16] intrusion
"Are you Suga?
"Rap Monster?
You sighed, looking down into your drink while you waited for them to finish speaking with the fans. If you were being honest with yourself, you were frustrated. But not with Yoongi, or Namjoon, or Hoseok, or even the fans necessarily. You were frustrated about the interruptions, and it frustrated you that it frustrated you. You and Yoongi had already had a long-drawn-out argument about the changes that were coming due to his career. And he had already warned you about this. And you had already made up with him about it.
It wasn't fair for you to get mad now. So, you didn't get mad.
But Yoongi did.
"Who's the girl?" One asked, raising an eyebrow while reaching for her phone.
"Yeah, is it a girlfriend?"
You shifted uncomfortably beside Yoongi, the whole situation spiraling to a place in which you didn't want it to go.
"Can't you all tell we're kind of in the middle of something here?" Yoongi snapped, eyes narrowing at the group of girls.
"Yoon," Namjoon said in disbelief, smiling apologetically at the fans.
The girl that had reached for her phone was raising it, seeming like she was trying to take a picture of you. Yoongi scoffed, moving so that you could practically hide behind him.
"It's rude to interrupt people when they're clearly in the middle of dinner. And it's even worse to take pictures of people without permission to do so," Yoongi continued. You watched as the tips of his ear grew red and his whole face become flushed. He really was mad.
"Yoongi," Hoseok said through gritted teeth.
"O-Oh. We're s-sorry," one of the girls stuttered, hurt spreading across her face as she motioned for the other girls to move. They began walking away.
"Why did you have to do that?" Namjoon mumbled, getting up from the booth, Hoseok following. You turned your head, watching as they rushed over to console the fans. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you assumed that they were apologizing on Yoongi's behalf, offering the girls hugs and photos.
You turned back around, sighing, and glancing over at Yoongi who hadn't said anything else.
"You didn't have to do that," you said quietly, feeling overwhelmed and guilty that he had lashed out because of you.
"I know," he nodded slowly. You couldn't read his expression, couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"Maybe you should go apologize to those girls," you suggested. He looked down, ears still red.
"They were the ones being rude. Do you want your pictures plastered all over the internet?!"
"I mean not really, but you didn't have to be so rude to them...Reputation matters for a career like yours," you reminded him gently and he nodded, jaw slightly clenching.
But then Namjoon and Hoseok were returned, sitting back down in their seats.
"You're lucky we caught them before they left. You made one of them cry. Great way to treat your fan base, isn't it?" Namjoon scolded Yoongi.
"Look, we've been interrupted since the second we left graduation. I dealt with it on the streets but inside a restaurant? Taking pictures of Y/N? Do people not realize that we're actual humans?! Does that not bother you guys at all?" Yoongi exclaimed, clearly growing angry. You weren't sure if you had ever seen him quite this mad.
"I get that, okay? They were out of line, but the fans always have to come first. Especially while we're pre-debut. What would you have done if one of them had recorded that whole interaction and posted it online?!" Namjoon shot back.
"They weren't recording anything!"
"You don't know that. You can't be this careless, or our debut is never going to be successful. And Bang PD is going to blame you for that, and so will I. You are accountable for not only the image of yourself and this group but also for BigHit Entertainment," Namjoon argued. Hoseok was silent, and you were too. What was there to say? The fact was, Namjoon was right, but you knew Yoongi had only been trying to protect you.
"This night was supposed to be about Y/N!" Yoongi said angrily, clearly not planning to back down to Namjoon anytime soon.
"And it would've been if you would've just given those fans your autograph and shut up about it!"
"Namjoon- "Hoseok tried to intervene, but his efforts were rendered unsuccessful.
"I'm serious, Yoongi! You can't do crap like that!" Namjoon was full on shouting, and now people around the restaurant were looking at them.
"Can you guys keep it down?" You said through gritted teeth, tossing them both irritated glances.
"Why do you think you have the right to talk to me that way?" Yoongi spit back, now far angrier than you had ever seen him.
"I told you from the beginning that if we're going to work together, I'm always going to be honest. You're acting stupid, so I'm calling you out for it just like I did when you were crying to me about Y/N! You were being selfish then, and you're being selfish now. Everyone can see that but you!"
"Don't bring me into this-"Hoseok was interrupted again.
"You know what? I'm getting sick of you always telling me what to do. You aren't my boss, Namjoon! You aren't my father! You aren't even older than me! Have some freaking respect!" Yoongi scoffed.
Now you were growing angry at them all. Instead of just letting it go so you all could have a nice night together, they continued to blow it out of proportion; all the way into a full-fledged fight that everyone in the restaurant was watching.
And someone was filming it.
"Guys, shut up!" You screamed, catching both Yoongi and Namjoon so off guard that they actually followed your instruction.
