Tonight is Monday Night Raw, and Royal Rumble is this Sunday.. And there is nothing getting in the way of me winning that match on Sunday.. Last Thursday, I was watching Roman's match when of course, Carmella attacked me from behind.. She hurt my neck a little bit, but after getting checked by the doctors, I'm cleared for tonight.. I have a match against Natalya, and I am ready because of know that Carmella is going to try to sneak her way into this match.. I grabbed my hat and threw it on before walking out of my locker room.. "Babygirl." I turned around and saw Roman jogging towards me. "Hey, Ro." "Where you going?" "I have a match tonight." He looked at me "Are you medically cleared?" I nodded and turned to walk away but he grabbed my hand.. "Nicole, are you medically cleared?" I chuckled and reached up, pecking his lips. "Yes.. I'm good to go.. I'll be fine tonight and I'll be fine come Sunday." He nodded "Okay.. Watch out tonight, okay?" I nodded "Yea, you too." He let go of my hand and I walked to the gorilla.. I took a deep breath before the stage manger played my music.. Natalya was already out in the ring.. The stage manager played my music and I walked out.. I did my Bella Booty shake and walked down the ramp, smiling at the crowd. Ripping my shirt off..
I ran and climbed the apron flipping into the ring.. I quickly focused on the match when the ref rang the bell.. Me and Natalya locked up.. I pushed her back into the ropes and whipped her to the other side. I tried hitting her with a running clothesline but she ducked.. She tried to reverse it into a running dropkick but I caught her leg and tried putting her in a Boston Crab leg lock.. I heard Natalya yell in pain but she didn't tap.. I took her leg and slammed it on the mat.. I bent down to pick her up but I heard Carmella's music.. I looked at the stage but she didn't walk out.. That freaking distraction gave Natalya the opportunity to roll me up into a pin..
1..2..3 "The winner of this match.. Natalya!!"
I'm so angry.. I got up and knocked Natalya down with a hard forearm.. I saw Carmella skip down the ring, stopping in front of the ring.. "Great job, Nikki!" She turned around, mocking the fans.. I hopped out of the ring and jumped on the steel steps, knocking Carmella off her feet. I got to my feet and grabbed her, dragging her into the ring.. She wiggled out of my grasp and walked into the corner.. I looked at her, anger burning in my veins.
I turned around to walk out of the ring.. "Go ahead Nikki, go run back to your little castle." I turned around and walked up to her.. "What did you say? How dare you?" I quickly slapped her across the face, making her fall to the mat.
got on top of her and started hammering blows.. I just kept beating her until I heard Rusev's music.. I pulled away from Carmella and watched her catch her balance.. She looked at me with a smirk.. I looked at her "You're think you're the only one that brought back up? Let's bring it."
Roman's music played.. Rusev turned around but Roman came running out from backstage and slammed Rusev down with a spear.
Roman climbed into the ring, we both stared Carmella down.. "Come on, Carmella." She shook her head and turned around to leave the ring.. I don't think so.. I turned her around and dropped her with Bella Forearm.. I picked her up and walked to the middle of the ring, hitting her with the Rack Attack 2.0.. I lifted me and Roman's hands.. I walked and grabbed a mic "Just a little preview of what's to come at Royal Rumble." I slammed the mic on Carmella and rolled out of the ring, Roman not far behind.
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