You look over at Taehyung as he walks towards the front door of the large home. Biting onto your lower lip, you find yourself now getting nervous as you realize that you're going to be meeting the rest of his friends for the first time.
As he steps into the front door of the home, he holds his hand back to you. You take a deep breath before gently placing your hand in his.
He immediately encloses his hand around yours, holding it gently. He glances back at you, giving you a reassuring grin before the two of you make your way into the area where all of the people are.
Upon getting into the room, you see multiple people looking in your direction. You immediately feel your stomach dropping as you grow nervous.
Taehyung gently squeezes your hand in his before he then steps towards a group of six men standing there. You look at the six men standing there. You immediately recognize Jimin as he stands there. He waves in your direction, which causes the other five men to look at you.
One has dark, black hair covering his forehead. When he smiles, his front teeth resemble bunny teeth. He's dressed in a black dress shirt, black slacks, and a pair of black dress shoes. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, revealing one arm that has tattoos covering every inch of his skin.
One has light brown hair that's slicked back, revealing his forehead. He's wearing a purple dress shirt along with black slacks. You notice that he has his darker purple jacket hanging from his shoulder. He smiles in your direction and you can't help but notice how his smile resembles sunshine. You feel a sense of relief at how kind and welcoming he looks. His eyes slightly squint as he smiles in your direction.
The next man you notice has gray hair. It's slicked back, revealing his small forehead. As he smiles at you, you notice the dimples on his face. His eyes also squint as he smiles over at you. He's dressed in a dark gray suit with a red tie.
The fourth man is one who looks familiar to you. You think Taehyung has mentioned this friend to you... Yoongi, was it?
His hair is dark black and covering his forehead. He's wearing a white dress shirt with tan slacks and black dress shoes. He gives you a small grin before nodding his head in the direction of Taehyung.
The last man has plump lips resembling Jimin's. He has light blonde hair. He's wearing a light pink dress shirt and black pants. He holds his hand up, waving in your direction.
Once you and Taehyung are now standing directly in front of these men, Taehyung gestures towards you.
"Hey guys, this is Y/N, my new girlfriend." He states. The boys lift their eyebrows before looking over at you.
"Really?" the one with gray hair questions. "Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Namjoon. What's your name?" he questions.
"I'm Y/N." you state while giving a friendly smile.
"I'm Jungkook." The man with black hair wearing all black answers.
"I'm Yoongi." Ah, so you were right about the one you thought was Yoongi.
"I'm Seokjin." The one with plump lips similar to Jimin states.
"I'm Hoseok, it's really nice to finally meet the girl Tae-Tae's been talking about for weeks now." Hoseok states while smiling eagerly at you. He then steps towards you, causing you to widen your eyes. "You don't mind hugs, do you?" you shake your head as he asks this before hugging him back as he gives you a friendly embrace.
You smile as he does this before watching as he pulls away to stand next to you.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Jungkook questions.
"A few weeks now." Jimin answers for you and Taehyung. Taehyung eyes Jimin while Jimin merely smirks, shrugging his shoulders before taking a sip of his drink.
The other men merely laugh, already knowing that Jimin appears to be in a know-it-all mood today.
"How did you two meet?" Seokjin questions next.
"I was meeting you guys for dinner and I saw Y/N on a date with another man." Taehyung states before licking his lips as he looks over at you. "She was having a horrible time on the date and I thought to myself 'she's too cute to be on such a horrible date' and approached her." He states.
"Basically, what he's trying to say is that he saved my ass." You state, laughing softly. This causes the men to laugh before nodding their heads.
"Just how bad was the date?" Yoongi questions.
"He was telling me the most disgusting sex story while I was literally eating." You state. This causes each of the men to physically cringe at the thought. They all then laugh before nodding their heads.
"Well, Taehyung-ah may be gross... but at least he's not that gross." Hoseok jokes. Taehyung merely rolls his eyes before smiling. He then leans towards you, giving you a look that could hypnotize you.
"I'm not gross, am I, baby?" Taehyung questions while staring over at you. He licks his lips while maintaining eye contact with you.
You feel your heart speed up as you stare at the man. Your body heats up at the way he's looking at you... like he's about to devour you.
Biting onto your lower lip, you immediately shake your head. This causes him to smirk, pleased with your response. He reaches his hand up, resting his thumb on your chin. He then leans in slowly before placing a gentle, warm kiss on your lips.
You press your lips gently onto his in return and find your stomach doing somersaults as you do so. Sighing a happy sigh, you slowly pull away from the kiss and smile up at Taehyung.
He bites onto his lower lip while staring down at you before smirking. He then moves his hand away from your chin and wraps his arm around your shoulders.
"Aish, and you were telling Soojin and I to get a room on our double date?" Jimin questions suddenly, causing everyone to look at him. "Did you see what you two just did? That's far worse than the stuff Soojin and I did at dinner."
"But the difference is that all of you aren't eating. You're just drinking. At least I had the decency to not makeout in front of you while you're trying to digest your food." Taehyung responds, pulling you closer to him.
