Chapter Nine
After his shower, he put on a pair of soft, cotton shorts and a t-shirt. He was nervous, and he didn't know why he had agreed to this. He didn't hook up. But he did like Devin, despite the guy being a total asshole. He also had to admit that Devin was hot and he knew he'd probably never get another chance to sleep with someone that attractive again. He could allow himself to be shallow for one night.
It startled him when he heard a knock on his door, and he hoped he'd be able to stay calm. "Come in," he called out.
Devin stepped inside, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tight t-shirt. As promised, he had a strip of condoms and a small bottle of lube in his hand. "So," Devin said, smirking.
Avery swallowed hard and sat on his bed. He had no idea what to do or say to Devin, and his heart was pounding in his chest. He was completely out of his element in this type of situation.
Devin walked over and set the condoms and lube on the nightstand, and then sat on the bed next to him. He glanced at Devin's body, his eyes wandering over the muscles stretching the fabric of his shirt. He'd seen Devin shirtless and blown him a few times, but this already seemed more intimate. He could smell Devin - his skin, his deodorant, even a hint of musk. He felt himself getting hard when he thought about how he'd be seeing Devin completely naked in a few minutes.
Devin's knee brushed his, and he put a hand on Avery's inner thigh, stroking his bare skin. "I haven't been with anyone as soft as you," Devin said. "This will be interesting."
Devin pulled his own shirt off, and then motioned for him to do the same. Once he did, Devin ran a finger down his chest, only stopping when he reached the waistband of his shorts. Devin smirked when he saw the effect he was having on him.
Before he could do anything, Devin pushed him down on the bed and stood to drop his sweatpants. He could only stare at Devin's muscled form. Devin was beautiful. His breathing quickened as Devin leaned over him and sloppily kissed his chest, one hand over his left nipple. Devin squeezed, and he inhaled sharply. He squirmed as Devin bit down on his other nipple. It simultaneously hurt and felt good. Even though he was nervous and this was happening quickly, he wasn't having any trouble staying hard.
He could feel Devin was hard too as Devin lowered himself to the bed and thrust against his leg. He hoped that Devin was actually turned on by him, but he knew it was more likely that Devin was just anticipating sex. He tried to push that thought away.
Abruptly, Devin rolled on top of him and reached between them to pull Avery's shorts down, although Avery would describe it more as yanking them down. Just as quickly, Devin flipped him over onto his front. He felt Devin's hand on his ass, kneading one cheek. He wasn't sure he trusted Devin, but he hadn't been with anyone in a while so he didn't want to back out of this. As intimidating as it was, he wanted it.
Devin's hand left his ass and he heard the sound of a condom wrapper being torn open. Before he could turn around, he felt Devin's hand. He tried to relax, but he kept tensing up. Devin yanked his hips up and started jerking him off. It helped, and he relaxed a little. At least Devin was trying to make it better for him, even if he could stand to be a lot gentler and more patient.
When Devin began to slide into him, he tried to breathe through it. He thought about how he'd like to be able to see Devin's face. He'd never been a fan of having his back to his partner.
"Devin -"
"I'm in. You need a second?"
Before he could say anything else, Devin lowered himself so that his chest was touching Avery's back. He was startled when he felt Devin's teeth sink into the skin between his neck and shoulder. Biting wasn't his thing, and the bite was harder than he'd like, so he flinched. He felt Devin begin to move, subtly rocking his hips. The weight of Devin's body pushed his own hips down into the bed.
Devin began thrusting into him faster and harder, and then he put his hand on the back of Avery's neck and pushed his face into the bed. Avery didn't like it. He couldn't breathe very well, and Devin's grip was hard, his fingers digging into the sides of his neck.
He twisted, turning his head to the side. "Stop."
"Why? What's wrong?" Devin asked, slowing down and taking his hand off the back of Avery's neck.
"I like seeing my partner's face."
Devin sighed and rolled his eyes, pulling him up and off the bed. He slammed him up against the wall and lifted Avery's legs so they were around his waist before he thrust back in. Now Avery was being fucked roughly against the wall, but at least he could breathe. He looked at Devin, who had his eyes half closed and was breathing hard from the effort. Despite all that, Devin managed to smirk at him when he noticed his gaze. It made him feel better somehow, like the Devin he knew was still in there.
He looked down at Devin's defined chest and focused on how Devin's abs flexed with each thrust. Devin was definitely the hottest man he'd ever be with. He wanted to study every inch of Devin's body, to run his hands down Devin's chest and back and -
His thoughts were interrupted as Devin stopped abruptly.
"Okay, we did it your way for a while. Back to the bed."
