Tonight is Monday Night Raw, and I could really use a good drink or like I don't know, five.. The things that went down on Saturday have been on mind, I swear I can still feel her lips on mine. I felt someone wrap their arm around my neck and plant a small kiss on my cheek.. I jumped back into reality and saw Carmella.. I grabbed her hands and pulled them off of me.. "Woah, what do you thinking you're doing?" She giggled "I just gave you a kiss on the cheek, jeez relax.." "Well don't ever do that again." I was about to walk away but she grabbed my arm. "Hey, what is it with you? Ever since Bella Barbie returned you've been acting slightly different.. You do know that you guys aren't together anymore, right?" I clenched my jaw and stepped up to her "Nothing is up with me.. But don't ever say that again in your life, and for the last time her name is Nikki Bella, not Bella Barbie.. And for the last time, stop trying to make us something that we're not." I snatched my hand from her grasp and walked to my locker room.. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv, once again, Nikki Bella is on the screen.. I put my head back and rubbed my face.. Ugh! God just strike me with a lighting bolt right now.. I turned my attention back on the TV, she was making her entrance.. She did her little hip turn, man that woman does things to me that no one else can.. She was about to walk down the ramp but someone ran up from behind and hit her. She rolled down the ramp, and Carmella walked over to Nikki. What the hell is she doing? She picked Nikki up by her hair and threw her into the steel steps. Then she picked Nikki up and rolled her into the ring.. Nikki held on to the ropes to catch her balance, Carmella tried to grab Nikki but she pushed Carmella off. But Carmella didn't give up, she grabbed a handful of Nikki's hair and slammed her head hard on the mat. She started punching Nikki over and over again, then officials came out and separated them.. Nikki got her knees, trying to stand up but Carmella was quickly back on top of her.. The refs pulled her off Nikki, Carmella rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp.. I walked out of my locker room, mad as all hell.. I caught her walking backstage, I walked up to her and grabbed her arm.. "What the hell was that out there?" She shrugged "Nothing.. I was just having a little fun. Maybe now, you won't think about Bella Bar-.. Oops I mean Nikki Bella." I shook my head and let go of her hand "No, I'm done with you." She looked up at me "What?" "I said I'm done with you." "So what? Are you gonna dismiss like I'm some kind of trash." "As far as I'm concerned, you are trash." She pushed me and walked away.. I walked to the gorilla and tried to find Nikki but she wasn't there.. I walked to her locker room and walked in.. "Nikki, you alright?" Brie stood up from the couch. "Roman, I don't think it's such a good idea for you be here." I was opened my mouth to say something but Nikki walked up to us, she had tears in her eyes.. "It's okay, Brie." Brie nodded and walked out of the room. "Hey Nicole, I'm sor-" She slapped me hard across the face, I held my face as I looked back at her.. "How dare you?! How dare you come in here and say sorry?! This is all your fault! It's your fault because you can't keep your fucking groupie in check!! It's your fault because you can't seem to decide what you want!! It's all your fault!" She raised her hand to slap me again but I grabbed it and pulled her hard into my chest.. "Shhh, it's okay.." "No!" She cried into my chest, grabbing my shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." I kissed the top of her head as she sobbed.. A few seconds later, she pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I need you to leave." "What?" She looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. "We can't do this.. You're with Carmella and.. I'm single... So just please." "I'm not with Carmella.." "Really? Who'd you leave Carmella for? Sasha? Charlotte? Or Dana? Who's your groupie of the month?" I chuckled "No one.." She nodded as she sat on the couch. "Must feel good to be the most wanted man in the WWE." "What are you talking about?" She shook her head. "Don't worry about.." She got up from the couch and opened the door, "I'll catch you around, Joseph." I walked out and turned around to say something but she slammed the door on my face.. Confusion is the only emotion that is running through my mind right now.
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