Cool Kids
Roman's p.o.v.
"'Ello, ya little shit." Remus says, standing with his friends.
Janus was standing in the middle. His yellow, serious eyes stare down on me, a sly grin on his face. His dirty blonde hair is gelled back except for a few pieces that are out of place. He's wearing his normal yellow sweatshirt and jeans with his checkered vans. His pet snake was resting in the hood on his back. I've only seen him around the house when he comes over, but I've been too scared to talk to him. I can't tell if he's plain mean or he just has a resting bitch face.
To the right of him is my trashcan of a brother. He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt with a picture of an ear of corn. Right below it is the word "arson." I don't understand it, but I know he loves it. His curly brown hair is messy like always, and one strand of hair falls down his face. He dyed it grey because he wanted to fool people into thinking he was an old man. It didn't work, but he still keeps it. His wild, green eyes stare directly into my soul.
To the left of Janus is a boy I've never seen before. He's the tallest of the four, but unlike Janus he's far less scrawny. He's wearing a black turtleneck that's tucked into his black ripped jeans, a black belt around his waist. His combat boots look worn down. His black hair is wavy and looks surprisingly poofy; it hangs over his left eye. He looks extremely handsome, apart from the emo getup. However as he locks eyes with me, he glares at me like just the sight of me is disgusting. Scared as hell, I turn to look at the boy standing to the right of Remus.
This one looks trendy. He's wearing a leather jacket over a plain white shirt. He's rocking some skinny jeans and some Timberland boots. His auburn hair is a "I woke up this hot" look, and I'm honestly living for it. I don't really get why he's wearing sunglasses indoors, but I figure I shouldn't ask.
The one in the leather jacket turns to Remus. "And I thought you were the weird one. He's been staring at us for like thirty seconds now and hasn't said anything."
Janus chuckles. "He just can't get over how cute you are, Remy."
"Bitch, I know I'm fabulous but these goods aren't for sale." Remy says, smirking. Remus snorts.
"You say that like you have a boyfriend."
"Shutup, dumpsterfuck."
"Right back at ya, lawn clippings."
As the two continue bickering, Janus sighs and turns to me. He extends his hand. "I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself. I'm Janus. Nice to meet you."
I shake his hand, a bit taken aback by his overly formal introduction. He points to Remus and Remy. "Of course you've met your brother, but the other shithead beside him is Remy. He's essentially an insomniac who does nothing but party and drink Starbucks."
I nod, not sure quite what to say. Janus turns to the boy on his left. "This is Virgil. He's constantly depressed and listens to nothing but emo music. He looks like an asshole, but he's really not. That I can assure you."
I look at Virgil and smile awkwardly, waving. I don't understand how this 6 foot tall giant glaring down at me could be at all nice. He doesn't say anything to me. He just nods his head once, which I am assuming is his way of saying hi. Remy and Remus are still calling each other insults and Janus and Virgil exchange a look.
"Ok, ok, you're both ugly. Now can it." Janus says. Remy and Remus turn to Janus, looking slightly offended, but finally stop talking. Janus clears his throat and then turns back to me.
"You look kinda fun. You wanna come to a party with us?" Janus offers. Remus looks at Janus like he has three heads. Remy sips his Starbucks casually while Virgil simply folds his arms.
"Janus, he's painfully average. Doesn't do drugs, gets average grades, has average friends, has average looks--"
"Well maybe he just hasn't been exposed to the right lifestyle yet. It's hard to know what you're missing out on if you've never even tried." Janus says to my brother, before turning back to me. "So what do you say, kid? You wanna have some fun with the cool kids?"
I think for a moment. I know the kinds of things Remus does with his friends. I know they drink alcohol and smoke and do a whole bunch of illegal and not ok stuff. Yet at the same time, I'm intrigued and lonely and desperate. My friends have been ignoring me for so long, and these guys seem to be taking an interest with me. Well, at least Janus and Remy. I know Remus already hates me, and I'm 99% sure Virgil does too.
"Roman?" I hear Logan's voice approaching. I look behind me and he's walking over, his face stone cold as ever. He looks at me and looks at Remus and his friends one by one. Logan can be hard to read sometimes, but I can tell just by his eyes that he's judging them.
"I know you don't wish to speak with me, however I know your mom's at work, so I'll drive you home."
I shake my head. "Thanks, but no. I'm gonna hang out with Remus and his friends tonight."
Logan raised an eyebrow. "You can't be serious. They're a bunch of thugs."
Janus scoffed and started to walk forward, clearly not afraid to show Logan a piece of his mind. However, Virgil stopped him. He gave Janus a reassuring nod, and he was the one to walk over instead. He's got a good three inches on Logan, looking down at my nerdy friend.
"Want to say that again a bit louder?" Virgil challenged, his voice deep and raspy like he just woke up from a nap.
I knew Logan was stubborn and blunt, however, so I wasn't surprised when Logan just blinked and began to talk. "I said that Roman can't be serious--"
"I think he doesn't need any words from you. You said it yourself: he doesn't want to talk to you. It seems to me like ya fucked up big, nerd. So if you're really his friend, why don't you start acting like it and give him the space he deserves."
Logan pursed his lips, clearly angry. He hates it when people tell him what to do. "And why do you think you get to speak for him? I know for a fact he's never even met you, and he only knows Janus because of his brother. Besides, you're just a stranger. I've been his friend for years now."
"Just because you've been friends for a while doesn't give you the right to be a fucking dick." Remy chimes in. Janus nods in agreement.
Virgil gets real close to Logan's face. "Get the fuck out of here before we make you."
"I--" Logan starts.
"I'd listen to the man if I were you." Remy says, swishing his coffee around as he took a step forward. Remus reached into his pocket and pulled out a lollipop. He unwrapped it and licked it a few times.
"I will stick this in your hair if ya don't get the fuck away from my brother."
I looked at the four of them, unsure why they're deciding to help me. However, I turn back to Logan and smirk. I feel powerful with the four of them defending me.
"Like I said, Logan. I'm hanging out with them."
Logan looks at me, then back at the four of them. He scoffs and turns around, walking away quickly. Janus and Remus high five while Remy raises his coffee.
"Props to you for standing your ground, queen." Remy said.
"No, you guys did most of the work."
"Girl, don't flatter us. We're just a bunch of crackheads who don't have patience or a filter."
"Fair enough."
"Enough talking! We came here to get Remy his fix of caffeine and go to this party. I did not sign up for babysitting my brother." Remus says and begins to walk off. Remy cheers and follows him, walking with more confidence than I could ever have.
Virgil sighs and adjusts one of the many piercings on his ear as he walks off, not saying anything to me. I watch him catch up to them; he doesn't run, he just takes longer strides. Janus stands beside me.
"Don't take it personally if he ignores you. He hates new people." He says bluntly.
"O-oh, well alright then." I say. I mean, if he hated me so much, then why did he defend me? Then again, he's just giving me the cold shoulder again. He defended me, but hasn't said a word to me.
"Anyway enough sappy shit. Are you ready to have the night of your life?" He asks, looking at me with a smirk on his face.
I thought again about my decision. I have absolutely no idea what I'm about to get myself into. However, they already defended me and they think I'm interesting, and I don't want them to think I'm not cool. Plus, they're pretty cool people. I thought Remus' friends were just weird. I turn to Janus and nod, smirking.
"You know it."
Word Count: 1551
(Welp here's another chapter. Hope ya enjoyed .o. -Manzana)
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