Chapter Fifteen
After that night, he spent every night in Avery's cabin. Somewhere along the way, he started to find that he liked the guy. Sure, Avery was a little overly optimistic about everything, way into the outdoors, weirdly obsessive about salmon, and a goody-two-shoes rule follower, but he really cared about everyone around him. Devin had never met someone so selfless and willing to help others, even if it was at Avery's own expense.
He liked being around Avery, and although he'd never admit it, he enjoyed the physical contact with him. And not just sex, but cuddling with Avery in bed. Sometimes he felt as though he liked the cuddling more than the sex, which scared him. He'd always been all about sex and had never wanted any kind of romantic or emotional intimacy. Avery was the first guy he'd ever spent the night with and the first guy he'd wanted to be affectionate with.
He had the feeling that some of this experience was new for Avery too. He saw the lustful way Avery looked at him, especially when he was laying in Avery's bed with the sheet pulled up to his waist. Avery would stare at his body, seeming to drink him in with his eyes. He'd eventually straddle Devin's legs and kiss and touch his chest, his hands all over. He'd pay extra attention to Devin's hips and lower abs before rubbing Devin through the sheet, looking at him as though Devin were a present he wanted to unwrap. Avery would finally pull down the sheet and take Devin into his mouth, moaning as though he were the one on the receiving end. Devin loved the attention. No one else had ever worshiped his body like Avery.
It had been around two months since he'd started at the camp. Time seemed to go by faster now that he was spending most of his days and nights with Avery. Tonight, it was raining and he and Avery were laying in Avery's bed. He put one thigh over Avery's legs and wrapped his arms around him. Squeezing tightly, he pulled Avery closer, enveloping him with his body.
"I didn't think this was your thing," Avery murmured.
"What isn't?"
"Cuddling. You told me from the start that you just hook up. You don't let guys stay over."
"I guess I'm breaking my rules for you. You're like a body pillow. Or a stuffed animal."
He squeezed tighter and nuzzled the back of Avery's neck, starting to kiss it sloppily. He was addicted to holding Avery like this and feeling Avery's smaller body pressed up against his. He felt like he couldn't get enough.
Avery twisted in his arms and began kissing him back, and it wasn't long before Avery was riding him. He loved to lay back and watch Avery move. It was the perfect position to run his hands all over Avery's soft skin and play with him until Avery's moans brought them both to the edge. As they finished and Avery let himself collapse down onto Devin's chest, Devin had to finally admit to himself what he'd suspected for the past couple weeks. He was falling for Avery, and it terrified him.
He wasn't sure what to make of the past few weeks. Devin had spent every single night in his cabin, and it wasn't just for sex. They hooked up at least half of the time, but other than that it was just Devin cuddling him and the two of them sleeping. The guy had come around quite a bit considering that he apparently wasn't the sentimental type.
Although he knew nothing would come of the situation, he couldn't stop himself from developing feelings for Devin. Devin was the hottest guy who had ever paid attention to him. He was confident and didn't worry about things or let what other people might think of him hold him back. He lived his life exactly how he wanted to. Despite his mean streak, Avery was convinced that deep down Devin was a good person. He had seen glimpses of it, like when Devin brought him breakfast or when Devin let his guard down and snuggled up against him at night.
And then there was the sex - it was the best he'd ever had. He felt like he and Devin had a real connection. Once he trusted Devin more, he'd let Devin get a little rough on occasion since he knew that's what Devin liked. He could tell Devin appreciated it, and the rougher Devin got, the more affectionate he was afterwards. Devin would snuggle with him, lightly touching and kissing him almost constantly. More often than not, they ended up taking a warm shower together, with Devin making a point to wash his hair for him. Devin always massaged his scalp, neck, and all the way down to his shoulders.
To his surprise, there were also a few times when Devin turned down his offer of rougher sex. He had a suspicion that Devin actually liked his gentler way of having sex, although Devin would probably never admit it.
There were times when he found himself wishing that things could be different - that Devin wouldn't leave in a couple months, and that maybe in another situation Devin would be his boyfriend.
In some ways, he was in awe of Devin. Whenever Devin would get close to him - lean in, put his forehead inches from Avery's, press his knee against Avery's when they were sitting next to each other - his heart would beat so fast. It made it difficult for him to be upset with Devin when he half-assed his tasks or was still late meeting him at the truck in the morning, even though they had woken up in the same bed.
