8] i've been upside down
A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter feels weird or choppy. I honestly don't really like this chapter but I'm not sure how to rewrite it. I'm on vacation in Hawaii so I typed this entire thing from my phone, by the way! Sorry if there are errors I missed!
all we do- oh wonder
"Min Yoongi, you do understand that if you leave right now, you're going to be put on trainee probation right? This is a mandatory class and your attendance is imperative," Johnson, the dance instructor narrowed his eyes at Yoongi, crossing his arms in a disapproving way. All eyes were on him as he could feel every student in the class judging him. Even though the words "trainee probation" terrified him, the thought of what was happening with You and Stevens scared him even more.
"Sir, I understand, but this is an emergency," Yoongi pleaded, panicking even more as time went on. Every second that he was not able to be there and by your side was like shots to the heart. He just kept picturing you alone in the hospital, crying and scared half to death. The mere thought of it sent shocks of pain throughout his body. He couldn't stand it.
"Everyone always says "it's an emergency," Johnson rolled his eyes, panicking Yoongi even further.
"My girlfriend's uncle, my employer, has been in a major accident, okay? I have to go," Yoongi argued, feeling fear and panic and anger rising in his chest all at the same time.
"Yoongi..." Johnson trailed off, seeming uneasy.
"I'm sorry, Sir. I am. But I have to leave," Yoongi resolved, grabbing his duffle bag before walking out of the room.
He didn't second guess himself as he made it out of the building. He knew that taking care of you needed to be his first priority, especially at a time like this. He would reap the consequences of walking out on class, but he could wait to deal and worry about that later. The only thing on Yoongi's mind at that point was getting to you.
Nothing else mattered.
He made it to the hospital a mere 15 minutes later, calling you on the phone to find out where you were, not wanting to waste any time by aimlessly running around and looking for you in the wrong places. He hadn't even bothered to change his clothes from dance practice as he was still wearing basketball shorts and a grey hoodie. His hair was probably really messy and his body was still sweaty but he didn't think wasting time on a shower was a smart idea at a time like this.
All you said when he called was that you were on the third floor of the hospital, the OR and that Stevens was in surgery. Yoongi took the stairs rather than the elevator, moving as quickly as he could. Not only was he worried about you, he was terrified about what condition Stevens may have been in. You hadn't given him any details at all, so it was all left up to his own imagination.
And he was imagining the worst.
He found you sitting completely alone among an array of waiting benches propped along the sides of a hallway. At the end of the hall resided a pair of double doors that read "Authorized Personnel Only" in big black block letters. You were doubled over in the chair, your hands covering your face as you tried to silence the loud sobs that were forcing their way out of your throat. You knew that you needed to calm down and that you were risking giving yourself a full-on panic attack. But, no matter how you tried to rationalize things in your brain, nothing made sense anymore. The world was spinning and logic was fuzzy.
"Y/N!" A voice called out to you. You knew that voice. That voice that you had come to know so well was enveloped with warmth, and love, and kindness. It was a voice that was comforting to you. And while drowning in the darkness that was your own mind, that voice was like a beacon of bright light.
You looked up immediately at the sound of his voice, your eyes wide and swollen and streaked with tears.
Yoongi's expression was pained, and the second you stood from your chair, he was rushing toward you, engulfing you in the tightest, warmest hug you had ever received.
Your weak arms wrapped themselves around him, your fingernails nearly digging into his back as it felt like you were one wrong breath away from falling apart completely.
"Y-Yoongi," you stuttered through your tears as he immediately adjusted his hold on you, making you feel more secure; one arm around your waist and his other hand on the back of your head, continuously smoothing your hair.
"I'm here," he spoke in an impossibly soft tone; a tone that began fighting against the icy sting of fear and anxiety that was manifesting itself within your heart.
"I-I'm so scared," you whispered, pressing your face into the warmth of his chest.
"I'm here," he said again, his hot breath brushed against your ear, calming you in some strange way. Maybe it because it was reassurance that his words weren't empty or forcefully fabricated; that he really was there. That he was holding you. That you weren't alone.
