Maybe she was cursed.
But she supposed it would catch up to her that all of the most important people in her life were superhero's or antihero's or whatever the fuck the technical term were.
Because getting kidnapped fucking sucked.
The man in all black refused to do anything except stare at her ominously (don't lie you're turned on, and so am I) and the blonde girl was kind but seemed to have a screw or two loose.
Not that Ketti had room to speak on that front, but it wasn't great to be on the edge of her death with already terrible anxiety.
And Ketti wasn't sure if they were mutants or just evil villains — though she deduced they seem to work for someone (baby, you didn't deduce it, Sydney spelled it out for you) — but either way, Ketti was not given any food.
She couldn't even mark how many days it had been because every second dragged into hours and there was no light in the cell except for the bulb above her head, strung up to the middle of the ceiling.
It was empty and cold and dingy and reminded Ketti of a basement. She surmised she might be in one.
Which fucking sucked because Ketti was kind of claustrophobic.
There were a few pros to being kidnapped, however.
She wasn't being tortured, which was cool. The metal-armed dude didn't seem outwardly aggressive, more of a bodyguard to ensure she didn't try to run — and Ketti wasn't a fucking idiot, she'd wait for her boyfriends to come save her, no use trying to get killed — and the blonde was more chatty than cruel.
It felt kind of like being stuck at her bar with a tipsy woman and a stoic bodyguard. Minus the alcohol, music, and overall freedom.
Speaking of bars, Ketti was so fucking fired.
(Ah, corporate America. Even surviving a car accident, a kidnapping, and proof of disappearance couldn't reconcile a job. Poor Ketti.)
She wondered if they were hiring at the Daily Bugle. Maybe Gwen could get her a job there. Apparently, J. Jonah Jameson despised Peter so she'd never ask him for a reference.
Not that she has prior experience working at a newspaper company.
Maybe she could intern and bring them coffees.
But interns don't get paid.
Ketti was given waters every few hours, to keep her hydrated, but she hoped she could guilt Logan into making her something again.
One wouldn't suspect it upon first impressions. but he was surprisingly a great cook.
(The guy's been alive for two centuries, he can make crepes like no one's fucking business. As if he couldn't be any hotter.)
Wade was not a good cook.
(I take offense to that, baby, I'm fantastic at gourmet grilled cheese.)
Which meant that Logan would probably end up feeding three individuals for the rest of his life.
(Because Laura's favorite thing to eat is completely unsubstantial and if she lived off dinosaur nuggets, she probably wouldn't have regenerative healing.)
Thinking of food made Ketti hungrier.
She wanted to ask but didn't want to overstep. Maybe they were waiting for something in particular? She hadn't even met the person in charge yet, not that she had any inclination to.
She kind of pitied them.
From what Peter told her, Deadpool was unhinged and from Wade told her, Wolverine was kind of unstoppable.
Not to mention that Peter was one of her closest friends. And that Johnny could light someone on fire.
Or wrap them in fiery chains.
Pretty much just absolutely kill someone in a second.
So whoever took her was...kind of in deep shit.
Not that she presumed her own self-importance, but she knew she was important to them.
She just hoped Matt was okay. He had a lot of enemies because of his career and people had seen them together. If they made the correct assumptions, one could kidnap him too.
He couldn't even see. The last thing he needed was someone accusing him of being a superhero or directly involved with a group of antihero's.
(Oh, bless her sweet deluded little heart. She doesn't have a clue.)
Her thoughts wandered to Frank. A small part of her wondered briefly if she'd have been safer if she'd never stopped seeing him.
That was a horrible thought.
She loved —
Very much enjoyed.
Absolutely adored being with Logan and Wade.
She didn't miss being with Frank, and it wasn't their fault they weren't with her when she was kidnapped.
It was the kidnapper's.
And kind of Loki's.
She wondered where the fuck he wandered off to, considering he vanished with a half-hearted goodbye.
She really hoped Gwen was okay.
If she was kidnapped by the same people, she hopefully wasn't tortured either.
But if by worse people?
She knew Peter couldn't handle losing Gwen. He loved nothing more than her. She knew he had a ring picked out — she and Johnny were there when he went shopping — and they'd end up married.
Probably with half a dozen kids.
(That is the last thing we need. More Peter Parkers.)
He would never cope if something happened to her.
He didn't have a Wade or Logan to lean on.
Her thoughts meandered to her boyfriends.
She hadn't even realized how easily it came to her to call them that. But they were her boyfriends. Hers.
As she was theirs.
The bitter part of her mind wondered exactly how long she'd be —
"Are you even listening to me?"
Ketti blinked, looking to the blonde girl with wide eyes.
"Maaaaannn," she whined a bit, sitting on the floor of the cell, looking up at the metal-armed man. "Winter, she's not fun."
"I can be fun," Ketti blurted, hoping they wouldn't resort to torture to make her more entertaining.
'Winter' didn't make a notion that he'd even heard the blonde, who Ketti believed was called 'Snow' — seriously? Who came up with those names? (Gee, I wonder) — but she couldn't be sure.
"What's your favorite star?" 'Snow' asked Ketti.
Ketti looked at her in mild confusion. "My favorite...?"
"Star," Snow repeated. "In the sky. Or constellation. That's acceptable, too. Mine is Sirius, because of Harry Potter. I wasn't allowed to read it before I was—"
Snow stopped talking when Winter gave her a firm look, but she didn't look fearful of him. Just rolled her eyes in annoyance and looked down at her gloved hands.
(Maybe the true torture are the friends we made along the way?)
The trio went quiet over them. Silence fell and Ketti was left alone with her thoughts again.
She really hoped her boys take her home soon.
next chapter is rescue mission aye aye aye you guys are so impatient. and don't worry the nonstop smut is coming but I had a small plot and it came and it's leaving soon chiiiiilllllll
thank you all sm for readinnnggg<333 can't believe we already hit 20 chapters that's crazy wtf probably fifteen-twenty more to go. it keeps fluctuating on length. i never have anything planned ever.
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