17] baby, i know it's not fair
i wanna be yours- arctic monkeys
New Message from Yoon: are you free tonight? 6?
New Message to Yoon: sure.
New Message from Yoon: wear something nice. i'll pick you up :)
New Message to Yoon: sounds good to me ^~^
New Message from Yoon, New Picture Message from Yoon: see you then cutie :p
"Min Yoongi, you look hot," you giggled, reaching out to fix his tie that was a little bit off-centered. It was Monday night and he was picking you up for dinner; the "I'll make it up to you" dinner. He made it out of dance practice early enough to shower and make himself presentable, and even scored reservations at one of the nicest restaurants in town. These things made you happy, and you knew that he really was trying his best to make up for the fiasco of a dinner on Friday night. And you were looking forward to a nice evening alone with him; it'd been a while since you two had had one.
"Well, thank you very much," he smirked, "You look quite hot yourself." And then he winked, and you rolled your eyes.
The two of you took a taxi to the restaurant that night. Yoongi had suggested it, and since you were wearing heels again, you didn't really see a reason to argue with him. Maybe he was just trying to be nice and save the two of you some time. Maybe it was because it was growing progressively hot outside as spring was bleeding into summer. Or maybe he didn't want to risk getting stopped on the streets again.
"How was your first day of summer break? What does it feel like to be a legitimate adult now?" he asked once in the back of the taxi, his fingers intertwined with yours.
"Honestly? Incredibly boring," you replied, "I'm working on packing everything up so I can move to my new apartment."
"It's going to be so weird to never walk on that campus again," he said, suddenly leaning back in the seat a bit awkwardly, seemingly avoiding the window now that the driver had turned onto the main street and was driving rather slowly.
"Yoon, you aren't that famous yet," you chuckled at first, but then suddenly, his efforts made you a feel a bit sad for him.
"I've been stopped on this street a lot lately," he said simply, tossing you a weak smile. You squeezed his hand gently, trying to reassure him.
"You know I'm not mad at you about what happened on Saturday, right?" you said suddenly, not even taking the time to think through if you should even say it or not.
"I know," he murmured, sitting normally in his seat again as the driver turned onto a new road.
"Can't blame girls for swooning over you," you joked, trying to lighten the mood again. You wanted to have fun with him tonight, not talk in useless circles filled with apologies.
"What do you mean?" You saw a hint of a grin on the corner of his lips.
"Like I said before, 'Min Yoongi, you look hot.'"
"You're too much sometimes, you know that?" he was laughing now, showing off his adorable smile that you didn't get to see nearly as often as you would've liked.
"I know."
The seating of the restaurant was mostly outdoors; there were fairy lights, white tablecloths, and live instruments being played. The setting was romantic and formal, and at any other time, it might've even made you feel a bit nervous. But with Yoongi alongside you, the atmosphere didn't make you feel nervous; it made you feel elated, and hopeful, and happy, and inspired, and...in love.
"This place is so nice...I love it," you grinned at him.
A part of you couldn't help but wonder if he was planning to say those words to you tonight. He pulled out your chair for you, making sure you were comfortable before he sat down as well. As you watched him do those things, you wondered.
You didn't really doubt that Yoongi felt the same way as you did, not at this point, not after everything the two of you had been through together since you first met. You figured that if he didn't love you, he would've already moved on by now. He wouldn't have made the great efforts he did to tend to you and comfort you when he had girls lining up for him now. He put up with a lot, and there must've been a reason behind that.
You were smiling too much.
"What are you so happy about?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, his lips tugging into a smile.
You hid behind your glass of water for a moment, busy taking in the sight of him looking so beautiful. The whole moment just felt so...right. After all the turmoil and issues lately, to sit there and admire him that way again felt better than you could even begin to explain with words.
But perhaps your eyes were conveying those thoughts for you.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked softly, slightly tilting his head to the side, looking at you.
"I'm just really happy to be here with you," you said, and you weren't even shy about it. That was the truth, and you wanted him to hear it. He reached across the table, holding your hand in his and tracing circles with his thumb over the back of it.
"I'm really happy to be here with you too," he smiled, and there was a sparkle in his eye, one that you rarely ever saw.
And in that moment, you forgot everything. You forgot all the frustrations, all the worries, all the doubt, and all the fear. You were too wrapped up in the good sides of him, in the good sides that came with the two of you being together. For some unidentifiable reason, you were overwhelmed with how much you loved him, and how much you wanted him. You were caught up in thinking of all the little moments with him; countless late nights at 7-Eleven walks home from work while he endured the cold because he had given you his jacket, the way his eyes searched for yours in the crowd while he was on stage. How he went to extreme lengths to always make sure you were happy and comfortable.
How he nearly sacrificed his entire dream just to maintain a healthy relationship with you.
Your heart hurt, but not so much in a bad way that evening as you sat across from Yoongi wordlessly. It felt full to the brim with adoration and admiration and respect for that boy; so much so that it made your chest hurt. So much so that you needed to get it off your chest.
"Yoongi," you started. He looked up from the menu, eyes soft.
"Did you decide what you want to get?" he asked.
"Oh, I haven't looked at the menu yet," you admitted, face suddenly being overcome with a flush of heat.
"No worries. Get whatever you want," he smiled, looking back down. His phone rang and he furrowed his eyebrows, seeming irritated by it before he silenced it, going back to reading his menu.