You look up at him, amazed. As you stare up at him, you part your lips, breathing heavily.
Is this still... pretend?
If so, this man needs to change his career and become an actor. The way he has your knees feeling weak right now is a special talent for someone who's just acting.
After a few seconds of staring up at him, you snap yourself out of it. Looking away from him, you glance at the other men. They are laughing at the argument that Jimin and Taehyung continued having. While staring at Taehyung, you had tuned out the argument, no longer able to hear it.
You merely blink, now unaware of what these insults mean.
"Dead brain cells are coming out of your mouth now, Jimin. Be quiet." Taehyung states, causing you to furrow your eyebrows as you grow even more confused. Eventually, you give up trying to figure out what they're arguing about now. Instead, you decide to look at each of the men to memorize their names.
You had never been good with names, especially when meeting so many people at once.
When you make eye contact with Yoongi, you see that he's already staring at you. You give him a friendly smile. He grins before gesturing towards the bar.
"While you two have that argument, I'm going to show Y/N where everything is." He states. "You don't mind, right, Taehyung?" Taehyung merely shakes his head.
"I don't mind." He responds before pressing his lips against your cheek, giving you a gentle kiss on the cheek. He then removes his arm from your shoulder so you can walk with Yoongi.
You and Yoongi make your way towards the bar. Upon standing at the bar, he looks over at you.
"Is there anything specific you would like?" You look up at the menu, contemplating if you should get one.
Maybe if you order a drink, you'd be able to resist Taehyung's charms now that you know you have a crush on him. However, maybe it might have the opposite effect and cause your crush to become more intense.
You eventually decide against it and order an iced tea.
Yoongi orders himself some Soju before looking over at you as you two wait for the drinks.
"So, Taehyung saved you from a bad date, huh?" you nod as he asks this, smiling as you think about it.
"Yeah, he became my 'bad date bodyguard' for a bit." You reply. He smiles softly before nodding his head.
"Was one of your bad dates during a time we were with Taehyung?" he then questions while looking over at you. "I feel like I remember him leaving us to go help a woman with something." He states. You nod your head before shrugging your shoulders.
"Yeah there was one time where he was with your group and ended up coming with me when I had a bad date." You state. He nods his head before grinning. "I think I also ran into you once at university when a creep was chasing me and I bumped into you and Taehyung."
"Well, I'm glad he's finally starting to date again." He states. This causes you to furrow your eyebrows.
The bartender places your drinks on the counter. You take the iced tea and take a sip of it before looking over at Yoongi.
"Did something bad happen in his dating life before him and I met?" you question. Yoongi lifts his eyebrows while looking over at you.
"Aw, shit." He states before looking over at the direction of Taehyung. He then looks back at you. "You two just started going out... I'm sure he'll tell you when he's comfortable with it."
"How bad was it?" you question. "You don't have to give me details, I just want to make sure I'm not thinking of the worst case scenario if it isn't as bad as I think." He shrugs his shoulders before taking a sip of his Soju.
"It's not a cheating thing, if that's what you're thinking." He states. "He just never has good luck with dating. That's why Hobi went to hug you right away; it's rare for us to actually meet his dates." You nod your head gently.
You bite onto your lower lip before glancing over at Taehyung.
You see him smiling his signature boxy smile as he talks to the other five men.
Feeling you staring at him, he turns his head and notices you looking at him. He nods his head in your direction, smile still present on his face. He then winks before gesturing for you to come join the conversation.
You nod your head and hold up your index finger, indicating for him to give you a minute.
"Well, thanks for letting me know. I'm sure you're right; he'll tell me when the time's right." You state before shrugging your shoulders. "We just started dating anyway, I want to get to know him."
Yoongi nods his head before gesturing towards the group, indicating that you two should go back to the group.
As you two get back to where the group is, you see Jungkook and Taehyung messing around. They're dancing to the song that's playing in the background of the party. It's a classy, slow song with piano. Something that you can see Taehyung listening to in his free time.
Taehyung has his arm wrapped around Jungkook's shoulders while Jungkook has his arm placed on Taehyung's lower back. Jungkook then pretends to dip Taehyung, causing the rest of the boys to laugh.
You let out a soft laugh, causing Taehyung to look over at you. He then taps on Jungkook's shoulder, telling him to lift him back up. He then steps towards you, taking your hand in his, twirling you in a circle.
"Ah, my girl's back." He says with a wide grin. "Jungkook taught me something. Look." He states before he then dips you, causing you to let out a loud laugh. You lift your leg and allow your head to lean back. He then lifts you back up, letting you stand up straight.
"Wow, that's a different type of adrenaline rush." You say while laughing.
"Almost like the ones you get on my motorcycle, huh, baby?" You nod your head, biting onto your lower lip.
"Yeah... maybe a little more intense though." You respond while smiling up at him. He smiles back before gently tapping the tip of his index finger on your nose.
This is going to be a fun party.
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