Yoongi refused to leave the hospital and go back to BigHit for the day, even after you tried to convince him to do so. Even though all of your other worries about the condition of Stevens, you were concerned that Yoongi was hindering his entire future just by sitting at the hospital with you for a day. It made you feel strangely guilty in a way, and also sad that it was something that you had to worry about, to begin with. But, Yoongi reassured you that he would work things out at BigHit and that you were his first priority.
Nearly 3 hours after Yoongi had first arrived, the two of you were still wrapped up with each other. Except somewhere in the midst of all the crying, you finally ended up sitting down.
Even after your breathing had returned to normal and your panic died down a bit, Yoongi continued to hold you without you having to ask him to do so. You were incredibly afraid that with the loss of the warmth you were provided while being tucked into his side, the panic and fear might overcome you once again.
You were curled up against him, a hand softly gripping the excess material of his hoodie.
Once calm enough, you were finally able to explain what you knew about the situation with Stevens. He had been hit by a car a few blocks away from Youth & Impulse while on a supply run. The car had run a red light, hit Stevens and continued driving; a terrible hit and run case.
You had been sitting at the cafe, working, and wondering what was taking him so long to return from the corner store. It wasn't until you received a call from the hospital 20 minutes later, as you were listed as one of Stevens's emergency contacts, that you had found out what had happened.
The scary part was, you didn't know many details about Stevens's exact condition. They had told you that he didn't suffer any major head or neck trauma, but that a few of his vertebrae had been crushed, and he needed surgery on his right leg.
You weren't sure what all of those things meant for Stevens and his future, and you were too panicked and delirious to think logically at that point. You were left but with no choice but to call Yoongi.
If it hadn't been such a major situation, you never would've called him. You knew how important it was that he always performed well and looked good for BigHit. But, Stevens and Yoongi were the only people in your life that you were close to. You had no other options, and as much as you may have wanted to be tough and handle the situation alone, you just couldn't. You craved warmth and reassurance and love from another person. You wanted someone to hold you and dry your tears and calm you down. You wanted another person to split the pain with.
You needed him.
"You should get some rest," Yoongi encouraged you a while after he first arrived. Before he got there, you would've been far too keyed up to even consider the idea of sleep. But, now that he was here, sleep sounded like something that was not only now possible, but something that you desperately needed. The entire morning had been incredibly emotionally exhausting; you hadn't even realized how tired you truly were until Yoongi had proposed the idea of a nap.
Nodding, you shifted, allowing your head to rest in Yoongi's lap. He was able to soothe you so easily, gently running his hand through your hair until you were completely asleep.
Stevens was moved from surgery and into the recovery wing of the hospital a few hours later. He was stable but was still asleep due to the sedatives he'd been given.
The nurse encouraged you and Yoongi to go out and get some dinner because it'd be a while before Stevens was allowed any visitors. Even though you hated the idea of leaving, you were honestly starving, and so you jumped at the idea of getting some food.
While walking hand and hand with Yoongi down the street, your mind began to wander. It began wondering about the future of Youth & Impulse. What did Stevens injury mean for the business? There was no way he could immediately jump back into work, and there was no way that you could handle it all by yourself. You'd likely have to close the cafe for a few weeks at the very least to allow Stevens some time to rest and recover.
And if Youth & Impulse closed, that would mean that you wouldn't be seeing much of Yoongi during the weekdays anymore. Your time with him at the cafe had been the only constant within your relationship with him, and now that was getting taken away.
On top of that, you weren't sure what consequences he was going to face after what he'd done today. You were starting to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing, worrying that it was only a matter of time before Yoongi began resenting you for getting in the way of his work. That it was only a matter of time before he realized you were only a roadblock and pushed you away for good.
On the flip side of that, you also worried that it was only a matter of time before you started resenting him. His schedule was getting crazier and crazier by the week, he was tired and worn out, and those things would only continue to progress and become worse.
You were feeling so confident before the accident with Stevens. Before all of this happened, you felt that you could deal with the negatives that were starting to bloom within your relationship with Yoongi. But, even though he had dropped everything and come to you today when you needed him most, you couldn't help but feel like he would come to regret that later.
You knew there would come a time where he just couldn't drop everything and come to you, and that the more his career progressed, the farther from you he would be.
Things will change with time, Yoongi had told you. Things were changing with time.
They were changing for the worst.
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