You stared at him for another moment, heart beating faster as you considered the words that you wanted to say. As you considered how real they were finally about to become. The time where you had accidentally confessed them on a bench outside of Youth & Impulse didn't count, and that seemed like it was years in the past. You had loved him then, that wasn't a lie. But, it was different now. It was deeper now, more real; it wasn't just a case of puppy love anymore.
The waitress came over and took both of your orders, and then it was just the two of you again, without a single distraction left.
"Yoongi," you began again, more nervous than you were before because this time, there would be nothing to stop you from saying it.
He looked at you easily, straight into your eyes, giving you his full attention. He was casually looking at you, but it felt as if he was staring into the depths of your soul. You blushed again and then blushed some more, knowing that he would notice the way your skin had turned red.
"What is it, Y/N?" he said so softly, in such a comforting way that the words almost just fell out of your mouth. He was looking at you intently now, and the world around you both might as well have stopped.
"These last few months with, Yoongi...T-There have been some bad times, but I-I've been thinking a lot lately about the good," you began shakily, internally cursing yourself for being so nervous to simply confess your true feelings to a man that you loved.
He nodded, silently encouraging you to continue.
"Despite all the negatives, I wouldn't change a single thing about how the past few months have gone down. Some of it was really hard, but I believe that without going through those rough patches together, we wouldn't be the same couple," you continued, gaining a bit more confidence the longer you spoke.
"And I'm so proud of you. So proud of you for everything you've done, and how far you've come. I have had my eye on you and your talent since the very first song you ever played at Youth & Impulse. I remember thinking, 'Why isn't this kid a star?'. I remember seeing you all decked out in street clothes before the first concert I went to with you and thinking, 'He seems cut out for the Rockstar lifestyle.' And to finally see you getting the recognition you deserve, getting the success you deserve makes me so incredibly happy..."
His hands were holding yours across the table again; he looked emotional, and you did too.
"I feel so lucky to have met you, Yoongi. I feel lucky that by some miracle, you wanted me too...I feel lucky to be sitting here with you right now..."
You took a deep breath because now was the time. Now was the time to just out say the three little words you'd been holding in for such a long time. The time was finally right, the setting was right; you could finally say it. The wait was over.
"Yoongi...I lo-"
And then his phone was ringing again, and he was grimacing, "I'm so sorry." He removed his hand from yours briefly to silence the call before reaching for you again.
"What were you saying?" he asked, clearly apologetic for the interruption. The phone call had thrown you off your game a little bit, but you weren't upset about it. It wasn't his fault. The universe just happened to have some wicked timing.
"Like I said, I just feel really lucky to be here with you. And I care about you so much, Yoongi and I just want you to know that-" His phone went off for the third time, and you sighed. The moment was pretty much ruined, and the perfect timing had pretty much slipped right through your fingers.
"I'm sorry, I should've just turned it off," he said quickly, pulling away from you to reach for his phone again.
"Who is it? Must be important if they keep calling," you pointed out, suddenly wondering who the repeat caller was, and why they were being so insistent.
"I'm really sorry about this," Yoongi sighed, clearly frustrated as he unlocked his phone. He paused for a moment, and you could've sworn you saw some of the color drain out of his face.
"Who is it?" you asked again, concern was growing rapidly as he hesitated to answer.
"It's um-I have 3 missed calls from Bang PD," Yoongi said slowly.
You raised your eyebrows, "Is that a weird thing to happen?"
"He never calls us after hours because he believes so much in resting time," Yoongi was completely pale now, and you grew even more panicked as you watched him.
"You should go call him back right now," you insisted.
Yoongi was quiet for another moment before arguing, "No...It's after work hours, and I'm with you right now."
"Yoon, I appreciate that but Bang PD probably isn't someone that you should be ignoring," you argued straight back, not willing to a reason for him to get in trouble yet again.
"But it's always getting in the way!" He was frustrated now, and even though you understood where he was coming from, you didn't want him to get in even more trouble for ignoring the calls.
"Yoongi, please call him back," you said a bit firmer this time.
"No," he said flatly, "My career shouldn't get to dictate my whole life, okay?! It's not fair!"
"Baby, I know it's not fair. But someday, you're going to have to learn to deal with that, because this isn't going to get better. It's probably only going to get worse," you were growing anxious and irritated that he wouldn't just return the call. If Bang PD was calling him after hours, then there was probably a good reason.
"I'm sick of this," he muttered, eyes welling up with tears that caught you completely off guard.
"Of what?" you asked hesitantly.
"Of not just being able to do what I want, or say what I want, or see you when I want without being interrupted, or told not to, or corrected," he met your eyes then, and the hurt that had been growing there was now blatant.
His phone rang again.
"Answer it, Yoongi," you said once more, doing the very thing he just told you was sick of; getting told what to, being interrupted, and being corrected all at the same time.
He gave you a hard look before accepting the call, the phone to his ear. The only word he said for the 10-second conversation was "Yes."
"What's going on?" you practically demanded out of fear.
The tears that were gaining in Yoongi's eyes finally spilled over.
"I'm in big trouble, Y/N," his voice broke. You had never seen him break down like that, give up so easily. And that scared you. You got up from the table then, carefully going over to him. You squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, trying to silent coax the rest of the words out of him.
"What is it, Yoon?" you asked quietly, gently, trying to help him calm down.
"T-The guy at the restaurant on Friday who was recording...I-I guess he didn't delete the videos even after Hoseok asked him to..."
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