighed, "Isn't that obvious?" He smirked, "I'm giving up."
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