20] let me know
let me know- bts
"I love you," Yoongi said slowly, watching you as you digested the words, clearly taken aback by the sudden confession.
"What?" your voice barely came out as a whisper. He took another step toward you, desperately wanting to bridge the physical and emotional space between you and himself.
"I love you, Y/N. And I have for a long time," he confessed, his heart swelling with fear and anticipation.
"W-Why are you saying all this now? What about everything you said just a few days ago? 'Maybe we just aren't good for each other'?" Your reaction wasn't what he wanted, but it was what he expected. He was already prepared to apologize and to plead with you and to beg with you.
Because that short week without you had been one of the worst of his entire life.
"I know I can't take back what I said. And honestly at the time, I really meant it," Yoongi started, but you were already shaking your head at him, looking like you were about to start crying.
"Where inside of you do you think it's okay to say something to me like you did last Monday, let me dwell on that for over a week, and then randomly confess that you love me? I don't understand you, Yoongi. I don't understand this," you argued with him, and he could sense rejection beginning to radiate off you.
"It wasn't okay! I know it wasn't okay, and I'm sorry. I was upset and worried about Bang PD anyway, and I just got so overwhelmed with everything-"
"And it took you a whole week to realize that maybe you shouldn't have so those things? To realize that maybe you should at least attempt to talk to me? I'm not condemning for having a problem with me, or for being angry. But, letting us sit apart like that while I have absolutely no idea what you're thinking...That was devastating to me. For all I knew, you were never going to talk to me again based on the way you left things!" tears were falling down your face now and Yoongi felt nauseated.
"Look, Y/N. Please, listen to me. Please just hear me out," Yoongi was practically begging by then, eyes pleading with yours.
The bell at the top of the front door rang, causing both of you to look over. Stevens had walked back in, and was obviously confused at why the two of you were at a faceoff, and why you were crying about it. "What's going on here? Y/N?"
Yoongi was silent, not wanting to answer for you.
"It's fine," you waved him off, sniffling.
"You sure?" Stevens asked, but it didn't seem like he was pressing the issue too much. With as upset as you were, Yoongi wasn't surprised by the idea that you may have talked to Stevens about it.
"We're um, we're just going to go for a walk. I'll see you later, Stevens," you said, lifting your hands to wipe some of the tears off your face.
"Okay, then," Stevens still seemed unsure, but he didn't ask any more questions.
The two of you silently made your way to the door. Yoongi opened it, letting you walk out first. It was warm outside, a light breeze billowing through the air. For the first time ever, he didn't have a jacket to offer you. That bothered him.
"Do you want to sit and talk this through?" Yoongi asked, glancing at the bench that resided by the storefront. He couldn't help but think back to just a few short months ago when the two of you sat in that exact same spot, laughing at each other, and kissing one another. He looked down then, saddened by how long ago those sweet moments felt.
"No. Let's just walk for now," you said quietly, also looking down at your feet. So the two of you began shuffling along the sidewalk just as you had done countless times in the past while on a walk home, or on the way to the 7-Eleven on the corner. Tonight, though, the walk felt different.
"I know I really screwed up, okay? I think the fear of the videos being released just made everything that had been building up in my mind come flooding out...It's not an excuse. I didn't handle things the right way," he began, the tension between the two of you suddenly dying down into a less defensive and angry form. Maybe a breath of fresh air and a moment to reflect was all the both of you needed to calm down and rationalize things. You nodded, acknowledging that you were listening to him.
"And I've been trying to think through everything all week...Think through everything that happened, and what I've done, and the future...Y/N, I don't think that we're bad for each other. Us as people, we complement each other in the best way. I truly believe that we make up what the other person lacks. Those old times when it was just us at Youth & Impulse...We were beautiful together. It was easy and thoughtless, and natural. It was simple then because it was just you and me. We weren't worried about anything else, or anything at all. We could just be ourselves without threats of potential things that may eventually get in the way...We aren't bad for each other, but my lifestyle is bad for us..."
You stopped walking then, causing him to stop in his tread as well. Your eyes finally met his, but he couldn't tell what you were thinking. Was he about to win you back over? Or where you finally going to push him away, once and for all?
"So, what are we supposed to do?" you whispered, on the verge of beginning to cry again. "You love me, but you love your dreams. And they're so close to becoming true. I'm not ever going to ask you to give that up for me either...I know how much it all means to you." Your voice was no longer harsh toward him. It didn't sound angry. Now it just sounded sad and defeated.
Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, thinking over your words before carefully crafting a response. "We'll make it work."
"Yoongi-" he could already tell you were beginning to protest, but he interrupted you.
"Would you rather us break up? Then we'll both just be unhappy all the time," he countered, but his voice was still soft. You looked like you wanted to give into him, but there were still things that were holding you back, and he could tell. He pressed again, "Don't you want to keep trying?"
You hesitated again, seeming unsure of yourself. "But what about you said before? About how we can't win?"
Yoongi took another careful step toward you. "I'm really starting to think that whether we win or lose in this relationship is up to us...It doesn't have to be this difficult."
"I want to believe that, Yoon. I really, really do," your voice was wavering, and you broke eye contact with him.
"Then why can't you? What's stopping you?" The desperation in his voice was clear then. And it was the same desperation he was feeling around the time of his first fight with you. He wanted this to work. He desperately wanted this to work. He wanted to be alongside you without question. He wanted it to be as comfortable and easy as it was to breathe.
He didn't want to ever see you cry because of him again.
He wanted this to work.
"Because I'm scared. What if one day the pressure really is too much for you? And what if I'm not enough for you?" you seemed desperate too, but fear and anxiety was still holding you back from doing what you really wanted to do. Yoongi could see that, so he kept pushing, trying to tear down all the walls that gone up between himself and you.
"You can't keep thinking that way, and I can't either. It's a two-way street, okay? We have to take this slow, one day at a time, one step a time," he was right in front of you now, close enough to reach out and touch.
"But Yoongi-"
"Y/N. You're going to have to make a choice. I asked you before what you really wanted, but I hadn't bothered to ask myself that same question. But now I know. I know that I want you, and I want my career, and I want them to peacefully coexist. I know that I want a future with you, unlimited time with you, and everything that has anything to do with you. I know what I want...Now it's your turn to decide...And I think you already know what the answer is...You're just afraid to say it," and with that, Yoongi had broken through the last wall, the last barrier between the two of you.
You sighed, an invisible weight seemingly lifted off your shoulders as you let go of the last of those reservations, those deep-rooted fears, and anxieties about the future.
"I want you."
"You want me?" he whispered, the moment too surreal for him to believe your words the first time around.
"Why?" he pushed you once more, for the last time.
"Because I love you too."
And there it was, the words he'd been yearning to hear from for so long. There they were, finally out in the open, reality. A flush of heat overwhelmed his skin as he was now closer to you than he'd been a long time, his face only inches from yours.
"Y/N," he murmured, a tone of voice softer than any other he'd ever used. He gently brought a hand to your face, his thumb grazing over your lips. "I love you."
He leaned into you then, lips parting slightly as they moved to meet yours. Your eyes were closed, not protesting him, or fighting against him at all. It was clear to Yoongi that you had completely given in, letting him know "yes, I want this to work too."
He only deepened the kiss after those internal realizations by bringing his other hand to your cheek, your arms around his neck. The kiss lasted for so long by the time he finally broke it off, you both were drawing ragged and much-needed breaths. He leaned his forehead against yours, "We can make this work." And then your mouth was on his again, interrupting the other sweet things he was going to whisper to you in that moment. But, he didn't mind the interruption at all.
He didn't know how long the second kiss was. Or the third. Or the fourth. But eventually, he was just holding you in his arms, his face pressing down against the warmth of the crook of your neck as you encircled him closer to you. Your hands were slowly running through his hair as he sighed, so comfortable in the feeling of being close to you like that.
"You don't know how badly I've missed you," Yoongi breathed, pressing a small kiss against your neck.
"Promise you won't ever disappear from me like that again?" you whispered back.
"I promise."
"Yoongi," you said suddenly, giggles lining your voice. He pulled away slightly, caught off guard by your burst of laughter.
"What?" he couldn't help but laugh too, your smile infectious and light.
"You know what I just realized?"
"What?" he asked again.
"We just did so much PDA," you giggled again, and he did right along with you.
"That's okay," he smirked slightly.
"I thought you didn't like PDA," you countered, still grinning like crazy.
"Tonight, I'll make an exception." And then the two of you were hugging again, in the middle of the sidewalk, and there was a likely a lot of random people that had just watched the two of you make out.
But for once, what other people thought was the least of your worries.
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