I was set up in the corner, ready to hit Rusev with my Superman Punch, but Carmella's music starts playing.. She skips down the ramp and around the ring.. I watched her, confused.. Why the hell is she out here? She waved to me as she skipped around the ring.. In less than a second, Rusev rolled me up into a pin..
I kicked out.. I got up and hit Rusev with a jumping clothesline.. He fell to the mat hard.. I turned to look at Carmella, only to hear Nikki's music play..
She walked out and ripped her shirt off.. She walked down the ramp holding her leg..
I watched as she ran to Carmella and knocked her down with a huge spear.. She picked Carmella up and whipped her into the barricade.. I watched with amusement until Rusev turned me around and tried to hit me.. I blocked it and pushed him into the ropes, when he slung back I knocked him out with a superman punch.. I set up in the corner and waited for him to get up.. When he got up to his feet, I knocked him down with a crushing spear..
1..2..3 "The winner of this match.. Roman Reigns!!"
I raised my hand in victory.. I turned around and saw Nikki climbing into the ring..
She walked up to me and smashed our lips together.. I was stunned at first but I wrapped my arms around her waist.. She pulled away and raised my hand in victory.. Carmella and Rusev watched us as they walked up the ramp.. I looked at Nikki "Nice Spear, babygirl." She chuckled "Nice win, babyboy." She winked at me before rolling out of the ring.. I watched as she walked backstage.
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