"Why haven't you taken it off?" She asked around a bite.
He stopped, looking down at the knife he was tossing up and down, feet hanging off the ledge of the bridge.
"Your mask," she clarified. "I saw your face when you slept."
Deadpool was quiet, watching her a moment. "Do you wanna see my face?" He asked, his voice nonchalant, but she could feel the vulnerability in his shoulders, the glance of to the side from his mask.
"You don't have to," she added softly. "I get being scared. But...it didn't bother me."
"It didn't?"
Deadpool hesitate and then lifted his mask up, revealing the scarred flesh underneath.
"I look like a cut up ballsack," he quipped but she just rolled her eyes, placing her burrito down. She reached her hands over and lifted his mask above his head, holding it in her lap.
"Better," she nodded. "Hi, Wade."
As he smiled, she completely understood why he was afraid of showing his face. Because if he smiled at her like that all the time; so honest and vulnerable and genuine, she'd burst into tears.
(She nearly did. She's such a fucking sap.)
"Hi, Kitty."
Ketti smiled back at him, her eyes meeting his.
Coffee and chocolate met her darker ones and her heart skipped a beat.
His eyes weren't white and expressed by a mask. They weren't sarcastic and obnoxious and irritating.
They were brown.
She'd never really liked the color until now.
Ketti didn't know how she ended up upside down hanging over her bed, legs in Logan's lap — he was very busy ignoring both her and Wade, who were tossing sour patch kids back and forth to one another — his hand resting on her thigh, the other on her calf, staring intently at some random action movie Wade told him to watch.
"Hit me," Ketti opened her mouth, moving to catch the sour patch kid as he tossed it.
"Oh, yeah, baby," Wade grinned, high-fiving her.
Something had changed with them.
He was still sarcastic and irritating and made her want to punch him four out of seven times a day, but it was a different kind of irritating.
He stopped wearing his Deadpool outfit around her and Logan, reverting to casual clothing, but kept the uniform on when they left the house.
(Soon we'll be graduating to nothing. You'll need Jesus when you see that, kids.)
He and Logan had also taken to spending more time at her apartment.
Cetti-Cat hated Wade vehemently. He'd been scratched half a dozen times and bitten twice, which was odd because Cetti-Cat appeared to like everyone else.
He loved Matt, Peter and Gwen, and sat in Logan's lap or at his side constantly, trailing after him aimlessly.
But not Wade.
(I've always been more of a dog person. Fuck that cat.)
"Lo, have you seen Harry Potter?" Ketti asked, moving into a seated position to look at him properly.
Logan's grip on her legs tightened as she sat up and looked down at her. "What the hell is that?"
"You'd hate it," Wade peeped up, "it's about a wizard kid who does wizard kid shit and there's no blood or sex."
"You like it?" Logan asked Ketti, looking at her downtrodden expression from Wade's words.
(She's such a fucking baby, god he's so soft for her it makes me sick. And by sick, I mean absolutely turned on because Jesus Christ, soft Logan or angry Logan usually means sex.)
"Yeah," Ketti nodded. "But Wade's right, you probably won't like it."
Logan shrugged, grabbing the remote and handing it to her. "This movie's not great anyway."
Ketti sat between Gwen and Peter, legs dangling into the apartment pool below them, low music blaring from Gwen's Bluetooth.
"He spat in your mouth?"
"Yeah," Ketti confirmed, smirking a bit at the memory. It was so dirty with Frank, and she didn't know sex could be like that. She just thought it was...sex. Not...Frank.
"Christ," Gwen shook her head. "You tell Johnny?"
"We're not together," Ketti objected immediately.
Peter hummed. "You are a little bit."
"A little bit is not together," Ketti shook her head, "we fuck and hang out. We're friends. We're both very clear on that."
"That's a thin line, babes," Gwen shook her head. "You and Frank are doing the same thing. You guys casual too?"
"Of course," Ketti nodded. "We're hardly even friends. It's purely sex."
"And Logan and Wade?" Peter asked, leaning back and taking a photo of a bug crawling across the pavement. "That casual too?"
Ketti hesitated and Gwen let out a groan.
"Kettiiii," she looked at her friend with mild disapproval. "You can't string people along."
"I'm — I'm not!" Ketti shook her head. "I'm not. Wade, Logan and I are friends. That's it."
Peter snorted. "Yeah, okay."
Ketti slapped his side lightly and he narrowed his eyes, taking another shot of the bug. "It's not my fault they think otherwise."
"Okay, so you don't wanna fuck Logan?" Gwen asked, raising her eyebrows. "At all."
Ketti's breath hitched. Of course she did. It's all she could think about. She wondered if he'd be more or less rough than Frank, if he did aftercare, if he could toss her around and —
(God, she's SUCH a little slut. And believe me, Ketti, he does enjoy those things. When I tell you that Logan and I will ruin her for everyone else, I mean that because she'll never get this with fucking Frank or fucking Johnny. Fuck you Johnny.)
"Of course not."
(Liar, liar.)
Peter glanced back at her. "That's a lie."
"It is not," Ketti shook her head. "I'm not interested in—"
"—So if Wade or Logan made a move on you, you'd...reject them?" Gwen cut her off with a pointed look.
"I—I...that—that would never happen," Ketti cleared her throat.
(If I'd known she truly thought that, I would've kissed her just to prove a point.)
"You're so in denial," Gwen shook her head. "I've hung out with you all once and I know they're into you."
"They — we're just friends."
"No,," Peter shook his head and sat up again. "You're just friends with Gwen and I. You're just friends with Matt. You're more than friends with Johnny, you're fucking Frank, and you're the girlfriend without benefits of Wade and Logan."
"That's not true."
(Yes it is.)
Peter and Gwen looked at each other.
"She's in denial."
"Totally in denial."
Frank's hand trailed over Ketti's hip, their faces inches from the other. Lazy kisses on noses and lips, soft smiles exchanged between them.
"What's your favorite color?" Frank asked softly.
He was curious about her. He wanted to know more about her.
Guilt flooded Ketti momentarily as she thought of Gwen and Peter's words the day prior. Was she in denial? Did she have affections for Logan and Wade? Did they like her?
She pushed the feelings away.
That was stupid.
They didn't and she didn't. She kind of wanted (more like was absolutely feral) to sleep with Logan, but it was attraction.
And Wade was...
Different than that.
It wasn't like that with Wade. Not that she found him unattractive or anything, because he wasn't, he —
(No, no, let's finish that thought, kitty.)
"Ketti?" Frank's eyebrows tugged together. "Okay?"
Her mind moved back to the conversation at hand and she blinked, settling into it.
Her favorite color.
It used to be purple. It used to be the color of amethyst and jellyfish and violets.
But she swallowed thickly and answered a bit quieter than usual.
"Brown, I think," she said softly.
(Alexa, play Brown-Eyed Girl.)
soft wade & soft logan & confused ketti = my favorite little trio
also got some Gwen (we'll get more later too) and a little Frank. Sooooo Ketti's fully in denial bless her. We will get Frank for a few chapters because what's Ketti do if she's confused?
Fuck the nearest hottest guy and hope she doesn't develop an emotional attachment (she always does)
Also dw I know I haven't had much Johnny but we will get some hehe I have something in store for him just hang on gang
and Bucky in probably 3-5 chapters ish, loki in 2 I think
this is #25 in fanfiction on here i am completely baffled wtf
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