Devin was improving when it came to some things, but he still had an attitude with the others at times and didn't seem to care about the work they were doing. Devin did just enough to keep Mitch from threatening to send him home, and Avery realized that was probably all he could hope for.
After serving half of his time here, he was finally going to get his first visitor. This weekend, his cousin Carter was coming to visit. Mitch and his dad had both agreed to let him leave the camp rather than making him and Carter stay here. The plan was for Carter to show up Friday evening and see the camp, and then Carter was going to drive him a couple hours away to a town where they'd go clubbing. It was going to be amazing to get away for a couple days. He'd told Avery about the plans and how excited he was to have a break, and Avery had been happy for him.
He'd been counting down the hours, and when he and Avery pulled back into the camp, he was too restless to eat dinner with everyone. He took some food to his cabin and waited for Carter to text him that he'd arrived. Just as it began getting dark, he heard from Carter and went to the main building to meet him.
Carter was standing in front of his Land Rover, dressed in a blazer. As usual, he looked rich as fuck.
"Hey, Dev, how have you been? I see you've survived this long," Carter said, giving him a quick hug.
"Survive is a good way to put it," he replied. "I'm glad to see you and pumped that I'm getting out of here and back to some semblance of my old life, even if it's just for a weekend. I owe you big time for doing this."
"No problem. You know you're my favorite cousin," Carter replied, wearing a smirk that matched his. "It'll be fun. We haven't gone out in a while, even before you got stuck here. Anyway, show me the place."
He gave Carter a quick tour, and his cousin looked in disdain at the kitchen and dining area and at the older trucks they had to drive.
"It's barely a step above prison. Please tell me your accommodations are better."
"Hardly," he snorted. "They're pretty rough too."
While he didn't exactly feel that way anymore, he was quick to fall back into his old habits.
As they walked to the cabins, he wondered if he should introduce Carter to any of his coworkers. He hadn't seen anybody yet, so they all must have settled into their cabins for the night. Carter must have been thinking the same thing.
"So, where's that guy you've been slumming it with?" Carter asked, referring to what Devin had told him about Avery during his first week here. "I want to see if he's really as pathetic as you said he is. At least you're lucky you can even get some ass here, but I hope you haven't had to stoop too low. I don't think I could bring myself to fuck someone I wasn't attracted to at all."
He opened his mouth to object, to tell Carter that Avery wasn't actually that bad, that things had changed and he liked the guy now, but then he saw Avery himself step out from in between two of the cabins. From the look on Avery's face, he realized with a sinking feeling that Avery had heard the entire thing. Avery turned and began to quickly walk away, heading back into the trees towards the creek.
"Shit," he swore. He pushed his key into Carter's hand. "Go chill at my cabin. The number is on the key. I'll be back later."
"Dude, was that him?" Carter asked, raising both eyebrows.
He nodded before taking off after Avery, cursing himself for his bad luck. He never meant for Avery to hear any of that. Besides, his feelings about Avery had changed, so none of that was even true anymore.
"Avery!" he called. He finally caught up to him just as Avery reached the creek. "Hey, can we talk? I don't -"
Avery turned around, and he could see his eyes shining in the moonlight, tears threatening to fall. He immediately felt like shit. Doing something that hurt sweet, good-natured Avery felt a lot like kicking a puppy.
"There's nothing to say," Avery told him, his voice trembling. "It's pretty clear what you think of me."
"If you just let me explain -"
"No," Avery said, shaking his head. "What is there to explain? You keep hurting me. I'm tired of you slacking off and making my job harder, and of you being rude to everyone. I'm not going to let you use me anymore. Please just go."
"Avery -"
"We're done. Go enjoy your weekend with your cousin and leave me alone."
Not knowing what else to do, he turned and walked away.
Author's note: I want to thank everyone for their support so far. All of the reads, votes, and comments mean a lot to me! I can't believe this story has over 1,000 reads!
This chapter felt a little awkward. I'm still learning a lot about writing and I'd appreciate any feedback. If there's a spelling or grammar error or something doesn't read well, feel free to comment and let me know.
The entire story is already written out and I just need to post it, so I'm going to try to update more consistently now and get it completed on here.
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