First Hangover
Roman's p.o.v.
I wake up with the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. I groan and cover my head with my blanket, shielding my eyes from the bright sun shining through my window. I feel extremely thirsty, but if I drink anything I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it down.
"WAKE UP, BITCH! THE BUS COMES IN FIVE MINUTES!!" Remus says, yanking my blanket off my bed. I curl up in a ball and shiver from the sudden cold. His yelling is even more unbearable than usual, and I can hear ringing in my ears.
"ALRIGHT!" I yell back, sitting up. I glare at him, but he's just staring at me in shock. I roll my eyes and get out of bed. My vision immediately goes spotty and I have to hold on to my bed for support. After a few seconds, I can see again. Remus is gone, so I walk to my closet to find some clothes.
I throw on some jeans, and a really soft, thick, dark red sweater. I pull on my socks and my Hamilton vans. They used to be plain white, but Patton insisted I let him paint them. I never realized how good of an artist he was until he handed me back my shoes.
"It's nothing special. There's mistakes everywhere." He said to me, being humble as ever. I just remember laughing and telling him to shut up, in a nice way, and giving him a big hug. I wore those shoes to school every day since.
I sigh and take the shoes off, settling for my red and white converse.
I grab my laptop with my countless stickers from musicals and stickers from the one youtube channel Remus and I both enjoyed (which is now dead; memento mori.) and I put it into its protective case. I zip it shut and put it in my backpack, zipping that up and then hoisting it onto my shoulder. I grab my hydroflask, phone, and earbuds and head out of my room, shutting the door behind me.
I run to the bathroom to check my hair. I turn on the light and my heart drops as I look in the mirror. My face is bruised as hell. I think back to how on earth I could've gotten this. Patton and Logan definitely didn't do it...maybe one of Remus' friends? No, that doesn't sound right either.
Not giving enough shits to worry this much, I fix my hair and brush my teeth quickly before running down the stairs. I grab my lanyard and ID and throw it on my neck as I run out the door. Remus is running as well, yelling after the bus that's slowly driving away. Remus gets really close to the side of the bus and hits the side really hard.
The bus finally comes to a stop and the doors open. Remus climbs inside, followed closely by me. The bus driver is yelling at Remus, saying that he thought he ran him over or something. I just walk to my seat. When I see Logan sitting in it, I immediately walk past him and sit in an empty seat beside Remus.
I can feel Logan's eyes follow me, but I don't return his gaze. I put my earbuds in and start playing Hamilton. I usually blast the music, but I have a serious headache, so I keep the volume down. I look out the window as we drive the rest of the way to school.
It doesn't take long for us to get there, and as soon as the bus parks, we all slowly shuffle off of the bus. Logan waits in his seat for me, expecting me to let him go in front of me. Angry and annoyed at the fact he won't just give me some space, I walk faster, not giving him enough time to get in line. Remus stays close behind me so Logan doesn't go directly behind me either.
Even though Remus is a moron and we don't always agree on literally anything, we still keep an eye on each other. And though neither of us will admit it, we really do care about each other.
Remus grabs my hand and pulls me in the opposite entrance I usually go in. "Remy has a good hangover cure that'll get ya through the day." He says, then adding, "Shithead."
"Love you too." I sigh, letting him drag me along. I'm too drained to actually care. I hear Patton calling my name behind me, but thankfully we get to Janus, Remy, and Virgil first. Janus slaps my back.
"Morning, princess. You put on a hell of a show last night and defended all the gays. Be proud of the bruise, dude."
I just looked at him. "Uhh..I remember absolutely nothing about two thirds of the party. I just remember the more I drank the fuzzier it got. My memory has gaps. Is that normal?" I look at him, suddenly concerned. What if it's not?
Remy laughs. "Don't worry, queen. It's completely normal. Now, knowing how much you drank last night, I whipped up a special drink just for you that'll get rid of your hangover." He says and pulls out to-go cup, handing it to me. It smells disgusting.
"You only know he drank a lot because Virgil texted you this morning. We drank just as much." Janus said to Remy, smirking. Remy rolled his eyes.
"Doesn't matter how I got the information." He turns to me. "Well? What're you waiting for? Drink up."
I hold my breath, not wanting to smell any more of it, and down the whole thing before I get the chance to taste how bad it is. Once I finish it, I'm finally able to taste just how disgusting it is. I cringe and hand Remy the cup back.
"Hey, Roman.." I hear a familiar timid voice behind me. I sigh and turn around, facing Patton. His eyes widen and his mouth falls open as he sees my face. I can tell he's immediately going into parent mode.
"What happened to you? Are you ok? Do you need an ice pack?"
"I'm fine." I say simply. It's hard to stay mad at Patton. His cheery attitude is begging me to be forgive him. However, I'm more stubborn than that. So I don't forgive him. Not for now, at least. If I forgive him now, they'll just think my whole confrontation was a joke.
"So you're the other one?" Remy says, lowering his sunglasses so his hazel eyes can get a good look at my fatherly friend. Patton smiles and waves, not aware that they know about the fight we had. Not the details, I guess, but the fight itself.
"Umm..I don't know who the other one is, but my name is--"
"I don't understand what it is with you guys and giving the man some space. Do you not speak english or something?" Remy interrupted him. Patton was taken aback, and I could tell he was confused.
"Well, Roman's my friend!" Patton says, trying to defend himself.
"Roman, do you want this kid around you right now?" Janus asks, turning to me, completely ignoring Patton. I look at Janus, then at Patton, and then back at Janus. I shake my head. Janus nods, and turns back to Patton.
"Sorry, kid. We're gonna have to ask you to back off."
"Back. Off." Janus repeats himself. He steps in front of me, and Virgil and Remy stand on both sides of him, blocking me off from Patton. Remus reaches into his backpack and pulls out a voodoo doll, showing it to Patton.
"Don't make me do it!" He threatens. Patton, now frightened, scurries off to meet with Logan. I see the two talking and Logan eventually looks up, glaring at us. Janus smirks at him, Remy puts up a peace sign and sticks his tongue out, Remus flips him off, and Virgil gives him a deathly gaze. They stare at Logan and Patton until they're both out of sight.
We walk to our lockers to get our stuff. I feel kinda bad for Logan and Patton. They probably didn't realize they were hurting my feelings and making me feel alone. Yet when I told them, they only made excuses for themselves and tried to tell me I was wrong instead of apologizing and acknowledging my feelings.
Am I being selfish? I don't know. I can't think straight. Even as my headache begins to fade thanks to Remy's mystery drink, I still can't figure out whether they're right or I am. I go through the first few periods of the day barely paying attention; I just think about the fight.
Finally, when math is over and it's time for lunch, I see Remy and Virgil waiting outside. Remy smiles and Virgil nods instead of saying hello.
"You ready to sit with us today?"
Like I said, I don't know if I'm just being selfish or if I have a point. However I decide that for now I'm just not going to give a shit. Remus and his friends all seem to care about me in their own ways, despite having only known me for almost a day.
No matter how different we all are, they make me feel included again.
I smile and nod. "Yeah, let's go."
Word Count: 1609
(Idk how long I'm gonna make this. Anywho, hope ya enjoyed! -Manzana)
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