Devin turned, dropped him on the bed, and pushed him face down again. Fortunately Devin didn't put his hand on the back of his neck again, but the bed was hitting the wall. Devin's fingers dug into his hips, and Avery was sure he was going to have bruises the next morning. He sensed some frustration from Devin about how long this was taking, but he didn't know what Devin expected. Even though Devin was hot and he knew how to move, this wasn't how Avery was used to having sex. He was too distracted by what hurt to focus on any of the pleasure.
When Devin changed the angle, finally doing something that felt good, Avery couldn't stop a moan from escaping from his lips.
"You like that, huh?" Devin said, his voice low.
That alone almost sent him over the edge. "Yeah," he moaned. "Devin..."
He didn't last much longer after that. Devin wasn't far behind him, and he collapsed onto the bed, almost crushing Avery in the process.
Luckily, Devin didn't waste any time laying there. When he got up to dispose of the condom, Avery pushed himself up from the bed and rolled slightly to the side, rubbing one of his hip bones.
"You good?" Devin asked.
"It was a bit too rough."
Devin shrugged. "You came." He picked up his sweatpants from the floor and yanked them back on. As he picked up his shirt, he paused. "Is that the wind?"
Avery listened, and sure enough, he could hear the wind gusting through the trees. There was also the sound of heavy rain falling. He hadn't noticed it over the thumping of his bed hitting the wall or Devin manhandling him.
"A storm must be coming through," he replied.
Devin pulled his shirt on and walked over to the door to get his shoes. Avery found his shorts and put them on so he could check it out too. When Devin opened the door, they could hear small branches falling on the roof of the cabin.
"Nope," Devin said, and shut the door. "I'm not going back out there."
"It's not far to your cabin. You can see it from here."
"Don't care. We can fit in your bed." Devin turned and walked back over, flopping down onto the bed.
This was the last thing Avery wanted right now. He was worn out from the roughness of everything and he just wanted to clean up and get a good night's sleep, but he knew there was nothing he could say or do to get Devin to leave. Sighing, he went into the bathroom to wash up.
When he came back out, Devin was on his phone, his brows furrowed slightly as he scrolled through something. Reluctantly, Avery joined him in bed. He did his best to fit alongside Devin, who of course was taking up most of the space. He turned off the light and tried to fall asleep despite the glow of Devin's phone.
A few hours later, he stirred, feeling warm. He opened his eyes and squinted over at the clock. 4:32am. Then he remembered that Devin had stayed. He realized the reason he was warmer than usual was because Devin's arms were wrapped around him and Devin's chest was pressed against his back. This was uncharacteristic for Devin.
In the darkness, he couldn't help but smile. Maybe Devin had a heart after all. Or maybe it was just Devin's subconscious that had a heart. Either way, he decided it was nice. It had been a long time since he'd had anyone in his bed, and this was much better than the sex they'd had a few hours ago, which had been far too rough. He snuggled back against Devin and drifted off to sleep.
He woke up again when Devin stirred. Yawning, Devin let go of him and rolled over. He could feel Devin stretch and sit up. "That storm was crazy."
He rolled onto his back, looking up at Devin. Before he could say anything, Devin climbed over him and got out of the bed.
"I should get going. I need a shower and some food. Later," he said, grabbing his shoes and leaving without putting them on.
Avery blinked a few times, adjusting as the warmth left the bed. He didn't know if what he felt was annoyance, disappointment, or both. It was just like Devin to intrude, but then leave right away without so much as a thank you. He sat up, chewing on his lip. Despite everything, he liked Devin. He knew he shouldn't, but he liked to believe that Devin wasn't a lost cause. No one was, in his mind. He'd always tried his best to see the good in people, and if he kept trying, he was sure he'd find some good in Devin.
He was hungry, but he ended up taking a long, hot shower first. As the suds ran down his body, he noticed little bruises everywhere and sighed. Although he had gotten off every time he and Devin messed around, he wished Devin wasn't so rough. He'd never been able to understand the appeal of that.
He had just put some clothes on when he heard a knock on his cabin door. To his surprise, Devin was standing outside holding a plate with pancakes and bacon piled on it. He looked like he hadn't showered or changed clothes yet.
"Here," Devin said, thrusting the plate and a fork into his hands. Before he could say anything, Devin turned and went back down the stairs to head to his own cabin.
He took the food inside and sat at the table. As he ate, he thought about Devin. He didn't seem like the type of guy who would do anything for another person. All Devin had done so far in his time here was make his life difficult at every chance he got, so Devin bringing him breakfast was a nice surprise.
Maybe there was hope for Devin after all.
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