"This was supposed to be fun. And now you're all screaming about each other's faults, and guess what! That guy over there is filming it," you jabbed your hand in the direction of the guy who was filming the interaction on his phone. He gulped, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
"Y/N," Yoongi began, his voice already changing from angry to apologetic.
"All I wanted was one evening out with all of you to celebrate. This last year has been really freaking hard, and I just wanted to celebrate how far we've all come. And what do you all do? Act like a bunch of middle schoolers!" You snapped, really mad now.
"We're not acting like middle schoolers, okay?! This is a big deal!" Namjoon was standing up to, causing a chain reaction to where all of you were standing now, angry.
"You fixed it! You told him what he did wrong! Now back off! And Yoongi is it really necessary to argue with him over everything?! Why can't you both admit your faults and let it go?!" You knew your face must've been turning red at that point.
That finally shut them up, momentarily stunning both Yoongi and Namjoon.
"You know what? I think I'm just going to go home," you sighed, the anger draining out and being replaced with annoyance and disappointment.
"Y/N, no. You don't have to leave," Yoongi started softly, shaking his head.
"Yeah, Y/N, I'm sorry," Namjoon said quietly, seeming sincere.
"I'll go pay for the bill. Why don't you guys try asking everyone that was filming to delete the videos," you mumbled, grabbing your purse and walking to the front desk to sort out the payments.
And just like that, your perfect graduation celebration had completely fallen apart.
Yoongi was almost stunned for a moment, standing and watching you walk away to take care of the bill. He made a mental note to pay you back for the charges later; he wasn't about to let you pick up the tab for a dinner that he was responsible for ruining.
"I'm going to talk to the guy that was filming," Yoongi said quietly, turning before someone caught his arm.
"Let me do it," Hoseok offered, and Yoongi nodded, slightly relieved. He was already upset, and if that guy had refused to delete the videos, then he might've ending making a choice that he would later regret.
"Yoongi...I'm sorry," Namjoon started, but Yoongi held his hand out, shaking his head.
"Don't. It's both our faults." Truthfully, he was a bit mad at Namjoon for some of his harsh comments, but he was also mad at himself. He knew shouldn't have treated the fans that way, but he was already so irritated by how many times they had interrupted his time with you already that day. He was irritated that those people can't seem to see that singers and idols are real people.
And he was scared that it would really bother you. He was worried about you pushing him away again, now that you had really had a taste of what his life was becoming. Because now that you had experienced, you were able to understand how it was just going to progressively get worse. And even though you and Yoongi had already tried to sort through that issues, the incident tonight just resurfaced all of those fears for Yoongi.
That hurt, and ultimately caused him to lash out.
"I didn't mean for Y/N to get upset like that. I shouldn't have fought with you about it. I'm sorry if that puts you in a bad position with her," Namjoon humbly apologized, looking at the ground.
"It's fine. We'll work it out. Let's just go. She wants to go home," Yoongi said with resolve, walking away from Namjoon and toward the front of the restaurant where you were already making your way out the door.
"Y/N, wait," Yoongi caught your arm once outside. It was dark now, but there was enough lighting from the streetlamps and the restaurant that you could see each other rather clearly. "I'm really sorry about what just happened. Like, really, really sorry. I was out of line, and I know it. I should've just bit my tongue," Yoongi confessed, hoping and praying for some kind of redemption of this night that had gone so incredibly south.
"I know. I know you were just irritated and jumping to my defense," You replied quietly, letting out a small sigh.
"I feel like I ruined everything," he frowned, truly bothered by the way that everything had gone down tonight. This was definitely not the way he had pictured tonight going. "I really wanted tonight to be special for you...And it's my fault it got messed up."
You shook your head, taking a step closer to him, "I know your intentions were good." Your words should've made him feel better, but for some reason, they just didn't. He felt absolutely awful.
"It doesn't matter what my intentions were...What matters is how I acted. Again, I'm really sorry," he said once more. Selfishly, he just wanted you to say that everything was okay. He wanted you to say that they should just forget it ever happened and go back inside and get dessert. He wanted you to say that you weren't bothered a bit by what happened and that it hadn't impacted the night at all.
He wanted you to say all things so that he would be able to make himself feel better. It was selfish of him, and he knew it. But you didn't say anything of those things.
"Let me make it up to you?" Yoongi asked once at your door, squeezing your hand lightly.
"Sure," you nodded, and he couldn't tell if your smile was forced.
"Congratulations, Y/N. I really am proud of you. Please don't ever forget that," he hugged you tightly, and to his surprise, you hugged him back just as tightly.
"Thank you," you said against his shoulder before he pulled back, resting a warm kiss against your forehead.
It was hard for him to watch you go inside that night, shoulders slumped slightly, your uncomfortable pair of heels in your hands, and your mind a bit more stressed. He wished he could undo that entire dinner. He wished he could promise you that things wouldn't be this way forever.
But he couldn't.
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